/** @Name:treeGrid树状表格 @Author:beijiyi @version: 0.1 */ layui.config({ }).extend({ }).define(['laytpl', 'laypage', 'layer', 'form'], function(exports){ "use strict"; var $ = layui.$ ,laytpl = layui.laytpl ,laypage = layui.laypage ,layer = layui.layer ,form = layui.form ,hint = layui.hint() ,device = layui.device() ,isFirstLoad = 0 //用于异步是否第一次加载进来 //外部接口 ,table = { config: {//全局配置项,表格级别 indexName: 'lay_table_index' //下标索引名 ,cols:{//节点级别的附加字段 isCheckName: 'lay_is_checked' //选中状态(true,false) ,isRadio:'lay_is_radio'//单选状态(true,false) ,isOpen:'lay_is_open'//是否展开节点 ,isShow:'lay_is_show'//是否显示节点 ,level:'lay_level'//节点的层级关系(不需要设置) ,children:'children'//存放下级的变量 ,cheDisabled:'lay_che_disabled'//禁止多选(true,false) ,radDisabled:'lay_rad_disabled'//禁止单选(true,false) ,iconOpen:'lay_icon_open'//打开的图标 ,iconClose:'lay_icon_close'//关闭的图标 ,icon:'lay_icon'//叶子节点图标 } ,initWidth:{//默认列宽度定义 checkbox: 48 ,space: 15 ,numbers: 40 ,radio:48 } } /** * 缓存数据 * * 结构图示 * cache{} 缓存(对象) * key['data']{} 全部数据缓存(对象) * key[list][] 列表数据对象(数组) * key[map]{} 列表数据Map对象(Map) * key[treeList][] 树状结构的对象(数组) * key['cla']{} 全部已初始化过的Calss对象类(注意渲染是异步执行) * key['claIds'][] 全部已经吊用过初始化方法的表格类 * key[claObjs]{key[tableId]} 全部已经初始化好的cla对象 * */ ,cache: { tableId:{ data:{ list:[]//列表数据 ,map:{}//列表数据以idField或唯一值作为key的Map数据 ,treeList:[]//树状数据 ,upIds:[]//父节点集合 在一次外部请求前严格按照第一次的顺序 } } ,cla:{ claIds:{ tableId:true } ,claObjs:{ tableId:{} } } ,selectcode:{//数据字典缓存 demokey:[ { key:{value:''} } ] } } ,index: layui.table ? (layui.table.index + 10000) : 0 /** * 设置全局项 * @param options * @return {table} */ ,set: function(options){ var that = this; that.config = $.extend({}, that.config, options); return that; } /** * 事件监听 * @param events * @param callback * @return {*} */ ,on: function(events, callback){ return layui.onevent.call(this, MOD_NAME, events, callback); } ,getClass:function (tableId) { return table.cache.cla.claObjs[tableId];; } ,pushClass:function (tableId,that) { table.cache.cla.claObjs[tableId]=that; } ,isCalss:function (tableId) { var ids=this.cache.cla.claIds||{}; return ids.hasOwnProperty(tableId)||false; } ,isClassYes:function (tableId) { var ids=this.cache.cla.claIds||{}; return ids[tableId]||false; } ,pushClassIds:function (tableId,is) { this.cache.cla.claIds[tableId]=is; } ,setObj:function (tableId,key,o) { if(!this.obj[tableId])this.obj[tableId]={}; this.obj[tableId][key]=o; } ,getObj:function (tableId, key) { return this.obj[tableId]?this.obj[tableId][key]:null; } /** * 获取列表数据 */ ,getDataList:function (tableId) { if(table.cache[tableId]){ return table.cache[tableId].data.list; } return []; } /** * 设置列表数据 */ ,setDataList:function (tableId, list) { if(!table.cache[tableId])table.cache[tableId]={}; if(!table.cache[tableId].data)table.cache[tableId].data={}; if(!table.cache[tableId].data.list)table.cache[tableId].data.list=[]; table.cache[tableId].data.list=list; } /** * 获取列表数据 */ ,getDataMap:function (tableId) { if(table.cache[tableId]){ return table.cache[tableId].data.map; } return {}; } /** * 设置列表数据 */ ,setDataMap:function (tableId, map) { if(!table.cache[tableId])table.cache[tableId]={}; if(!table.cache[tableId].data)table.cache[tableId].data={}; if(!table.cache[tableId].data.map)table.cache[tableId].data.map={}; table.cache[tableId].data.map=map; } /** * 获取树状数据 */ ,getDataTreeList:function (tableId) { if(table.cache[tableId]){ return table.cache[tableId].data.treeList; } return []; } /** * 设置树状数据 */ ,setDataTreeList:function (tableId, treeList) { if(!table.cache[tableId])table.cache[tableId]={}; if(!table.cache[tableId].data)table.cache[tableId].data={}; if(!table.cache[tableId].data.treeList)table.cache[tableId].data.treeList={}; table.cache[tableId].data.treeList=treeList; } /** * 获取根节点数据 */ ,getDataRootList:function (tableId) { if(table.cache[tableId]){ return table.cache[tableId].data.upIds||[]; } return []; } /** * 设置根节点数据 */ ,setDataRootList:function (tableId, rootList) { if(!table.cache[tableId])table.cache[tableId]={}; if(!table.cache[tableId].data)table.cache[tableId].data={}; if(!table.cache[tableId].data.upIds)table.cache[tableId].data.upIds=[]; table.cache[tableId].data.upIds=rootList; } /** * 初始化 * @param filter * @param settings * @return {table} */ ,init:function (filter, settings) { settings = settings || {}; var that = this ,elemTable = filter ? $('table[lay-filter="'+ filter +'"]') : $(ELEM + '[lay-data]') ,errorTips = 'Table element property lay-data configuration item has a syntax error: '; //遍历数据表格 elemTable.each(function(){ var othis = $(this), tableData = othis.attr('lay-data'); try{ tableData = new Function('return '+ tableData)(); } catch(e){ hint.error(errorTips + tableData) } var cols = [], options = $.extend({ elem: this ,cols: [] ,data: [] ,skin: othis.attr('lay-skin') //风格 ,size: othis.attr('lay-size') //尺寸 ,even: typeof othis.attr('lay-even') === 'string' //偶数行背景 }, table.config, settings, tableData); filter && othis.hide(); //获取表头数据 othis.find('thead>tr').each(function(i){ options.cols[i] = []; $(this).children().each(function(ii){ var th = $(this), itemData = th.attr('lay-data'); try{ itemData = new Function('return '+ itemData)(); } catch(e){ return hint.error(errorTips + itemData) } var row = $.extend({ title: th.text() ,colspan: th.attr('colspan') || 0 //列单元格 ,rowspan: th.attr('rowspan') || 0 //行单元格 }, itemData); if(row.colspan < 2) cols.push(row); options.cols[i].push(row); }); }); //获取表体数据 othis.find('tbody>tr').each(function(i1){ var tr = $(this), row = {}; //如果定义了字段名 tr.children('td').each(function(i2, item2){ var td = $(this) ,field = td.data('field'); if(field){ return row[field] = td.html(); } }); //如果未定义字段名 layui.each(cols, function(i3, item3){ var td = tr.children('td').eq(i3); row[item3.field] = td.html(); }); options.data[i1] = row; }); table.render(options); }); return that; } /** * 渲染入口方法(核心入口) */ ,render:function (options) { table.pushClassIds(options.id); var inst = new Class(options); return thisTable.call(inst); } /** * 对应的表格加载完成后执行 * @param tableId * @param fn */ ,ready:function (tableId,fn) { var is=false; var myDate=new Date(); function isReady() { if(tableId){ var that=table.getClass(tableId); if(that&&that.hasOwnProperty('layBody')){ fn(that); is=true; }else{ var myDate2=new Date(); var i=myDate2.getTime()-myDate.getTime(); if(i<=(1000*10)&&!is){//大于10秒退出 setTimeout(isReady,50); } } } } if(tableId&&fn){ setTimeout(isReady,50); } } /** * 获取表格选中记录 * @param tableId * @return {{data: Array, isAll: boolean}} */ ,checkStatus:function (tableId) { var nums = 0 ,invalidNum = 0 ,arr = [] ,data = table.getDataList(tableId) || []; //计算全选个数 layui.each(data, function(i, item){ if(item.constructor === Array){ invalidNum++; //无效数据,或已删除的 return; } if(item[table.config.cols.isCheckName]){ nums++; arr.push(table.clearCacheKey(item)); } }); return { data: arr //选中的数据 ,isAll: data.length ? (nums === (data.length - invalidNum)) : false //是否全选 }; } /** * 设置表格复选状态 * @param tableId * @param value 此值存在时为设置操作 * @returns {*} */ ,setCheckStatus:function(tableId, fildName, ids){ var retObj=null; var that=table.getClass(tableId) ,invalidNum = 0 ,arr = [] ,data = table.getDataList(tableId) || [] ,childs = that.layBody.find('input[name="layTableCheckbox"]')//复选框 ; if(fildName&&ids){//设置选中 var idsarr=ids.split(','); idsarr.forEach(function (o) { // console.log(o); var temo=null; data.forEach(function (e) { var b1=e[fildName]+""; var b2=o+""; if(b1==b2){ temo=e; return; }; }); if(temo){ var