/* 软件名称:ckplayer 软件版本:X2 软件作者:niandeng 软件网站:http://www.ckplayer.com -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 开发说明: 使用的主要程序语言:javascript(js)及actionscript3.0(as3.0)(as3.0主要用于flashplayer部分的开发,不在该页面呈现) 功能:播放视频 特点:兼容HTML5-VIDEO(优先)以及FlashPlayer -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 使用开源代码部分: 1:flashls-http://flashls.org/ ===================================================================================================================== */ !(function () { var ckplayerPath = ''; !function () { var scriptList = document.scripts, thisPath = scriptList[scriptList.length - 1].src; for (var i = 0; i < scriptList.length; i++) { var scriptName = scriptList[i].getAttribute('name') || scriptList[i].getAttribute('data-name'); if (scriptName && scriptName == 'ckplayer') { thisPath = scriptList[i].src; } } ckplayerPath = thisPath.substring(0, thisPath.lastIndexOf('/') + 1); }(); var ckplayer = function (obj) { /* javascript部分开发所用的注释说明: 1:初始化-程序调用时即运行的代码部分 2:定义样式-定义容器(div,p,canvas等)的样式表,即css 3:监听动作-监听元素节点(单击-click,鼠标进入-mouseover,鼠标离开-mouseout,鼠标移动-mousemove等)事件 4:监听事件-监听视频的状态(播放,暂停,全屏,音量调节等)事件 5:共用函数-这类函数在外部也可以使用 6:全局变量-定义成全局使用的变量 7:其它相关注释 全局变量说明: 在本软件中所使用到的全局变量(变量(类型)包括Boolean,String,Int,Object(包含元素对象和变量对象),Array,Function等) 下面列出重要的全局变量: V:Object:视频对象 VA:Array:视频列表(包括视频地址,类型,清晰度说明) ID:String:视频ID CB:Object:控制栏各元素的集合对象 PD:Object:内部视频容器对象 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 程序开始 下面为需要初始化配置的全局变量 */ //全局变量:播放器默认配置,在外部传递过来相应配置后,则进行相关替换 this.varsDefault = { playerID: '',//播放器ID container: '',//视频容器的ID variable: 'ckplayer',//播放函数(变量)名称 volume: 0.8,//默认音量,范围0-1 poster: '',//封面图片地址 autoplay: false,//是否自动播放 loop: false,//是否需要循环播放 live: false,//是否是直播 duration: 0,//指定总时间 forceduration: 0,//强制使用该时间为总时间 seek: 0,//默认需要跳转的秒数 drag: '',//拖动时支持的前置参数 front: '',//前一集按钮动作 next: '',//下一集按钮动作 loaded: '',//加载播放器后调用的函数 flashplayer: false,//设置成true则强制使用flashplayer html5m3u8: false,//PC平台上是否使用h5播放器播放m3u8 track: null,//字幕轨道 cktrack: null,//ck字幕 cktrackdelay: 0,//字幕显示延迟时间 preview: null,//预览图片对象 prompt: null,//提示点功能 video: null,//视频地址 config: '',//调用配置函数名称 type: '',//视频格式 crossorigin: '',//设置html5视频的crossOrigin属性 crossdomain: '',//安全策略文件地址 unescape: false,//默认flashplayer里需要解码 mobileCkControls: false,//移动端h5显示控制栏 mobileAutoFull: true,//移动端是否默认全屏播放 playbackrate: 1,//默认倍速 h5container: '',//h5环境中使用自定义容器 debug: false,//是否开启调试模式 overspread: true,//是否让视频铺满播放器 language: '',//语言文件路径 style: '',//风格文件路径 //以下为广告相关配置 adfront: '', adfronttime: '', adfrontlink: '', adpause: '', adpausetime: '', adpauselink: '', adinsert: '', adinserttime: '', adinsertlink: '', inserttime: '', adend: '', adendtime: '', adendlink: '', advertisements: '' }; //全局变量:vars this.vars = {}; //全局变量:配置文件函数 this.ckConfig = {}; this.jsonConfig = {};//该变量为一次性赋值,不再变化 //全局变量:语言配置 this.ckLanguage = {}; this.jsonLanguage = {};//该变量为一次性赋值,不再变化 //全局变量:语言配置 this.ckStyle = {}; this.jsonStyle = {};//该变量为一次性赋值,不再变化 //全局变量:右键菜单:[菜单标题,类型(link:链接,default:灰色,function:调用函数,javascript:调用js函数),执行内容(包含链接地址,函数名称),[line(间隔线)]] this.contextMenu = [['ckplayer', 'link', 'http://www.ckplayer.com', '_blank'], ['version:X2', 'default', 'line']]; //全局变量:错误提示列表 this.errorList = [ ['000', 'Object does not exist'], ['001', 'Variables type is not a object'], ['002', 'Video object does not exist'], ['003', 'Video object format error'], ['004', 'Video object format error'], ['005', 'Video object format error'], ['006', '[error] does not exist'], ['007', 'Ajax error'], ['008', 'Ajax error'], ['009', 'Ajax object format error'], ['010', 'Ajax.status:[error]'], ['011', '[error] File loading failed or error'], ['012', '[error]'] ]; //全局变量:HTML5变速播放的值数组/如果不需要可以设置成null this.playbackRateArr = [[0.5, '0.5X'], [1, '1X'], [1.25, '1.25X'], [1.5, '1.5X'], [2, '2X'], [4, '4X']]; //全局变量:保存倍速 this.playbackRateTemp = 1; //全局变量:HTML5默认变速播放的值 this.playbackRateDefault = 1; //全局变量:HTML5当前显示的字幕编号 this.subtitlesTemp = -1; //全局变量:定义logo this.logo = ''; //全局变量:是否加载了播放器 this.loaded = false; //全局变量:计时器,监听视频加载出错的状态 this.timerError = null; //全局变量:是否出错 this.error = false; //全局变量:出错地址的数组 this.errorUrl = []; //全局变量:计时器,监听全屏与非全屏状态 this.timerFull = null; //全局变量:是否全屏状态 this.full = false; //全局变量:计时器,监听当前的月/日 时=分=秒 this.timerTime = null; //全局变量:计时器,监听视频加载 this.timerBuffer = null; //全局变量:设置进度按钮及进度条是否跟着时间变化,该属性主要用来在按下进度按钮时暂停进度按钮移动和进度条的长度变化 this.isTimeButtonMove = true; //全局变量:进度栏是否有效,如果是直播,则不需要监听时间让进度按钮和进度条变化 this.isTimeButtonDown = false; //全局变量:计时,用来计算鼠标离开清晰度或字幕或倍速按钮后的计算时间标准 this.timeButtonOver = null; //全局变量:鼠标离开清晰度或字幕或倍速是否需要隐藏 this.buttonHide = false; //全局变量:用来模拟双击功能的判断 this.isClick = false; //全局变量:计时器,用来模拟双击功能的计时器 this.timerClick = null; //全局变量:计时器,监听鼠标在视频上移动显示控制栏 this.timerCBar = null; //全局变量:播放视频时如果该变量的值大于0,则进行跳转后设置该值为0 this.needSeek = 0; //全局变量:当前音量 this.volume = 0; //全局变量:静音时保存临时音量 this.volumeTemp = 0; //全局变量/变量类型:Number/功能:当前播放时间 this.time = 0; //全局变量:定义首次调用 this.isFirst = true; //全局变量:是否使用HTML5-VIDEO播放 this.html5Video = true; //全局变量记录视频容器节点的x;y this.pdCoor = { x: 0, y: 0 }; //全局变量:判断当前使用的播放器类型,html5video或flashplayer this.playerType = ''; //全局变量:加载进度条的长度 this.loadTime = 0; //全局变量:body对象 this.body = document.body || document.documentElement; //全局变量:播放器 this.V = null; //全局变量:保存外部js监听事件数组 this.listenerJsArr = []; //全局变量:保存控制栏显示元素的总宽度 this.buttonLen = 0; //全局变量:保存控制栏显示元素的数组 this.buttonArr = []; //全局变量:保存播放器上新增元件的数组 this.elementArr = []; //全局变量:保存播放器上弹幕的临时数组 this.elementTempArr = []; //全局变量:字幕内容 this.track = []; //全局变量:字幕索引 this.trackIndex = 0; //全局变量:当前显示的字幕内容 this.nowTrackShow = { sn: '' }; //全局变量:保存字幕元件数组 this.trackElement = []; //全局变量:将视频转换为图片 this.timerVCanvas = null; //全局变量:animate,缓动对象数组 this.animateArray = []; //全局变量:保存animate的元件 