20 lines
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20 lines
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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
!function (e, n) { "function" == typeof define && false && define.amd ? define(["exports", "echarts"], n) : "object" == typeof exports && "string" != typeof exports.nodeName ? n(exports, require("echarts")) : n({}, e.echarts) }(this, function (e, n) { var a = function (e) { "undefined" != typeof console && console && console.error && console.error(e) }; n ? n.registerMap ? n.registerMap("台湾", { type: "FeatureCollection", features: [{ type: "Feature", properties: { adm1_code: "TWN-1156", OBJECTID_1: 1250, diss_me: 1156, adm1_cod_1: "TWN-1156", iso_3166_2: "TW-KHH", wikipedia: null, iso_a2: "TW", adm0_sr: 1, name_en: "Kaohsiung City", name: "高雄市", name_local: null, type: "Zhixiashi", type_en: "Special Municipality", code_local: null, code_hasc: "TW.KH.KC", note: "Established on 2010-12-25 by merging Kaohsiung City (old) with Kaohsiung County", hasc_maybe: null, region: "Special Municipalities", region_cod: null, provnum_ne: 12, gadm_level: 2, check_me: 20, scalerank: 9, datarank: 8, abbrev: null, postal: "KH", area_sqkm: 0, sameascity: 1, labelrank: 9, featurecla: "Admin-1 scale rank", name_len: 14, mapcolor9: 7, mapcolor13: 2, fips: null, fips_alt: null, woe_id: 20070571, woe_label: null, woe_name: "Kaohsiung City", latitude: 23.0157, longitude: 120.609, sov_a3: "TWN", adm0_a3: "TWN", adm0_label: 2, admin: "Taiwan", geonunit: "Taiwan", gu_a3: "TWN", gn_id: 6724652, gn_name: "Kao-hsiung Hsien", gns_id: -2632385, gns_name: "Gaoxiong Shi", gn_level: 2, gn_region: null, gn_a1_code: "TW.KHQ", region_sub: null, sub_code: null, gns_level: 1, gns_lang: "zho", gns_adm1: "TW02", gns_region: null }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: ["@@PiWckQIUH[jYreVuBQ¹[q[][{cGiRiUcw[GqR
|[^KbPbJ^KhUjevcG`BVLZBPCJIFIJEPUdENO¢pZBC^}fOºOFG`J\\TrRp`ThVdjtpnrfztr|º¬Rp@@GnKbBb\\ZtEnF tbflz^bd\\prÐbElObiDM"], encodeOffsets: [[123924, 24e3]] } }, { type: "Feature", properties: { adm1_code: "TWN-1158", OBJECTID_1: 1251, diss_me: 1158, adm1_cod_1: "TWN-1158", iso_3166_2: "TW-PIF", wikipedia: null, iso_a2: "TW", adm0_sr: 1, name_en: "Pingtung", name: "屏东县", name_local: null, type: "Hsien", type_en: "County", code_local: null, code_hasc: "TW.TW.PT", note: "Contains the Island Liuch'iu Y?, which should belong to Kaohsiung Shi Special Municipality", hasc_maybe: null, region: "Taiwan Province", region_cod: null, provnum_ne: 11, gadm_level: 2, check_me: 20, scalerank: 9, datarank: 8, abbrev: null, postal: "PT", area_sqkm: 0, sameascity: -99, labelrank: 9, featurecla: "Admin-1 scale rank", name_len: 8, mapcolor9: 7, mapcolor13: 2, fips: null, fips_alt: null, woe_id: 2347340, woe_label: null, woe_name: "Pingtung County", latitude: 22.5344, longitude: 120.661, sov_a3: "TWN", adm0_a3: "TWN", adm0_label: 2, admin: "Taiwan", geonunit: "Taiwan", gu_a3: "TWN", gn_id: 1670479, gn_name: "Pingtung", gns_id: -2635733, gns_name: "Pingdong Xian", gn_level: 2, gn_region: null, gn_a1_code: "TW.PIF", region_sub: null, sub_code: null, gns_level: 1, gns_lang: "zho", gns_adm1: "TW18", gns_region: null }, geometry: { type: "MultiPolygon", coordinates: [["@@BCB@@CLMCC@CSKCAKIWQ@@@@EVJT@@VZP@FD"], ["@@z}ngpbBhG@@\\mFchGlYU£@eOa]eS{Ki_Qo[mWuE©HoPiHs@eVcdgS[iWO[C_V[ZKX_@iDiXkdaadBFƳKuSiYQ_[B{JAicpsf}Z{NCoQQYF[XAPJrkAR@NBX@FXRZDTÙƶMTiraOTnWNIBGFG\\CHaVbcVe^OJCBÔCzSv@tlØBCrTzJrNdÊG~Trt`¦orjzL"]], encodeOffsets: [[[123261, 22893]], [[123632, 23437]]] } }, { type: "Feature", properties: { adm1_code: "TWN-1160", OBJECTID_1: 290, diss_me: 1160, adm1_cod_1: "TWN-1160", iso_3166_2: "TW-TNN", wikipedia: null, iso_a2: "TW", adm0_sr: 7, name_en: "Tainan City", name: "台南市", name_local: null, type: "Zhixiashi", type_en: "Special Municipality", code_local: null, code_hasc: "TW.TW.TN", note: "Established on 2010-12-25 by merging Tainan City (old) with Tainan County", hasc_maybe: null, region: "Special Municipalities", region_cod: null, provnum_ne: 6, gadm_level: 2, check_me: 20, scalerank: 9, datarank: 8, abbrev: null, postal: "TN", area_sqkm: 0, sameascity: 1, labelrank: 9, featurecla: "Admin-1 scale rank", name_len: 11, mapcolor9: 7, mapcolor13: 2, fips: null, fips_alt: null, woe_id: 28751581, woe_label: null, woe_name: "Tainan City", latitude: 23.0464, longitude: 120.182, sov_a3: "TWN", adm0_a3: "TWN", adm0_label: 2, admin: "Taiwan", geonunit: "Taiwan", gu_a3: "TWN", gn_id: 1668354, gn_name: "Tainan", gns_id: -2637871, gns_name: "Tainan Shi", gn_level: 2, gn_region: null, gn_a1_code: "TW.TNQ", region_sub: null, sub_code: null, gns_level: 1, gns_lang: "zho", gns_adm1: "TW21", gns_region: null }, geometry: { type: "MultiPolygon", coordinates: [["@@CIQNM^DJD@HGDMROAE"], ["@@Uq@B^ BAD@KcAI"], ["@@A@\\FB@M_y"], ["@@AQ@@DDAEw"], ["@@M¥L_dY\\@jRhD\\GEQo«¹q{ysqeomisUcSgo_qQ[S_IHE¹PeP]~ADoY@@GlMZ]\\fXTlGfqFIKGYMQY@IPDrER_NQOMSUEUREZFXHPXL\\BXHHVIJR@N~@ERa\\UVF\\TLTFLRG\\IVHVJZRTCPDPZLLTF[PL^hMIxKpTTblZtfdbp`~Z¶TBxO`QP]LcHu"]], encodeOffsets: [[[122927, 23603]], [[122929, 23701]], [[122943, 23747]], [[122967, 23828]], [[123431, 23863]]] } }, { type: "Feature", properties: { adm1_code: "TWN-1161", OBJECTID_1: 1252, diss_me: 1161, adm1_cod_1: "TWN-1161", iso_3166_2: "TW-HSZ", wikipedia: null, iso_a2: "TW", adm0_sr: 1, name_en: "Hsinchu City", name: "新竹市", name_local: null, type: "Shi", type_en: "Provincial City", code_local: null, code_hasc: "TW.TW.HS", note: null, hasc_maybe: null, region: "Taiwan