v=temo[table.config.indexName]; that.layBody.find('input[name="layTableCheckbox"][value="'+v+'"]').prop("checked",true); that.setCheckData(v, true); } }); that.syncCheckAll(); that.renderForm('checkbox'); } return retObj; } /** * 表格单选状态 * @param tableId * @param value 此值存在时为设置操作 * @returns {*} */ ,radioStatus:function (tableId) { var retObj=null; var nums = 0 ,invalidNum = 0 ,arr = [] ,data = table.getDataList(tableId) || []; var v=$("input[name='"+TABLE_RADIO_ID+tableId+"']:checked").val(); v=parseInt(v); data.forEach(function (e) { if(e[table.config.indexName]==v){ retObj=e; }; }); return table.clearCacheKey(retObj); } /** * 设置表格单选状态 * @param tableId * @param value 此值存在时为设置操作 * @returns {*} */ ,setRadioStatus:function (tableId,fildName,value) { var retObj=null; var nums = 0 ,invalidNum = 0 ,arr = [] ,data = table.getDataList(tableId) || []; if(fildName&&value){//设置选中 data.forEach(function (e) { var b1=e[fildName]+""; var b2=value+""; if(b1==b2){ retObj=e; return; }; }); if(retObj){ var v=retObj[table.config.indexName]; $("input:radio[name='"+TABLE_RADIO_ID+tableId+"'][value='"+v+"']").prop("checked",true); form.render('radio'); } } return retObj; } /** * 清除临时Key * @param data * @return {*} */ ,clearCacheKey:function (data) { data = $.extend({}, data); delete data[table.config.cols.isCheckName]; delete data[table.config.indexName]; return data; } /** * 刷新数据 * @param id * @param options * @return {*} */ ,query:function (tableId, options) { var that= table.getClass(tableId); that.renderTdCss(); if(that.config.data && that.config.data.constructor === Array) delete that.config.data; that.config = $.extend({}, that.config, options); that.pullData(that.page, that.loading()); } /** * 此方法为整体重新渲染(重量级刷新方法) * @param id * @param options */ ,reload:function (tableId, options) { var config = thisTable.config[tableId]; options = options || {}; if(!config) return hint.error('The ID option was not found in the table instance'); if(options.data && options.data.constructor === Array) delete config.data; return table.render($.extend(true, {}, config, options)); } /** * 添加一行或多行数据 * @param tableId 表格id * @param index 在第几个位置插入(从0开始) * @param data 数据 * @returns {*} */ ,addRow:function (tableId, index, dataArr) { var that=table.getClass(tableId) ,options=that.config ,invalidNum = 0 ,arr = [] ,data ,map=table.getDataMap(tableId) ,treeList=table.getDataTreeList(tableId) ,list = table.getDataList(tableId) || []; var fa = function(that,options,treeList,list,data,index) { that.resetData(data); //插入到父节点后面 list.splice(index,0,data);//更新缓存 table.restNumbers(list);//重置下标 //处理map table.setDataMap(tableId,that.resetDataMap(list)); // that.resetDatas(list); //如果是树状则处理数据 if(options.isTree) { //1、处理父级 2、处理treeObj 3、层级 var uo=that.treeFindUpData(data); if(uo) { var clist=uo.children; uo.children.push(data); data[table.config.cols.level]=uo[table.config.cols.level]+1; that.treeNodeOpen(uo, true);//展开节点 that.renderTreeConvertShowName(uo); }else{ data[table.config.cols.level]=1; treeList.push(data); } } //生成html var tds=that.renderTr(data,data[table.config.indexName]); var trs=''+ tds.join('') + ''; if(index==0){//在第一个位置插入 var tbody=that.layBody.find('table tbody'); $(tbody).prepend(trs); that.layBody.find(".layui-none").remove(); }else{ var o=that.layBody.find('[data-index='+(index-1)+']');//父节点dom树 var parentidData = table.getDataList(that.key)[index-1] var treeId = options.treeId; var trsSysParentid = parentidData[treeId]; var treeUpId = options.treeUpId; var addNewRow = function (obj,trs) { if(obj.next('tr').length>0){ var nextData = table.getDataList(that.key)[index+1]; var nextSysParentid = nextData[treeUpId]; if(trsSysParentid == nextSysParentid){ addNewRow(obj,trs); }else{ obj.after(trs); } }else{ obj.after(trs); } }; addNewRow($(o),trs) } that.renderForm(); if(!options.isAsynchronous){ that.renderPage(that.config.page.count+1);//分页渲染 } that.restNumbers(); that.events(); } if(dataArr instanceof Array){ for(var i=0; i0){ var temSonList=that.treeFindSonData(temo); temSonList.forEach(function (temii) { if(!delIds[temii[table.config.indexName]]){ sonList.push(temii); delIds[temii[table.config.indexName]]=temii[table.config.indexName]; } }); } sonList.push(temo); delIds[temo[table.config.indexName]]=temo[table.config.indexName]; }); return sonList; } ,treeFindUpDatas:function (tableId, o) { var that=table.getClass(tableId); if(!that||!o)return []; return that.treeFindUpDatas(o); } /** * 获取全部需要子节点id集合 * @param data(数组或对象) */ ,treeFindSonIds:function (tableId,data) { var delIds=[]; var sonList=table.treeFindSonList(tableId,data); sonList.forEach(function (temo) { delIds.push([table.config.indexName]); }); return delIds; } /** * 获取全部的id字段集合 * @param tableId * @param data * @returns {Array} */ ,treeFindSonIdFields:function (tableId,data) { var idField=[]; var that=table.getClass(tableId); var sonList=table.treeFindSonList(tableId,data); sonList.forEach(function (temo) { idField.push(temo[that.config.idField]); }); return idField; } ,treeIconRender:function (tableId, o) { var that=table.getClass(tableId); if(!that||!o)return []; return that.treeIconRender(o,false); } /** * 工具方法对象 */ ,kit:{ isArray:function (o) { return Object.prototype.toString.call(o) === '[object Array]'; } } } //操作当前实例 ,thisTable = function(){ var that = this ,options = that.config ,id = options.id; id && (thisTable.config[id] = options); return { reload: function(options){ that.reload.call(that, options); } ,config: options } } //字符常量 ,MOD_NAME = 'treeGrid', ELEM = '.layui-table', THIS = 'layui-this', SHOW = 'layui-show', HIDE = 'layui-hide', DISABLED = 'layui-disabled', NONE = 'layui-none' ,ELEM_VIEW = 'layui-table-view', ELEM_HEADER = '.layui-table-header', ELEM_BODY = '.layui-table-body', ELEM_MAIN = '.layui-table-main', ELEM_FIXED = '.layui-table-fixed', ELEM_FIXL = '.layui-table-fixed-l', ELEM_FIXR = '.layui-table-fixed-r', ELEM_TOOL = '.layui-table-tool', ELEM_PAGE = '.layui-table-page', ELEM_SORT = '.layui-table-sort', ELEM_EDIT = 'layui-table-edit', ELEM_HOVER = 'layui-table-hover' ,TABLE_RADIO_ID='table_radio_' ,ELEM_FILTER='.layui-table-filter' ,TREE_ID='treeId',TREE_UPID='treeUpId',TREE_SHOW_NAME='treeShowName',TREE_KEY_MAP='tree_key_map' //thead区域模板 ,TPL_HEADER = function(options){ var rowCols = '{{#if(item2.colspan){}} colspan="{{item2.colspan}}"{{#} if(item2.rowspan){}} rowspan="{{item2.rowspan}}"{{#}}}'; options = options || {}; return ['' ,'' ,'{{# layui.each(d.data.cols, function(i1, item1){ }}' ,'' ,'{{# layui.each(item1, function(i2, item2){ }}' ,'{{# if(item2.fixed && item2.fixed !== "right"){ left = true; } }}' ,'{{# if(item2.fixed === "right"){ right = true; } }}' ,function(){ if(options.fixed && options.fixed !== 'right'){ return '{{# if(item2.fixed && item2.fixed !== "right"){ }}'; } if(options.fixed === 'right'){ return '{{# if(item2.fixed === "right"){ }}'; } return ''; }() ,'' ,(options.fixed ? '{{# }; }}' : '') ,'{{# }); }}' ,'' ,'{{# }); }}' ,'' ,'
' ,'
' ,'{{# if(item2.type === "checkbox"){ }}' //复选框 ,'' ,'{{# } else { }}' ,'{{item2.title||""}}' ,'{{# if(!(item2.colspan > 1) && item2.sort){ }}' ,'' ,'{{# } }}' ,'{{# } }}' ,'
' ,'
'].join(''); } /** * 行内过滤区域 */ ,TPL_FILTER = function(options){ } //tbody区域模板 ,TPL_BODY = ['' ,'' ,'
'].join('') //主模板 ,TPL_MAIN = ['
' ,'{{# if(d.data.toolbar){ }}' ,'
' ,'{{# } }}' ,'
' ,'{{# var left, right; }}' ,'
' ,TPL_HEADER() ,'
' ,'
' ,TPL_FILTER() ,'
' ,'
' ,TPL_BODY ,'
' ,'{{# if(left){ }}' ,'
' ,'