this.animateElementArray = []; //全局变量:保存需要在暂停时停止缓动的数组 this.animatePauseArray = []; //全局变量:预览图片加载状态/0=没有加载,1=正在加载,2=加载完成 this.previewStart = 0; //全局变量:预览图片容器 this.previewDiv = null; //全局变量:预览框 this.previewTop = null; //全局变量:预览框的宽 this.previewWidth = 120; //全局变量:预览图片容器缓动函数 this.previewTween = null; //全局变量:是否是m3u8格式,是的话则可以加载hls.js this.isM3u8 = false; //全局变量:保存提示点数组 this.promptArr = []; //全局变量:显示提示点文件的容器 this.promptElement = null; //全局变量:控制栏是否显示 this.conBarShow = true; //全局变量:是否监听过h5的错误 this.errorAdd = false; //全局变量:是否发送了错误 this.errorSend = false; //全局变量:控制栏是否隐藏 this.controlBarIsShow = true; //全局变量,保存当前缩放比例 this.videoScale = 1; //全局变量:设置字体 this.fontFamily = '"Microsoft YaHei"; YaHei; "\5FAE\8F6F\96C5\9ED1"; SimHei; "\9ED1\4F53";Arial'; //全局变量:记录第一次拖动进度按钮时的位置 this.timeSliderLeftTemp = 0; //全局变量:判断是否记录了总时间 this.durationSendJS = false; //全局变量:初始化广告分析是否结束设置 this.adAnalysisEnd = false; //全局变量:广告变量 this.advertisements = {}; //全局变量:是否是第一次播放视频 this.isFirstTimePlay = true; //全局变量:当前需要播放的广告类型 this.adType = ''; //全局变量:播放广告计数 this.adI = 0; //全局变量:要播放的临时地址 this.videoTemp = { src: '', source: '', currentSrc: '', loop: false }; //全局变量:当前要播放的广告组总时间 this.adTimeAllTotal = 0; //全局变量:肖前要播放的广告时间 this.adTimeTotal = 0; //全局变量:用来做倒计时 this.adCountDownObj = null; //全局变量:前置,中插,结尾广告是否已开始运行 this.adPlayStart = false; //全局变量:目前是否在播放广告 this.adPlayerPlay = false; //全局变量:当前广告是否暂停 this.adIsPause = false; //全局变量:视频广告是否静音 this.adVideoMute = false; //全局变量:是否需要记录当前播放的时间供广告播放结束后进行跳转 this.adIsVideoTime = false; //全局变量:后置广告是否播放 this.endAdPlay = false; //全局变量:暂停广告是否在显示 this.adPauseShow = false; //全局变量:是否需要重置广告以实现重新播放时再播放一次 this.adReset = false; //全局变量:记录鼠标在视频上点击时的坐标 this.videoClickXy = { x: 0, y: 0 }; //全局变量:是否在播放广告时播放过视频广告 this.adVideoPlay = false; //全局变量:临时存储已加载时间的变量 this.loadTimeTemp = 0; //全局变量,临时存储hls形式下首次加载时是否需要暂停或播放的判断 this.hlsAutoPlay = true; //全局变量,loading是否显示 this.loadingShow = false; //全局变量,保存视频地址字符串的 this.videoString = ''; //全局变量,保存所有自定义元件的数组 this.customeElement = []; //全局变量,保存PD的宽高 this.cdWH = { w: 0, h: 0 }; //全局变量,保存所有的元素变量 this.CB = {}; if (obj) { this.embed(obj); } }; ckplayer.prototype = { /* 主要函数部分开始 主接口函数: 调用播放器需初始化该函数 */ embed: function (c) { //c:Object:是调用接口传递的属性对象 if (window.location.href.substr(0, 7) == 'file://') {//如果是使用的file协议打网页则弹出提示 alert('Please use the HTTP protocol to open the page'); return; } if (this.isUndefined(c)) { this.eject(this.errorList[0]); return; } if (this.varType(c) != 'object') { this.eject(this.errorList[1]); } this.vars = this.standardization(this.varsDefault, c); if (!this.vars['mobileCkControls'] && this.isMobile()) { this.vars['flashplayer'] = false; this.conBarShow = false; } var videoStringTemp = this.vars['video']; if (!videoStringTemp) { this.eject(this.errorList[2]); return; } if (this.varType(videoStringTemp) == 'string') { if (videoStringTemp.substr(0, 3) == 