Province", region_cod: null, provnum_ne: 15, gadm_level: 2, check_me: 20, scalerank: 9, datarank: 8, abbrev: null, postal: "HH", area_sqkm: 0, sameascity: 1, labelrank: 9, featurecla: "Admin-1 scale rank", name_len: 12, mapcolor9: 7, mapcolor13: 2, fips: null, fips_alt: null, woe_id: 28751582, woe_label: null, woe_name: "Hsinchu City", latitude: 24.7757, longitude: 120.959, sov_a3: "TWN", adm0_a3: "TWN", adm0_label: 2, admin: "Taiwan", geonunit: "Taiwan", gu_a3: "TWN", gn_id: 1675103, gn_name: "Hsinchu", gns_id: -2631089, gns_name: "Xinzhu Shi", gn_level: 2, gn_region: null, gn_a1_code: "TW.HSQ", region_sub: null, sub_code: null, gns_level: 1, gns_lang: "zho", gns_adm1: "TW08", gns_region: null }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: ["@@AAcGaLU\\_RuR@@J^jRTFLALCLGPJVNL@@W¶ajS^[PYGYQIiEkO[_QgQS"], encodeOffsets: [[123864, 25309]] } }, { type: "Feature", properties: { adm1_code: "TWN-1162", OBJECTID_1: 1253, diss_me: 1162, adm1_cod_1: "TWN-1162", iso_3166_2: "TW-HSQ", wikipedia: null, iso_a2: "TW", adm0_sr: 1, name_en: "Hsinchu", name: "新竹县", name_local: null, type: "Hsien", type_en: "County", code_local: null, code_hasc: "TW.TW.HH", note: null, hasc_maybe: null, region: "Taiwan Province", region_cod: null, provnum_ne: 14, gadm_level: 2, check_me: 20, scalerank: 9, datarank: 8, abbrev: null, 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[["@@B@PAFKFCEO]@IFCD@@INHATJ@BB@@@"], ["@@@KYBWASEMITcJmEgmWCQFSLSFSSOoYwwAWDoGSIOGUCmCKGGCIHKBAG@LÏ]EQig_q@Vµ\\qVSNmbe@cO]C]RaReHKZFf[H`®¤^jE^LbRnDL^JZCZHR\\Wh\\XFnLfL^XfXtV^TCNGX@\\Ndf\\^P¦f¨xpNhZXdX\\^N\\HbVNZSZLTP\\R^nJZMFG@@ikaÑßUaQoKuCuBsZA[K[ByZkt[|I"]], encodeOffsets: [[[124869, 25450]], [[124808, 25195]]] } }, { type: "Feature", properties: { adm1_code: "TWN-1164", OBJECTID_1: 1255, diss_me: 1164, adm1_cod_1: "TWN-1164", iso_3166_2: "TW-KEE", wikipedia: null, iso_a2: "TW", adm0_sr: 1, name_en: "Keelung City", name: "基隆市", name_local: null, type: "Shi", type_en: "Provincial City", code_local: null, code_hasc: "TW.TW.CL", note: null, hasc_maybe: null, region: "Taiwan Province", region_cod: null, provnum_ne: 18, gadm_level: 2, check_me: 20, scalerank: 9, datarank: 8, abbrev: null, postal: "CL", area_sqkm: 0, sameascity: 1, labelrank: 9, featurecla: "Admin-1 scale rank", name_len: 12, mapcolor9: 7, mapcolor13: 2, fips: null, fips_alt: null, woe_id: 22695855, woe_label: null, woe_name: "Keelung City", latitude: 25.1131, longitude: 121.704, sov_a3: "TWN", adm0_a3: "TWN", adm0_label: 2, admin: "Taiwan", geonunit: "Taiwan", gu_a3: "TWN", gn_id: 6724654, gn_name: "Keelung", gns_id: 10126902, gns_name: "Jilong Shi", gn_level: 2, gn_region: null, gn_a1_code: "TW.KEE", region_sub: null, sub_code: null, gns_level: 1, gns_lang: "zho", gns_adm1: "TW12", gns_region: null }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: ["@@ABS\\[CQQK_IgD^WP[XUXMZUZCTXPxVbT@@LEFGLK^IQ"], encodeOffsets: [[124684, 25747]] } }, { type: "Feature", properties: { adm1_code: "TWN-1165", OBJECTID_1: 1256, diss_me: 1165, adm1_cod_1: "TWN-1165", iso_3166_2: "TW-MIA", wikipedia: null, iso_a2: "TW", adm0_sr: 1, name_en: "Miaoli", name: "苗栗县", name_local: null, type: "Hsien", type_en: "County", code_local: null, code_hasc: "TW.TW.ML", note: null, hasc_maybe: null, region: "Taiwan Province", region_cod: null, provnum_ne: 19, gadm_level: 2, check_me: 20, scalerank: 9, datarank: 8, abbrev: null, postal: "ML", area_sqkm: 0, sameascity: -99, labelrank: 9, featurecla: "Admin-1 scale rank", name_len: 6, mapcolor9: 7, mapcolor13: 2, fips: null, fips_alt: null, woe_id: 2347338, woe_label: null, woe_name: "Miaoli County", latitude: 24.5253, longitude: 120.942, sov_a3: "TWN", adm0_a3: "TWN", adm0_label: 2, admin: "Taiwan", geonunit: "Taiwan", gu_a3: "TWN", gn_id: 1671968, gn_name: "Miaoli", gns_id: -2634238, gns_name: "Miaoli Xian", gn_level: 2, gn_region: null, gn_a1_code: "TW.MIA", region_sub: null, sub_code: null, gns_level: 1, gns_lang: "zho", gns_adm1: "TW15", gns_region: null }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: ["@@dHBBb^_p_g^WFeA[GWEUFSH[IaEc`E|NtDfC¢Vf[J]ZWdwDa[QMgeMi@_Sc_mUuSakPefmRFiWGsgSCnqHyZ³qfcd¤@@xzN\\HpPfnNnLRtNNPJRJR`^dXlJxGGfVZ\\ZPjFL\\NBH@@vQ`QV[bK"], encodeOffsets: [[123845, 25304]] } }, { type: "Feature", properties: { adm1_code: "TWN-1166", OBJECTID_1: 1257, diss_me: 1166, adm1_cod_1: "TWN-1166", iso_3166_2: "TW-TPE", wikipedia: null, iso_a2: "TW", adm0_sr: 1, name_en: "Taipei City", name: "台北市", name_local: null, type: "Zhixiashi", type_en: "Special Municipality", code_local: null, code_hasc: "TW.TP.TC", note: "Incorrectly labeled as Taipei County in previous versions", hasc_maybe: null, region: "Special Municipalities", region_cod: null, provnum_ne: 5, gadm_level: 2, check_me: 20, scalerank: 9, datarank: 8, abbrev: null, postal: "TW", area_sqkm: 0, sameascity: 1, labelrank: 9, featurecla: "Admin-1 scale rank", name_len: 11, mapcolor9: 7, mapcolor13: 2, fips: "TW03", fips_alt: "TW04", woe_id: 20070568, woe_label: null, woe_name: "Taipei City", latitude: 25.0904, longitude: 121.559, sov_a3: "TWN", adm0_a3: "TWN", adm0_label: 2, admin: "Taiwan", geonunit: "Taiwan", gu_a3: "TWN", gn_id: 1668338, gn_name: "T'ai-pei Shih", gns_id: -2637885, gns_name: "Taibei Shi", gn_level: 2, gn_region: null, gn_a1_code: "TW.TPE", region_sub: null, sub_code: null, gns_level: 1, gns_lang: "zho", gns_adm1: "TW03", gns_region: null }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: ["@@mBeF[X]^k`_pNtIlmh[^LTNRP`\\\\nVP`N\\GROEWDYLUNYR
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