' ,TPL_HEADER({fixed: true}) ,'
' ,'
' ,TPL_BODY ,'
' ,'
' ,'{{# }; }}' ,'{{# if(right){ }}' ,'
' ,'
' ,TPL_HEADER({fixed: 'right'}) ,'
' ,'
' ,'
' ,TPL_BODY ,'
' ,'
' ,'{{# }; }}' ,'
' ,'{{# if(d.data.isPage){ }}' ,'
' ,'
' ,'
' ,'{{# } }}' /*,''*/ ,'
'].join('') ,_WIN = $(window) ,_DOC = $(document) //构造器 ,Class = function(options){ var that = this; that.index = ++table.index; that.config = $.extend({}, that.config, table.config, options); that.render(); table.pushClass(options.id,that); }; /** * 表格行为属性(默认配置) */ Class.prototype.config = { limit: 10 //每页显示的数量 ,loading: true //请求数据时,是否显示loading ,cellMinWidth: 60 //所有单元格默认最小宽度 ,text: { none: '无数据' } ,isFilter:false//是否开启行内过滤 ,method:'post'//默认以post方式请求后台 ,radDisabledNum:0//禁止单选的记录数 ,cheDisabledNum:0//禁止多选的记录数 //树相关图表 ,branch: ['', ''] //父节点 ,leaf: '' //叶节点 ,iconOpen:true//默认开启树节点图标 ,isOpenDefault:true//默认展开还是折叠节点 ,parseData:null//加载数据后的回调方法 ,onClickRow:null//行单击事件 ,onDblClickRow:null//行双击事件 ,onBeforeCheck:null//复选前事件 ,isTree:true//默认为树表格 ,isPage:false//不分页 ,chkboxType:{ "Y": "ps", "N": "ps" }//是否开启子父节点关联 ,isAsynchronous:false ,sysParentid:'' }; //表格渲染 Class.prototype.render = function(){ var that = this ,options = that.config; options.elem = $(options.elem); options.where = options.where || {}; options.id = options.id || options.elem.attr('id'); //请求参数的自定义格式 options.request = $.extend({ pageName: 'page' ,limitName: 'limit' }, options.request) //响应数据的自定义格式 options.response = $.extend({ statusName: 'code' ,statusCode: 0 ,msgName: 'msg' ,dataName: 'data' ,countName: 'count' }, options.response); //如果 page 传入 laypage 对象 if(typeof options.page === 'object'){ options.limit = options.page.limit || options.limit; options.limits = options.page.limits || options.limits; that.page = options.page.curr = options.page.curr || 1; delete options.page.elem; delete options.page.jump; } if(!options.elem[0]) return that; that.setArea(); //动态分配列宽高 //开始插入替代元素 var othis = options.elem ,hasRender = othis.next('.' + ELEM_VIEW) //主容器 ,reElem = that.elem = $(laytpl(TPL_MAIN).render({ VIEW_CLASS: ELEM_VIEW ,data: options ,index: that.index //索引 })); options.index = that.index; //生成替代元素 hasRender[0] && hasRender.remove(); //如果已经渲染,则Rerender othis.after(reElem); that.renderTdCss(); //各级容器 that.layHeader = reElem.find(ELEM_HEADER); //表头 that.layMain = reElem.find(ELEM_MAIN);//内容区域 that.layBody = reElem.find(ELEM_BODY);//内容区域 that.layFixed = reElem.find(ELEM_FIXED);//浮动区域 that.layFixLeft = reElem.find(ELEM_FIXL);//左浮动 that.layFixRight = reElem.find(ELEM_FIXR);//有浮动 that.layTool = reElem.find(ELEM_TOOL);//工具栏区域 that.layPage = reElem.find(ELEM_PAGE);//分页区域 that.layFilter=reElem.find(ELEM_FILTER);//行内过滤条件区域 that.layTool.html( laytpl($(options.toolbar).html()||'').render(options) ); if(options.height) that.fullSize(); //设置body区域高度 //如果多级表头,则填补表头高度 if(options.cols.length > 1){ var th = that.layFixed.find(ELEM_HEADER).find('th'); th.height(that.layHeader.height() - 1 - parseFloat(th.css('padding-top')) - parseFloat(th.css('padding-bottom'))); } //渲染过滤区域 if(options.isFilter){ that.layFilter.html( that.renderFilter() ); } //请求数据 that.pullData(that.page); that.renderCss(); }; //根据列类型,定制化参数 Class.prototype.initOpts = function(item){ var that = this, options = that.config; //让 type 参数兼容旧版本 if(item.checkbox) item.type = "checkbox"; if(item.space) item.type = "space"; if(!item.type) item.type = "normal"; if(item.type !== "normal"){ item.unresize = true; item.width = item.width || table.config.initWidth[item.type]; } if(options.isFilter){//开启行内过滤 if(item.isFilter!=false){ item.isFilter=true; } } }; /** * 表格获取父容器高度 * @param tableId */ Class.prototype.getParentDivHeight = function(tableId){ var th=$("#"+tableId).parent().height(); return th; }; /** * 获取列定义 * @param tableId */ Class.prototype.getCols = function(field){ var that = this; var o={}; var cols=that.config.cols[0]; var isInt=false; var reg = /^[0-9]+.?[0-9]*$/; if (reg.test(field)) {//数字 isInt=true; } for(var ii in cols){ if(isInt){ if(ii==parseInt(field)) return cols[ii]; }else{ if(field==cols[ii].field)return cols[ii]; } } return o; }; //表格重载 Class.prototype.reload = function(options){ var that = this; if(that.config.data && that.config.data.constructor === Array) delete that.config.data; //that.config = $.extend({}, that.config, options); //获取行内过滤的值 //that.render(); return table.render($.extend(true, {}, that.config, options)); }; //页码 Class.prototype.page = 1; /** * 重置下标(插入删除等操作) * 1、data-index中的下标 * 2、tr中data的值 * 3、下标字段的值 * @param list */ Class.prototype.restNumbers=function(){ var that = this ,options = that.config; var trs=that.layBody.find('table tbody tr'); var i=0; trs.each(function (o) { $(this).attr("data-index",i); $(this).find(".laytable-cell-numbers p").text(i+1); $(this).data('index',i); i++; }); } /** * 初始化节点 * 在每一次数据加载时只执行一次 * query、reload时会执行 * @param o */ Class.prototype.resetData=function(n) { var that = this ,options = that.config; if(options.isTree){ if(!n.hasOwnProperty(table.config.cols.isOpen)){//如果不存在该属性则默认为true n[table.config.cols.isOpen]=options.isOpenDefault; } if(!n.hasOwnProperty(table.config.cols.isShow)){//如果不存在该属性则默认为true n[table.config.cols.isShow]=options.isOpenDefault?true:false; } } //禁止设置 if(!n.hasOwnProperty(table.config.cols.cheDisabled)){//不存在则默认为false n[table.config.cols.cheDisabled]=false; } //记录禁止多选、单选的记录数 if(n[table.config.cols.cheDisabled])options.cheDisabledNum++; if(n[table.config.cols.radDisabled])options.radDisabledNum++; n.children=[]; } /** * 构建map数据 * @param list * @return {{}} */ Class.prototype.resetDataMap=function(list) { var that = this ,options = that.config; var field_Id=options[TREE_ID]; var map={}; list.forEach(function (o) { map[o[field_Id]]=o; }); return map; } Class.prototype.resetDataresetRoot=true;//是否重新确定根节点 /** * 确定根节点id(重新登录根节点) */ Class.prototype.resetDataRoot=function (list) { var that = this ,options = that.config; var field_Id=options[TREE_ID]; var field_upId=options[TREE_UPID]; var map=table.getDataMap(that.config.id);//列表map,fieldId为key //设置map数据集合 var rootList=table.cache[options.id].data.upIds||[];//根节点list集合 var rootMap={};//根节点map集合 table.cache[options.id].data.upIds=[]; rootList=table.cache[options.id].data.upIds; for(var i=0;i0) { fa2(n.children,1+level); } } return; } fa2(treeList,1); //设置isOpen 和is_show状态 tableList.forEach(function (o) { var uo=that.treeFindUpData(o); if(!uo||(uo[table.config.cols.isOpen]&&uo[table.config.cols.isShow])){//没有父亲:显示;父亲打开状态(显示状态:显示;隐藏状态:隐藏) o[table.config.cols.isShow]=true; }else{ o[table.config.cols.isShow]=false; } }); return tableList; } /** * 重置当前表格的数据(1、普通列表;2树状表格) * 将列表数据转成树形结构和符合table展示的列表 * @param list 列表数据 * @param field_Id 树形结构主键字段 * @param field_upId 树形结构上级字段 * @returns {Array} [0]表格列表 [1]树形结构 */ Class.prototype.resetDatas=function(list) { // console.time("resetDatas"); var that = this ,options = that.config; var field_Id=options[TREE_ID]; var field_upId=options[TREE_UPID]; var datas=[]; var treeList=[]; var tableList=list; var map=that.resetDataMap(list);//列表map,fieldId为key //设置map数据集合 datas.push(tableList);//table结构 datas.push(treeList)//tree树结构 datas.push(map)//data数据 map结构 //设置到内存中去 table.setDataList(that.config.id,tableList); table.setDataTreeList(that.config.id,treeList); table.setDataMap(that.config.id,map); if(list==null||list.length<=0)return datas; //设置默认参数 for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { that.resetData(list[i]); } if(options.isTree){//树状 tableList=[]; table.setDataList(that.config.id,tableList); var rootList=table.cache[options.id].data.upIds||[];//根节点list集合 if(rootList.length<=0||that.resetDataresetRoot){//确定根节点 table.cache[options.id].data.upIds=[]; rootList=that.resetDataRoot(list); that.resetDataresetRoot=false; } treeList=that.resetDataTreeList(list,rootList); table.setDataTreeList(that.config.id,treeList);//设置树结构到缓存 tableList=that.resetDataTableList(treeList); table.setDataList(that.config.id,tableList);//设置数据列表结构到缓存 } // console.timeEnd("resetDatas"); return datas; } /** * 根据id从表格数据中获取对象 * @param data * @param field_Id * @param field_upId * @returns {Array} */ Class.prototype.treeFindDataById=function(u_Id) { var that = this ,options = that.config; var e=null; var list=table.getDataList(that.key); var key=options[TREE_ID]; list.forEach(function (o) { if(o[key]==u_Id){ e=o; return; } }); return e; } /** * 获取父节点 * @param u_Id */ Class.prototype.treeFindUpData=function(o){ var uOjb=null; var that = this ,options = that.config; //处理父级 var key=options[TREE_UPID];//父节点key名称 var mapData=table.getDataMap(that.config.id);//获取map形式对象集合 uOjb=mapData[o[key]]; return uOjb; } /** * 获取全部父节点集合,返回list(不包含自己) * @param u_Id */ Class.prototype.treeFindUpDatas=function(o){ var uOjb=null; var that = this ,options = that.config; var list=[]; var temf=function (temo) { var uo=that.treeFindUpData(temo); if(uo){ list.push(uo); temf(uo); } }; temf(o); return list; } /** * 根据父id获取全部的叶子节点(递归) * @param o 数据对象 * @return {string} */ Class.prototype.treeFindSonData=function (data) { var objs=[]; function f(o) { if(o.children.length>0){ o.children.forEach(function (i) { objs.push(i); if(i.children.length>0){ f(i); } }); } }f(data); return objs; }; /** * 叶子节点显示转换 * @param o 数据 * @param fieldName 树显示列名 * @returns {string} */ Class.prototype.treeConvertShowName=function (o) { var that = this ,options = that.config; var isTreeNode=((o.children&&o.children.length>0) || (o.CHILDCOUNT&&o.CHILDCOUNT>0)) ; var temhtml='
' +function () {//位移量 var nbspHtml=""//一次位移 for(var i=1;i"; return nbspHtml; }() +function () {//图标或占位符 var temTreeHtml=''; var temTreeIsOpen=o[table.config.cols.isOpen]?"":""; if(isTreeNode){//父节点 temTreeHtml=''+temTreeIsOpen+'' +that.treeIconRender(o,true); }else{//叶子节点 temTreeHtml+=that.treeIconRender(o,true); } return temTreeHtml; }() +'
'; return temhtml; }; /** * 节点的展开或折叠 * @param o 节点数据(树状表格) * @param isOpen 展开(true)或折叠(false) * * 每个节点有两种状态, * 1、打开状态(isOpen) 打开状态只需在点击瞬间控制,其他时候不需要变动 * 2、显示状态(显示或隐藏) 显示状态根据父级节点控制,父级节点是显示并且打开状态的则显示,否则不显示,但不影响其打开状态 */ Class.prototype.treeNodeOpen=function (o,isOpen) { var that = this ,options = that.config ,tr = that.layBody.find('tr[data-index="'+ o[table.config.indexName] +'"]'); o[table.config.cols.isOpen]=isOpen; //处理树结构 var fa = function(e) { if(e.children&&e.children.length>0){ var temList=e.children; for (var i = 0; i < temList.length; i++) { var n = temList[i]; if(o[table.config.cols.isOpen]){//打开状态的,关闭 if(e[table.config.cols.isOpen]&&e[table.config.cols.isShow]){//该节点显示 var temo=that.layBody.find('tr[data-index="'+ n[table.config.indexName] +'"]'); temo.show(); n[table.config.cols.isShow]=true; } }else{ var temo=that.layBody.find('tr[data-index="'+ n[table.config.indexName] +'"]'); temo.hide(); n[table.config.cols.isShow]=false; } fa(n); } } } fa(o); //处理图标 that.treeIconRender(o,false); var dbClickI=tr.find('.layui-tree-head'); if(o[table.config.cols.isOpen]){//打开状态 dbClickI.html(''); }else{ dbClickI.html(''); } }; /** * icon渲染 * @param o * @param isHtml true false 是否返回html */ Class.prototype.treeIconRender=function (o,isHtml) { var that = this ,options = that.config ,iconOpen=options.iconOpen ,isTreeNode=((o.children&&o.children.length>0) || (o.CHILDCOUNT&&o.CHILDCOUNT>0)); var temTreeHtml=''; if(iconOpen){ var temf=function () {//自定义图标 var temhtml=''; return temhtml; } if(isTreeNode){//父节点 if((o[table.config.cols.iconOpen]||o[table.config.cols.iconClose])){ temTreeHtml=temf(); }else{ temTreeHtml=''+(o[table.config.cols.isOpen]?that.config.branch[1]:that.config.branch[0])+''; } }else{//叶子节点 if(o[table.config.cols.icon]){ temTreeHtml=temf(); }else{ temTreeHtml+=''+that.config.leaf+''; } } if(isHtml){ return temTreeHtml; }else{ var temdiv=that.layBody.find('tr[data-index="'+ o[table.config.indexName] +'"]').find('td[data-field='+options[TREE_SHOW_NAME]+']').find('.layui-table-cell'); $(temdiv).find('div .layui-tree-'+o[options.idField]).remove();//节点附加div $(temdiv).find('div').append(temTreeHtml); } }else{ return temTreeHtml; } } //获得数据 Class.prototype.pullData = function(curr, loadIndex,index){ var that = this ,options = that.config ,request = options.request ,response = options.response ,sort = function(){ if(typeof options.initSort === 'object'){ that.sort(options.initSort.field, options.initSort.type); } }; that.startTime = new Date().getTime(); //渲染开始时间 if(options.url){ //Ajax请求 var params = {}; if(options.page){ params[request.pageName] = String(curr); params[request.limitName] = String(options.limit); } //行内过滤条件 that.filterRulesSet(params);//行内过滤条件 params = that.sortSet(params);//排序条件 if(options.isAsynchronous){ params = that.getParams(params);//异步请求发送点击父节点id } //参数 var data = $.extend(params, options.where); if (options.contentType && options.contentType.indexOf("application/json") == 0) { //提交 json 格式 data = JSON.stringify(data); } $.ajax({ type: options.method || 'get' ,url: options.url ,contentType: options.contentType ,traditional: options.traditional ,data: data ,dataType: 'json' ,success: function(res){ if(!res[response.dataName]){//返回是未定义或null时转成[] res[response.dataName]=[] res[response.statusName]=0; res[response.countName]=0; res[response.msgName]='返回的数据状态异常'; }; that.resetDataresetRoot=true; //如果有数据解析的回调,则获得其返回的数据 if(typeof options.parseData === 'function'){ res = options.parseData(res) || res; } if((options.isAsynchronous && isFirstLoad!=1)||index==undefined){ that.resetDatas(res[response.dataName]); res[response.dataName]=table.getDataList(options.id); } if(res[response.statusName] != response.statusCode){ that.renderForm(); that.layMain.html('
'+ (res[response.msgName] || '返回的数据状态异常') +'
'); } else { if(options.isAsynchronous && isFirstLoad==1){ if(index!=undefined){ var datas=table.getDataList(that.key);//数据 var o=datas[index]; that.treeNodeOpen(o,!o[table.config.cols.isOpen]); table.addRow(that.key, index+1, res.obj); that.resize(); that.nodeKeyData={}; }else{ that.renderData(res, curr, res[response.countName]); options.time = (new Date().getTime() - that.startTime) + ' ms'; //耗时(接口请求+视图渲染) } }else{ isFirstLoad = 1 that.renderData(res, curr, res[response.countName]); options.time = (new Date().getTime() - that.startTime) + ' ms'; //耗时(接口请求+视图渲染) } } loadIndex && layer.close(loadIndex); that.events(); typeof options.done === 'function' && options.done(res, curr, res[response.countName]); // that.nodeKeyData={} } ,error: function(e, m){ that.layMain.html('
'); that.renderForm(); loadIndex && layer.close(loadIndex); } }); } else if(options.data && options.data.constructor === Array){ //已知数据 var res = {},startLimit = curr*options.limit - options.limit res[response.dataName] = options.data.concat().splice(startLimit, options.limit); res[response.countName] = options.data.length; if(typeof options.parseData === 'function'){ res = options.parseData(res) || res; } that.resetDatas(res[response.dataName]); res[response.dataName]=table.getDataList(options.id); that.renderData(res, curr, options.data.length), sort(); that.events(); typeof options.done === 'function' && options.done(res, curr, res[response.countName]); } }; /** * 设置过滤条件 */ Class.prototype.filterRulesSet=function (p) { var that = this; p["filterRules"]=JSON.stringify(that.filterRules()); } /** * 获取过滤条件 * filterRules: * [ * {"field":"XXXX","op":"equals","value":["1"],"datatype":"array"} * ,{"field":"XXXX","op":"contains","value":"3","datatype":"string"} * ] */ Class.prototype.filterRules=function () { var that = this; var filterRules=[]; //行内过滤条件 var list=that.layFilter.find("[name^='filter_']"); layui.each(list,function (i, o) { if($(o).val()){ var tem={ "field":o.name ,"op":"like" ,"value":$(o).val() ,"datatype":"string" } filterRules.push(tem); } }); // console.log(filterRules,filterRules.toString(),JSON.stringify(filterRules)); return filterRules; } //遍历表头 Class.prototype.eachCols = function(callback){ var cols = $.extend(true, [], this.config.cols) ,arrs = [], index = 0; //重新整理表头结构 layui.each(cols, function(i1, item1){ layui.each(item1, function(i2, item2){ //如果是组合列,则捕获对应的子列 if(item2.colspan > 1){ var childIndex = 0; index++ item2.CHILD_COLS = []; layui.each(cols[i1 + 1], function(i22, item22){ if(item22.PARENT_COL || childIndex == item2.colspan) return; item22.PARENT_COL = index; item2.CHILD_COLS.push(item22); childIndex = childIndex + (item22.colspan > 1 ? item22.colspan : 1); }); } if(item2.PARENT_COL) return; //如果是子列,则不进行追加,因为已经存储在父列中 arrs.push(item2) }); }); //重新遍历列,如果有子列,则进入递归 var eachArrs = function(obj){ layui.each(obj || arrs, function(i, item){ if(item.CHILD_COLS) return eachArrs(item.CHILD_COLS); callback(i, item); }); }; eachArrs(); }; /** * 渲染节点显示 * @param callback */ Class.prototype.renderTreeConvertShowName = function(o){ var that = this ,options = that.config ,m=options.elem ,hasRender = m.next('.' + ELEM_VIEW); var temhtml=that.treeConvertShowName(o); var temdiv=that.layBody.find('tr[data-index="'+ o[table.config.indexName] +'"]').find('td[data-field='+options[TREE_SHOW_NAME]+']').find('.layui-table-cell'); $(temdiv).find('div').remove(); $(temdiv).prepend(temhtml); } /** * 渲染表格单元格样式(宽度样式设置) * @param callback */ Class.prototype.renderTdCss = function(){ var that = this ,options = that.config ,m=options.elem ,hasRender = m.next('.' + ELEM_VIEW); var id= that.index+"_"+MOD_NAME+'_td_style'; hasRender.find("#"+id).remove(); var styel=''; // hasRender.append(styel); if (hasRender.find('#'+that.index+"_"+MOD_NAME+'_style').length == 0) { hasRender.append(styel); }else{ hasRender.find('#'+that.index+"_"+MOD_NAME+'_style').before(styel) } } /** * 插件内css */ Class.prototype.renderCss = function(){ var that = this ,options = that.config ,m=options.elem ,hasRender = m.next('.' + ELEM_VIEW); var id=that.index+"_"+MOD_NAME+'_style'; hasRender.find("#"+id).remove(); var styel=''; // hasRender.append(styel); if (hasRender.find('#'+that.index+"_"+MOD_NAME+'_td_style').length == 0) { hasRender.append(styel); }else{ hasRender.find('#'+that.index+"_"+MOD_NAME+'_td_style').after(styel) } } /** * 生成单元格 * @param obj 行数据 * @param numbers 下标 * @param cols 列定义数据 * @param i3 第几列 */ Class.prototype.renderTrUpids=function (obj) { var that = this ,options = that.config; var tree_upid_key=options[TREE_UPID]; var upids=' upids="'+obj["upIds"]+'" '; var u_id=' u_id="'+obj[tree_upid_key]+'" ' var ret=options.isTree?u_id:''; return ret; } /** * 生成单元格 * @param obj 行数据 * @param numbers 下标 * @param cols 列定义数据 * @param i3 第几列 */ Class.prototype.renderTd=function (param) { var that = this ,options = that.config; var cols=param.cols; var obj=param.obj; var numbers=param.numbers; var i3=param.i3; var v=obj[cols.field]==null?'':String(obj[cols.field]); var field = cols.field || i3, content = v ,cell = that.getColElem(that.layHeader, field); var treeImgHtml=''; if(options.isTree){ if(options.treeShowName==cols.field){ treeImgHtml=that.treeConvertShowName(obj); } } //td内容 var td = ['' ,'

'+ function(){ var tplData = $.extend(true, { LAY_INDEX: numbers }, obj); //渲染复选框列视图 if(cols.type === 'checkbox'){ return tplData[table.config.cols.cheDisabled]?'' :''; } else if(cols.type === 'numbers'){ //渲染序号 return numbers; }else if(cols.type === 'drop'){//下拉框 var rowsField=dl.ui.table.drop.findFieldObj(options.cols[0],field); if(rowsField&&rowsField['drop']){ var o=dl.cache.code.get(rowsField.drop); return dl.ui.table.drop.findDropLable(rowsField.drop,content); } }else if(cols.type === 'radio'){//单选 return tplData[table.config.cols.radDisabled]?'' :''; } //解析工具列模板 if(cols.toolbar){ return laytpl($(cols.toolbar).html()||'').render(tplData); } return cols.templet ? function(){ return typeof cols.templet === 'function' ? cols.templet(tplData) : laytpl($(cols.templet).html() || String(content)).render(tplData) }() : content; }() ,'

'].join(''); return td; } /** * 生成tr中的一行 * @param obj 行数据 * @param numbers 行号 * @returns {*} */ Class.prototype.renderTr=function (obj,numbers) { var that = this ,options = that.config; var tds= []; that.eachCols(function(i3, cols){//cols列定义 var field = cols.field || i3, content = obj[field] ,cell = that.getColElem(that.layHeader, field); if(content === undefined || content === null) content = ''; if(cols.colspan > 1) return; //td内容 var td = that.renderTd({ 'obj':obj,'numbers':numbers,'cols':cols,'i3':i3 }); tds.push(td); // if(item3.fixed && item3.fixed !== 'right') tds_fixed.push(td); // if(item3.fixed === 'right') tds_fixed_r.push(td); }); return tds; }; /** * 表格数据部分渲染入口 * @param res * @param curr * @param count * @param sort */ Class.prototype.renderData = function(res, curr, count, sort){ var that = this ,options = that.config ,data = res[options.response.dataName] || [] ,trs = [] ,trs_fixed = [] ,trs_fixed_r = [] //渲染视图 ,render = function(){ //后续性能提升的重点 if(!sort && that.sortKey){ return that.sort(that.sortKey.field, that.sortKey.sort, true); } layui.each(data, function(i1, obj){ var uo=that.treeFindUpData(obj); var display=""; if(!obj[table.config.cols.isShow]&&options.isTree){ display="display: none;"; } var tds = [], tds_fixed = [], tds_fixed_r = [] ,numbers = i1 + options.limit*(curr - 1) + 1; //序号 if(obj.length === 0) return; if(!sort){ obj[table.config.indexName] = i1; } tds=that.renderTr(obj,numbers); trs.push(''+ tds.join('') + ''); trs_fixed.push(''+ tds_fixed.join('') + ''); trs_fixed_r.push(''+ tds_fixed_r.join('') + ''); }); //if(data.length === 0) return; that.layBody.scrollTop(0); that.layMain.find('.'+ NONE).remove(); that.layMain.find('tbody').html(trs.join('')); that.layFixLeft.find('tbody').html(trs_fixed.join('')); that.layFixRight.find('tbody').html(trs_fixed_r.join('')); that.renderForm(); that.syncCheckAll(); that.haveInit ? that.scrollPatch() : setTimeout(function(){ that.scrollPatch(); }, 50); that.haveInit = true; layer.close(that.tipsIndex); }; that.key = options.id || options.index; // table.cache[that.key] = data; //记录数据 table.setDataList(that.key,data); //显示隐藏分页栏 that.layPage[data.length === 0 && curr == 1 ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass'](HIDE); //排序 if(sort){ return render(); } if(data.length === 0){ that.renderForm(); that.layFixed.remove(); that.layMain.find('tbody').html(''); that.layMain.find('.'+ NONE).remove(); // return that.layMain.append('
'+ options.text.none +'
'); var imgtop = 0, imgsize = 0, fontszie=0,fonttop=0; if (that.layMain.height()>150) { imgtop= '40px';imgsize= '80px';fontszie = '22px';fonttop = '10px' }else{ imgtop = '10px';imgsize = '40px';fontszie = '14px';fonttop = '5px' } return that.layMain.append('
' + '
' + ' ' + '
' + options.text.none + '
' + '
' + '
'); } // render(); // that.renderPage(count);//分页渲染 // //calss加载完成 // table.pushClassIds(options.id,true); // that.syncCheckAll(); // layui.each(options.cols, function(i1, item1){ // layui.each(item1, function(i2, item2){ // }) // }); render(); that.renderPage(count);//分页渲染 //calss加载完成 table.pushClassIds(options.id,true); }; /** * 渲染分页 */ Class.prototype.renderPage=function (count) { var that = this ,options = that.config; //同步分页状态 if(options.isPage){ options.page = $.extend({ elem: 'layui-table-page' + options.index ,count: count ,limit: options.limit ,limits: options.limits || [10,15,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90] ,groups: 3 ,layout: ['prev', 'page', 'next', 'skip', 'count', 'limit'] ,prev: '' ,next: '' ,jump: function(obj, first){ if(!first){ //分页本身并非需要做以下更新,下面参数的同步,主要是因为其它处理统一用到了它们 //而并非用的是 options.page 中的参数(以确保分页未开启的情况仍能正常使用) that.page = obj.curr; //更新页码 options.limit = obj.limit; //更新每页条数 that.pullData(obj.curr, that.loading()); } } }, options.page); options.page.count = count; //更新总条数 laypage.render(options.page); } }; /** * 过滤区域的渲染 */ Class.prototype.renderFilter = function(){ var that = this ,options = that.config ,VIEW_CLASS=ELEM_VIEW ,index=that.index; //索引 var v = []; v.push('
'); v.push(''); layui.each(options.cols,function (i, o) { layui.each(o, function(i2, item2){ var field=item2.field||i2; var minW=item2.minWidth?"data-minwidth='"+item2.minWidth+"'":""; var rowCols=item2.colspan?'colspan="'+item2.colspan+'"':''; var rowspan=item2.rowspan?'rowspan="'+item2.rowspan+'"':''; var unresize=item2.unresize?'data-unresize="true"':''; v.push(''); }); }); v.push('
'); v.push('
1) { tem='group'; }else{ tem=index+"-"+field; if(item2.type !== "normal"){ tem+=" laytable-cell-"+item2.type; } } return tem; }()+'">'); if(!item2.isFilter||!item2.field){//不开启行内过滤或没有列名 v.push(''); }else{ v.push(''); } v.push('
'); v.push('
'); return v.join(''); }; //找到对应的列元素 Class.prototype.getColElem = function(parent, field){ var that = this ,options = that.config; return parent.eq(0).find('.laytable-cell-'+ (options.index + '-' + field) + ':eq(0)'); }; //渲染表单 Class.prototype.renderForm = function(type){ form.render(type, 'LAY-table-'+ this.index); } /** * 获取异步点击节点传参 * @param p */ Class.prototype.getParams = function(p){ var that = this; p = $.extend({}, p, that.nodeKeyData); return p; } /** * 设置排序参数 * @param p */ Class.prototype.sortSet=function (p) { var that = this; // var sort=[]; // var cols=that.config.cols[0]; // cols.forEach(function (t) { // if(t.sortType){ // var tem={ // "field":t.field // ,"sort":t.sortType // } // sort.push(tem); // p.FIELD=t.field; // p.ORDER=t.sortType; // } // }); //p.sort=JSON.stringify(sort); p = $.extend({}, p, that.sortKeyData); return p; } /** * 设置排序字段 * @param th * @param type * @param pull * @param formEvent */ Class.prototype.sort = function(th, type, pull, formEvent){ var that = this ,field ,res = {} ,options = that.config ,filter = options.elem.attr('lay-filter') ,data = table.getDataList(that.key), thisData; //字段匹配 if(typeof th === 'string'){ that.layHeader.find('th').each(function(i, item){ var othis = $(this) ,_field = othis.data('field'); if(_field === th){ th = othis; field = _field; return false; } }); } try { var field = field || th.data('field'); //如果欲执行的排序已在状态中,则不执行渲染 if(that.sortKey && !pull){ if(field === that.sortKey.field && type === that.sortKey.sort){ return; } } var elemSort = that.layHeader.find('th .laytable-cell-'+ options.index +'-'+ field).find(ELEM_SORT); that.layHeader.find('th').find(ELEM_SORT).removeAttr('lay-sort'); //清除其它标题排序状态 elemSort.attr('lay-sort', type || null); that.layFixed.find('th') } catch(e){ return hint.error('Table modules: Did not match to field'); } //记录排序索引和类型,用于后端传参 that.sortKeyData = { FIELD: field ,ORDER: type }; /*//记录排序索引和类型 that.sortKey = { field: field ,sort: type }; if(type === 'asc'){ //升序 } else if(type === 'desc'){ //降序 thisData = layui.sort(data, field, true); } else { //清除排序 thisData = layui.sort(data, table.config.indexName); } var cols=that.getCols(field); if(cols){ cols.sortType=type }*/ }; //请求loading Class.prototype.loading = function(){ var that = this ,options = that.config; if(options.loading && options.url){ return layer.msg('数据查询中,请稍候...', { icon: 16 ,offset: [ that.elem.offset().top + that.elem.height()/2 - 35 - _WIN.scrollTop() + 'px' ,that.elem.offset().left + that.elem.width()/2 - 90 - _WIN.scrollLeft() + 'px' ] ,time: -1 ,anim: -1 ,fixed: false }); } }; //同步选中值状态 Class.prototype.setCheckData = function(index, checked){ var that = this ,options = that.config ,thisData = table.getDataList(that.key); if(!thisData[index]) return; if(thisData[index].constructor === Array) return; thisData[index][table.config.cols.isCheckName] = checked; }; //同步全选按钮状态 Class.prototype.syncCheckAll = function(){ var that = this ,options = that.config; var list=table.getDataList(that.config.id); if(!list)return; var temis=true;//全选 var checkNum=0;//选中的个数 list.forEach(function (t) { if(!t[table.config.cols.cheDisabled]){ if(t[table.config.cols.isCheckName]){ var checkAllElem = that.layBody.find('tr[data-index='+t[table.config.indexName]+']').find('input[name="layTableCheckbox"]'); checkAllElem.prop('checked', true); checkNum++; }else{ temis=false; var checkAllElem = that.layBody.find('tr[data-index='+t[table.config.indexName]+']').find('input[name="layTableCheckbox"]'); checkAllElem.prop('checked', false); } } }); if(temis){//设置全选 var checkAllElem = that.layHeader.find('input[name="layTableCheckbox"]'); checkAllElem.prop('checked', true); } if(checkNum<(list.length-options.cheDisabledNum)){ var checkAllElem = that.layHeader.find('input[name="layTableCheckbox"]'); checkAllElem.prop('checked', false); } that.renderForm('checkbox'); }; //获取cssRule Class.prototype.getCssRule = function(field, callback){ var that = this ,style = that.elem.find('style')[0] ,sheet = style.sheet || style.styleSheet || {} ,rules = sheet.cssRules || sheet.rules; layui.each(rules, function(i, item){ if(item.selectorText === ('.laytable-cell-'+ that.index +'-'+ field)){ return callback(item), true; } }); }; /** * 窗体变化自适应 */ Class.prototype.resize = function(){ var that = this; //根据父窗体高度设置table的高度 // 1、table自身顶级容器高度(layui-table-view) // 2、内容区域高度(layui-table-main) that.fullSize();//高度控制 that.setArea();//计算高度宽度 that.resizeWidth();//宽度控制 }; //动态分配列宽高 Class.prototype.setArea = function(){ var that = this, options = that.config ,colNums = 0 //列个数 ,autoColNums = 0 //自动列宽的列个数 ,autoWidth = 0 //自动列分配的宽度 ,countWidth = 0 //所有列总宽度和 ,cntrWidth = options.width ||function(){ //获取容器宽度 //如果父元素宽度为0(一般为隐藏元素),则继续查找上层元素,直到找到真实宽度为止 var getWidth = function(parent){ var width, isNone; parent = parent || options.elem.parent() width = parent.width(); try { isNone = parent.css('display') === 'none'; } catch(e){} if(parent[0] && (!width || isNone)) return getWidth(parent.parent()); return width; }; return getWidth(); }()-17; //统计列个数 that.eachCols(function(){ colNums++; }); //减去边框差 cntrWidth = cntrWidth - function(){ return (options.skin === 'line' || options.skin === 'nob') ? 2 : colNums + 1; }(); //遍历所有列 layui.each(options.cols, function(i1, item1){ layui.each(item1, function(i2, item2){ var width; if(!item2){ item1.splice(i2, 1); return; } that.initOpts(item2); width = item2.width || 0; if(item2.colspan > 1) return; if(/\d+%$/.test(width)){ item2.width = width = Math.floor((parseFloat(width) / 100) * cntrWidth); } else if(item2._is_width_dev||!width){ //列宽未填写 item2._is_width_dev=true;//采用默认宽度的列 item2.width = width = 0; autoColNums++; } countWidth = countWidth + width; }); }); that.autoColNums = autoColNums; //记录自动列数 //如果未填充满,则将剩余宽度平分。否则,给未设定宽度的列赋值一个默认宽 (cntrWidth > countWidth && autoColNums) && ( autoWidth = (cntrWidth - countWidth) / autoColNums ); layui.each(options.cols, function(i1, item1){ layui.each(item1, function(i2, item2){ var minWidth = item2.minWidth || options.cellMinWidth; if(item2.colspan > 1) return; if(item2.width === 0){ item2.width = Math.floor(autoWidth >= minWidth ? autoWidth : minWidth); //不能低于设定的最小宽度 } }); }); //高度铺满:full-差距值 var th=that.getParentDivHeight(options.id); if(options.height){ if(/^full-\d+$/.test(options.height)){ that.fullHeightGap = options.height.split('-')[1]; } } if(that.fullHeightGap != undefined){ options.height = th - that.fullHeightGap; } }; /** * 重新渲染宽度 */ Class.prototype.resizeWidth = function(){ var that = this; that.renderTdCss(); }; //铺满表格主体高度 Class.prototype.fullSize = function(){ var that = this ,options = that.config ,height = that.getParentDivHeight(options.id), bodyHeight; if(that.fullHeightGap != undefined){ height = that.getParentDivHeight(options.id) - that.fullHeightGap; } if(height < 135) height = 135; that.elem.css('height', height); // console.log(height); //tbody区域高度 // bodyHeight = parseFloat(height) - parseFloat(that.layHeader.height()) - 1;//原本代码 var theader=options.isFilter?76:38;//没有行内过滤区域 bodyHeight = parseFloat(height) - theader - 1;//###注意:现在写死表头固定高度为38px,即不支持多表头方式(在tab方式下无法获取正确的高度,待处理) if(options.toolbar){ bodyHeight = bodyHeight - that.layTool.outerHeight(); } if(options.isPage){ bodyHeight = bodyHeight - that.layPage.outerHeight() - 1; } that.layMain.css('height', bodyHeight); // console.log(bodyHeight,that.layHeader.height()); }; //获取滚动条宽度 Class.prototype.getScrollWidth = function(elem){ var width = 0; if(elem){ width = elem.offsetWidth - elem.clientWidth; } else { elem = document.createElement('div'); elem.style.width = '100px'; elem.style.height = '100px'; elem.style.overflowY = 'scroll'; document.body.appendChild(elem); width = elem.offsetWidth - elem.clientWidth; document.body.removeChild(elem); } return width; }; //滚动条补丁 Class.prototype.scrollPatch = function(){ var that = this ,layMainTable = that.layMain.children('table') ,scollWidth = that.layMain.width() - that.layMain.prop('clientWidth') //纵向滚动条宽度 ,scollHeight = that.layMain.height() - that.layMain.prop('clientHeight') //横向滚动条高度 ,getScrollWidth = that.getScrollWidth(that.layMain[0]) //获取主容器滚动条宽度,如果有的话 ,outWidth = layMainTable.outerWidth() - that.layMain.width(); //表格内容器的超出宽度 //如果存在自动列宽,则要保证绝对填充满,并且不能出现横向滚动条 if(that.autoColNums && outWidth < 5 && !that.scrollPatchWStatus){ var th = that.layHeader.eq(0).find('thead th:last-child') ,field = th.data('field'); that.getCssRule(field, function(item){ var width = item.style.width || th.outerWidth(); item.style.width = (parseFloat(width) - getScrollWidth - outWidth) + 'px'; //二次校验,如果仍然出现横向滚动条 if(that.layMain.height() - that.layMain.prop('clientHeight') > 0){ item.style.width = parseFloat(item.style.width) - 1 + 'px'; } that.scrollPatchWStatus = true; }); } if(scollWidth && scollHeight){ if(that.elem.find('.layui-table-patch').length<=0){ var patchElem = $('
'); //补丁元素 patchElem.find('div').css({ width: scollWidth }); that.layHeader.eq(0).find('thead tr').append(patchElem); //that.layFilter.find('table thead tr').append(patchElem); } } else { that.layFilter.eq(0).find('.layui-table-patch').remove(); that.layHeader.eq(0).find('.layui-table-patch').remove(); } //固定列区域高度 var mainHeight = that.layMain.height() ,fixHeight = mainHeight - scollHeight; that.layFixed.find(ELEM_BODY).css('height', layMainTable.height() > fixHeight ? fixHeight : 'auto'); //表格宽度小于容器宽度时,隐藏固定列 that.layFixRight[outWidth > 0 ? 'removeClass' : 'addClass'](HIDE); //操作栏 that.layFixRight.css('right', scollWidth - 1); }; //事件处理 Class.prototype.events = function(){ var that = this ,options = that.config ,_BODY = $('body') ,dict = {} ,th = that.layHeader.find('th') ,bodytr=that.layBody.find('tr') ,resizing; //行点击事件 bodytr.unbind('click').on('click',function (e) { var index=$(this).attr("data-index"); var list=table.getDataList(that.config.id); var o=list[index]; typeof options.onClickRow === 'function' && options.onClickRow(index,o); }); //行双击事件 bodytr.unbind('dblclick').on('dblclick',function (e) { var index=$(this).attr("data-index"); var list=table.getDataList(that.config.id); var o=list[index]; typeof options.onDblClickRow === 'function' && options.onDblClickRow(index,o); // that.config.onDblClickRow(index,o); }); //拖拽调整宽度 th.unbind('mousemove').on('mousemove', function(e){ var othis = $(this) ,oLeft = othis.offset().left ,pLeft = e.clientX - oLeft; if(othis.attr('colspan') > 1 || othis.data('unresize') || dict.resizeStart){ return; } dict.allowResize = othis.width() - pLeft <= 10; //是否处于拖拽允许区域 _BODY.css('cursor', (dict.allowResize ? 'col-resize' : '')); }) th.unbind('mouseleave').on('mouseleave', function(){ var othis = $(this); if(dict.resizeStart) return; _BODY.css('cursor', ''); }) th.unbind('mousedown').on('mousedown', function(e){ var othis = $(this); if(dict.allowResize){ var field = othis.data('field'); e.preventDefault(); dict.resizeStart = true; //开始拖拽 dict.offset = [e.clientX, e.clientY]; //记录初始坐标 that.getCssRule(field, function(item){ var width = item.style.width || othis.outerWidth(); dict.rule = item; dict.ruleWidth = parseFloat(width); dict.minWidth = othis.data('minwidth') || options.cellMinWidth; }); } }); th.unbind('mouseup').on('mouseup', function(e){ var othis = $(this); var field = othis.data('field'); e.preventDefault(); that.getCssRule(field, function (item) { var width = item.style.width || othis.outerWidth(); layui.each(that.config.cols,function(key, value){ layui.each(value,function(index, item){ if (item.field && item.field == field) { item.width = parseFloat(width) } }) }) }); }); //拖拽中 _DOC.unbind('mousemove').on('mousemove', function(e){ if(dict.resizeStart){ e.preventDefault(); if(dict.rule){ var setWidth = dict.ruleWidth + e.clientX - dict.offset[0]; if(setWidth < dict.minWidth) setWidth = dict.minWidth; dict.rule.style.width = setWidth + 'px'; layer.close(that.tipsIndex); } resizing = 1 } }) _DOC.unbind('mouseup').on('mouseup', function(e){ if(dict.resizeStart){ dict = {}; _BODY.css('cursor', ''); that.scrollPatch(); } if(resizing === 2){ resizing = null; } }); //排序 th.unbind('click').on('click', function(){//点击标题列 var othis = $(this) ,elemSort = othis.find(ELEM_SORT) ,nowType = elemSort.attr('lay-sort') ,type; if(!elemSort[0] || resizing === 1) return resizing = 2; if(nowType === 'asc'){ type = 'desc'; } else if(nowType === 'desc'){ type = null; } else { type = 'asc'; } that.sort(othis, type, null, true); table.query(that.key);//从新查询 }) th.find(ELEM_SORT+' .layui-edge ').unbind('click').on('click', function(e){//点击小三角形 var othis = $(this) ,index = othis.index() ,field = othis.parents('th').eq(0).data('field') layui.stope(e); if(index === 0){ that.sort(field, 'asc', null, true); } else { that.sort(field, 'desc', null, true); } table.query(that.key);//从新查询 }); if(!that.eventsinitIsRun){ that.eventsinit(); that.eventsinitIsRun=true; } //同步滚动条 that.layMain.unbind('scroll').on('scroll', function(){ var othis = $(this) ,scrollLeft = othis.scrollLeft() ,scrollTop = othis.scrollTop(); that.layHeader.scrollLeft(scrollLeft); that.layFilter.scrollLeft(scrollLeft); that.layFixed.find(ELEM_BODY).scrollTop(scrollTop); layer.close(that.tipsIndex); }); _WIN.unbind('resize').on('resize', function(){ //自适应 that.resize(); }); }; //事件处理单元格编辑(只执行一次) Class.prototype.eventsinitIsRun=false; //只执行一次的事件 Class.prototype.eventsinit = function(){ var that = this ,options = that.config ,ELEM_CELL = '.layui-table-cell' ,filter = options.elem.attr('lay-filter'); //行内过滤 that.layFilter.on('keyup',"[name^='filter_']",function () { that.page=1; that.pullData(that.page, that.loading()); }); //行事件 that.layBody.on('mouseenter','tr',function(){ var othis = $(this) ,index = othis.index(); that.layBody.find('tr:eq('+ index +')').addClass(ELEM_HOVER) }) that.layBody.on('mouseleave','tr', function(){ var othis = $(this) ,index = othis.index(); that.layBody.find('tr:eq('+ index +')').removeClass(ELEM_HOVER) }); //单元格事件 that.layBody.on('click','td div.layui-table-cell p',function(){ var othis = $(this).parent().parent() ,field = othis.data('field') ,editType = othis.data('edit') ,index = othis.parents('tr').eq(0).data('index') ,data = table.getDataList(that.key)[index] ,elemCell = othis.children(ELEM_CELL); var options = that.config; layer.close(that.tipsIndex); if(othis.data('off')) return; //显示编辑表单 if(editType){ if(editType === 'select') { //选择框 var dropName=othis.data('drop'); var rowsField=dl.ui.table.drop.findFieldObj(options.cols[0],field); var o=dl.cache.code.get(rowsField.drop); var html=''; var scv=o.syscodevaluecache; for(var i in scv){ var isSelected=""; if(scv[i].scv_value==data[field]){ isSelected="selected='selected'"; } //选中 html+='' } var select = $(''); othis.find('.'+ELEM_EDIT)[0] || othis.append(select); } else { //输入框 var input = $(''); input[0].value = $.trim($(this).text());// othis.data('content') || elemCell.text(); othis.find('.'+ELEM_EDIT)[0] || othis.append(input); input.focus(); } return; } //如果出现省略,则可查看更多 var c=that.getCols(field); if(!table.config.initWidth[c["type"]]){ if(elemCell.find('.layui-form-switch,.layui-form-checkbox')[0]) return; //限制不出现更多(暂时) if(Math.round(elemCell.prop('scrollWidth')) > Math.round(elemCell.outerWidth())){ that.tipsIndex = layer.tips([ '
' ,elemCell.html() ,'
' ,'' ].join(''), elemCell[0], { tips: [3, ''] ,time: -1 ,anim: -1 ,maxWidth: (device.ios || device.android) ? 300 : 600 ,isOutAnim: false ,skin: 'layui-table-tips' ,success: function(layero, index){ layero.find('.layui-table-tips-c').on('click', function(){ layer.close(index); }); } }); } } }); that.layBody.on('change','.'+ELEM_EDIT, function(){ //console.log("change"); var othis = $(this) ,value = this.value ,field = othis.parent().data('field') ,index = othis.parents('tr').eq(0).data('index') ,data = table.getDataList(that.key)[index]; data[field] = value; //更新缓存中的值 layui.event.call(this, MOD_NAME, 'edit('+ filter +')', { value: value ,data: data ,field: field }); }); that.layBody.on('blur','.'+ELEM_EDIT, function(){//单元格失去焦点 var templet ,othis = $(this) ,field = othis.parent().data('field') ,index = othis.parents('tr').eq(0).data('index') ,editType = othis.parent().data('edit') ,data = table.getDataList(that.key)[index]; var options = that.config; that.eachCols(function(i, item){ if(item.field == field && item.templet){ templet = item.templet; } }); var value=""; if(editType === 'select') { //选择框 var rowsField=dl.ui.table.drop.findFieldObj(options.cols[0],field); if(rowsField&&rowsField['drop']){ var o=dl.cache.code.get(rowsField.drop); value=dl.ui.table.drop.findDropLable(rowsField.drop,this.value); } othis.parent().find(ELEM_CELL+' p').html( templet ? laytpl($(templet).html() || value).render(data) : value ); } else {//输入框 othis.parent().find(ELEM_CELL+' p').html( templet ? laytpl($(templet).html() || this.value).render(data) : this.value ); } othis.parent().data('content', this.value); othis.remove(); }); //树形节点点击事件(隐藏展开下级节点) that.elem.on('click','i.layui-tree-head', function(){ var othis = $(this) ,index = othis.parents('tr').eq(0).data('index') ,options=that.config ,datas=table.getDataList(that.key);//数据 var o=datas[index]; var treeId = options.treeId; var rwid = o[treeId]; if(options.isAsynchronous && (!o.children || o.children.length==0)){ //记录点击节点的rwid,用于后端传参 var parentid = options.parentid; that.nodeKeyData = {}; that.nodeKeyData[parentid] = rwid; that.pullData(that.page, that.loading(),index); }else{ that.treeNodeOpen(o,!o[table.config.cols.isOpen]); that.resize(); } }); //复选框选择 that.elem.on('click','input[name="layTableCheckbox"]+', function(){ var checkbox = $(this).prev() ,childs = that.layBody.find('input[name="layTableCheckbox"]') ,index = checkbox.parents('tr').eq(0).data('index') ,checked = checkbox[0].checked ,obj=table.getDataList(that.config.id)[index] ,isAll = checkbox.attr('lay-filter') === 'layTableAllChoose'; //全选 if(isAll){ var list=table.getDataList(that.key); list.forEach(function (temo) { if(!temo[table.config.cols.cheDisabled]){//可以选择的才设置 that.setCheckData(temo[table.config.indexName], checked); } }); } else { that.setCheckData(index, checked); if(options.isTree){ //处理下级 var sonList=that.treeFindSonData(obj); sonList.forEach(function (temo) { if(!temo[table.config.cols.cheDisabled]){//可以选择的才设置 if(checked && (options.chkboxType.Y =='' || options.chkboxType.Y =='p')){ return false; }else if(!checked && (options.chkboxType.N =='' || options.chkboxType.N =='p')){ return false; }else{ that.setCheckData(temo[table.config.indexName], checked); } } }); //处理上级 var temf=function (o) { if(o==null)return; if(o&&o.children.length>0){ var temis=true; o.children.forEach(function (temo) { if(!temo[table.config.cols.isCheckName]){ temis=false; } }); if(temis){ if(checked && (options.chkboxType.Y =='' || options.chkboxType.Y =='s')){ return false; }else if(!checked && (options.chkboxType.N =='' || options.chkboxType.N =='s')){ return false; }else{ that.setCheckData(o[table.config.indexName], checked); } } var temuo=that.treeFindUpData(o); if(temuo){ temf(temuo); } } } var uo=that.treeFindUpData(obj); temf(uo); } } that.syncCheckAll(); layui.event.call(this, MOD_NAME, 'checkbox('+ filter +')', { checked: checked ,data: table.getDataList(that.key) ? (obj || {}) : {} ,type: isAll ? 'all' : 'one' }); }); //工具条操作事件 that.layBody.on('click', '*[lay-event]',function(){ var othis = $(this) ,index = othis.parents('tr').eq(0).data('index') ,tr = that.layBody.find('tr[data-index="'+ index +'"]') ,ELEM_CLICK = 'layui-table-click' ,list = table.getDataList(that.key) ,data = table.getDataList(that.key)[index]; layui.event.call(this, MOD_NAME, 'tool('+ filter +')', { data: data//table.clearCacheKey(data) ,event: othis.attr('lay-event') ,tr: tr ,del: function(){ table.delRow(options.id,data); } ,update: function(fields){ fields = fields || {}; layui.each(fields, function(key, value){ if(key in data){ var templet, td = tr.children('td[data-field="'+ key +'"]'); data[key] = value; that.eachCols(function(i, item2){ if(item2.field == key && item2.templet){ templet = item2.templet; } }); td.children(ELEM_CELL).html( templet ? laytpl($(templet).html() || value).render(data) : value ); td.data('content', value); } }); } }); tr.addClass(ELEM_CLICK).siblings('tr').removeClass(ELEM_CLICK); }); } // 懒加载 Class.prototype.lazyLoad = function(res, curr, count, sort){ }; //表格重载 thisTable.config = {}; //自动完成渲染 table.init(); // layui.link('treeGrid.css'); exports(MOD_NAME, table); });