'CK:' || videoStringTemp.substr(0, 3) == 'CE:' || videoStringTemp.substr(8, 3) == 'CK:' || videoStringTemp.substr(8, 3) == 'CE:') { this.vars['flashplayer'] = true; } } if (this.varType(videoStringTemp) == 'object') { if (videoStringTemp.length > 1) { if (videoStringTemp[0][0].substr(0, 3) == 'CK:' || videoStringTemp[0][0].substr(0, 3) == 'CE:' || videoStringTemp[0][0].substr(8, 3) == 'CK:' || videoStringTemp[0][0].substr(8, 3) == 'CE:') { this.vars['flashplayer'] = true; } } } this.videoString = videoStringTemp; this.checkUpConfig(); }, /* 内部函数 加载config文件 */ checkUpConfig: function () { var thisTemp = this; var configPath = ''; var jsTemp = null; if (this.vars['config']) { if (this.vars['config'].substr(0, 8) != 'website:') { jsTemp = eval(this.vars['config'] + '()'); if (!this.isUndefined(jsTemp)) { this.ckConfig = this.newObj(jsTemp); this.jsonConfig = this.newObj(jsTemp); this.loadConfig(null); } else { this.loadConfig(ckplayerPath + this.vars['config']); } } else { this.loadConfig(ckplayerPath + this.vars['config'].substr(8)); } } else { try { var isFun = false; try { if (typeof (ckplayerConfig) === 'function') { isFun = true; } } catch (e) { } if (isFun) { jsTemp = ckplayerConfig(); if (jsTemp) { this.ckConfig = this.newObj(jsTemp); this.jsonConfig = this.newObj(jsTemp); this.loadConfig(null); } else { this.loadConfig(ckplayerPath + 'ckplayer.json'); } } else { this.loadConfig(ckplayerPath + 'ckplayer.json'); } } catch (e) { thisTemp.sysError(thisTemp.errorList[12], e);//系统错误 } } }, loadConfig: function (file) { var thisTemp = this; if (file) { this.ajax({ url: file, success: function (data) { if (data) { thisTemp.ckConfig = data; thisTemp.jsonConfig = thisTemp.newObj(data); if (!thisTemp.isUndefined(data['flashvars'])) { thisTemp.vars = thisTemp.objectAssign(data['flashvars'], thisTemp.vars); } thisTemp.checkUpLanguage(); } else { thisTemp.sysError(thisTemp.errorList[11], 'Config');//系统错误 } }, error: function (data) { thisTemp.sysError(thisTemp.errorList[12], data);//系统错误 } }); } else { this.checkUpLanguage(); } }, /* 内部函数 加载语言文件 */ checkUpLanguage: function () { var thisTemp = this; var languagePath = ''; var jsTemp = null; if (this.vars['language']) { languagePath = this.vars['language']; } else { if (this.ckConfig['languagePath']) { languagePath = this.ckConfig['languagePath']; } } if (languagePath) { if (languagePath.substr(0, 8) != 'website:') { jsTemp = eval(languagePath + '()'); if (jsTemp) { this.ckLanguage = this.newObj(jsTemp); this.jsonLanguage = this.newObj(jsTemp); this.loadLanguage(null); } else { this.loadLanguage(ckplayerPath + languagePath); } } else { this.loadLanguage(ckplayerPath + languagePath.substr(8)); } } else { try { var isFun = false; try { if (typeof (ckplayerLanguage) === 'function') { isFun = true; } } catch (e) { } if (isFun) { jsTemp = ckplayerLanguage(); if (jsTemp) { this.ckLanguage = this.newObj(jsTemp); this.jsonLanguage = this.newObj(jsTemp); this.loadLanguage(null); } else { this.loadLanguage(ckplayerPath + 'language.json'); } } else { this.loadLanguage(ckplayerPath + 'language.json'); } } catch (e) { thisTemp.sysError(thisTemp.errorList[12], e);//系统错误 } } }, loadLanguage: function (file) { var thisTemp = this; if (file) { this.ajax({ url: file, success: function (data) { if (data) { thisTemp.ckLanguage = data; thisTemp.jsonLanguage = thisTemp.newObj(data); thisTemp.checkUpStyle(); } else { thisTemp.sysError(thisTemp.errorList[11], 'language.json');//系统错误 } }, error: function (data) { thisTemp.sysError(thisTemp.errorList[12], data);//系统错误 } }); } else { this.checkUpStyle(); } }, /* 内部函数 加载皮肤文件 */ checkUpStyle: function () { var thisTemp = this; var stylePath = ''; var jsTemp = null; var configJs = this.newObj(this.ckConfig); if (this.vars['style']) { stylePath = this.vars['style']; } else { if (this.ckConfig['stylePath']) { stylePath = '' + this.ckConfig['stylePath']; } } if (stylePath) { if (stylePath.substr(0, 8) != 'website:') { jsTemp = eval(stylePath + '()'); if (!this.isUndefined(jsTemp)) { this.jsonStyle = this.newObj(jsTemp); this.ckStyle = this.newObj(jsTemp); this.ckStyle['advertisement'] = this.objectAssign(configJs['style']['advertisement'], this.ckStyle['advertisement']); this.ckStyle = this.objectAssign(configJs['style'], this.ckStyle); this.loadStyle(null); } else { this.loadStyle(ckplayerPath + stylePath); } } else { this.loadStyle(ckplayerPath + stylePath.substr(8)); } } else { try { var isFun = false; try { if (typeof (ckplayerStyle) === 'function') { isFun = true; } } catch (e) { isFun = false; } if (isFun) { jsTemp = ckplayerStyle(); if (!this.isUndefined(jsTemp)) { this.jsonStyle = this.newObj(jsTemp); this.ckStyle = this.newObj(jsTemp); this.ckStyle['advertisement'] = this.objectAssign(configJs['style']['advertisement'], this.ckStyle['advertisement']); this.ckStyle = this.objectAssign(configJs['style'], this.ckStyle); this.loadStyle(null); } else { this.loadStyle(ckplayerPath + 'style.json'); } } else { this.loadStyle(ckplayerPath + 'style.json'); } } catch (e) { } } }, loadStyle: function (file) { var thisTemp = this; if (file) { var configJs = this.newObj(this.ckConfig); this.ajax({ url: file, success: function (data) { if (data) { thisTemp.jsonStyle = thisTemp.newObj(data); thisTemp.ckStyle = thisTemp.newObj(data); thisTemp.ckStyle['advertisement'] = thisTemp.objectAssign(configJs['style']['advertisement'], thisTemp.ckStyle['advertisement']); thisTemp.ckStyle = thisTemp.objectAssign(configJs['style'], thisTemp.ckStyle); thisTemp.loadConfigHandler(); } else { thisTemp.sysError(thisTemp.errorList[11], 'Style');//系统错误 } }, error: function (data) { thisTemp.sysError(thisTemp.errorList[12], data);//系统错误 } }); } else { this.loadConfigHandler(); } }, /* 内部函数 当config,language,style三个文件或函数处理完成后执行的动作 */ loadConfigHandler: function () { if ((!this.supportVideo() && this.vars['flashplayer'] != '') || (this.vars['flashplayer'] && this.uploadFlash()) || !this.isMsie()) { this.html5Video = false; this.getVideo(); } else if (this.videoString) { //判断视频数据类型 this.analysedVideoUrl(this.videoString); } else { this.eject(this.errorList[2]); } }, /* 内部函数 根据外部传递过来的video开始分析视频地址 */ analysedVideoUrl: function (video) { var i = 0, y = 0; var thisTemp = this; this.VA = [];//定义全局变量VA:视频列表(包括视频地址,类型,清晰度说明) if (this.varType(video) == 'string') { //如果是字符形式的则判断后缀进行填充 if (video.substr(0, 8) != 'website:') { this.VA = [[video, '', '', 0]]; var fileExt = this.getFileExt(video); switch (fileExt) { case '.mp4': this.VA[0][1] = 'video/mp4'; break; case '.ogg': this.VA[0][1] = 'video/ogg'; break; case '.webm': this.VA[0][1] = 'video/webm'; break; default: break; } this.getVideo(); } else { if (this.html5Video) { var ajaxObj = { url: video.substr(8), success: function (data) { if (data) { thisTemp.analysedUrl(data); } else { thisTemp.eject(thisTemp.errorList[5]); this.VA = video; thisTemp.getVideo(); } }, error: function (data) { thisTemp.eject(thisTemp.errorList[12], data);//系统错误 } }; this.ajax(ajaxObj); } else { this.VA = video; this.getVideo(); } } } else if (this.varType(video) == 'array') {//如果视频地址是数组 if (this.varType(video[0]) == 'array') { //如果视频地址是二维数组 this.VA = video; } this.getVideo(); } else if (this.varType(video) == 'object') { /* 如果video格式是对象形式,则分二种 如果video对象里包含type,则直接播放 */ if (!this.isUndefined(video['type'])) { this.VA.push([video['file'], video['type'], '', 0]); this.getVideo(); } else { this.eject(this.errorList[5]); } } else { this.eject(this.errorList[4]); } }, /* 对请求到的视频地址进行重新分析 */ analysedUrl: function (data) { this.vars = this.standardization(this.vars, data); if (!this.isUndefined(data['video'])) { this.vars['video'] = data['video']; } this.analysedVideoUrl(this.vars['video']); }, /* 内部函数 检查浏览器支持的视频格式,如果是则将支持的视频格式重新分组给播放列表 */ getHtml5Video: function () { var va = this.VA; var nva = []; var mobile = this.isMobile(); var video = document.createElement('video'); var codecs = function (type) { var cod = ''; switch (type) { case 'video/mp4': cod = 'avc1.4D401E, mp4a.40.2'; break; case 'video/ogg': cod = 'theora, vorbis'; break; case 'video/webm': cod = 'vp8.0, vorbis'; break; default: break; } return cod; }; var supportType = function (vidType, codType) { if (!video.canPlayType) { this.html5Video = false; return; } var isSupp = video.canPlayType(vidType + ';codecs="' + codType + '"'); if (isSupp == '') { return false } return true; }; if (this.vars['flashplayer'] || !this.isMsie()) { this.html5Video = false; return; } for (var i = 0; i < va.length; i++) { var v = va[i]; if (v) { if (v[1] != '' && !mobile && supportType(v[1], codecs(v[1])) && v[0].substr(0, 4) != 'rtmp') { nva.push(v); } if ((this.getFileExt(v[0]) == '.m3u8' || this.vars['type'] == 'video/m3u8' || this.vars['type'] == 'm3u8' || v[1] == 'video/m3u8' || v[1] == 'm3u8') && this.vars['html5m3u8'] && !mobile) { this.isM3u8 = true; nva.push(v); } } } if (nva.length > 0) { this.VA = nva; } else { if (!mobile) { this.html5Video = false; } } }, /* 内部函数 根据视频地址开始构建播放器 */ getVideo: function () { var thisTemp = this; var v = this.vars; //如果存在广告字段则开始分析广告 if (!this.adAnalysisEnd && (v['adfront'] != '' || v['adpause'] != '' || v['adinsert'] != '' || v['adend'] != '' || v['advertisements'] != '')) { this.adAnalysisEnd = true; this.adAnalysis(); return; } //如果存在字幕则加载 if (this.V) { //如果播放器已存在,则认为是从newVideo函数发送过来的请求 this.changeVideo(); return; } if (this.vars['cktrack']) { this.loadTrack(); } if (this.supportVideo() && !this.vars['flashplayer']) { this.getHtml5Video(); //判断浏览器支持的视频格式 } var src = '', source = '', poster = '', loop = '', autoplay = '', track = '', crossorigin = ''; var video = v['video']; var i = 0; var vBg = this.ckStyle['background']['backgroundColor'].replace('0x', '#'); this.CD = this.getByElement(v['container']); volume = v['volume']; if (this.isUndefined(this.CD)) { this.eject(this.errorList[6], v['container']); return false; } //开始构建播放器容器 this.V = undefined; var thisPd = null; if (v['h5container'] != '') { thisPd = this.getByElement(v['h5container']); if (this.isUndefined(thisPd)) { thisPd = null; } } var isVideoH5 = null; //isUndefined thisPd if (v['playerID'] != '') { isVideoH5 = this.getByElement('#' + v['playerID']); if (this.isUndefined(isVideoH5)) { isVideoH5 = null; } } if (thisPd != null && isVideoH5 != null) { this.PD = thisPd; //PD:定义播放器容器对象全局变量 } else { var playerID = 'ckplayer-' + this.randomString(); var playerDiv = document.createElement('div'); playerDiv.className = playerID; this.CD.innerHTML = ''; this.CD.appendChild(playerDiv); this.PD = playerDiv; //PD:定义播放器容器对象全局变量 } this.css(this.CD, { backgroundColor: vBg, overflow: 'hidden', position: 'relative' }); this.css(this.PD, { backgroundColor: vBg, width: '100%', height: '100%', fontFamily: this.fontFamily }); if (this.html5Video) { //如果支持HTML5-VIDEO则默认使用HTML5-VIDEO播放器 //禁止播放器容器上鼠标选择文本 this.PD.onselectstart = this.PD.ondrag = function () { return false; }; //播放器容器构建完成并且设置好样式 //构建播放器 if (this.VA.length == 1) { this.videoTemp['src'] = decodeURIComponent(this.VA[0][0]); src = ' src="' + this.videoTemp['src'] + '"'; } else { var videoArr = this.VA.slice(0); videoArr = this.arrSort(videoArr); for (i = 0; i < videoArr.length; i++) { var type = ''; var va = videoArr[i]; if (va[1]) { type = ' type="' + va[1] + '"'; if (type == ' type="video/m3u8"' || type == ' type="m3u8"') { type = ''; } } source += ''; } this.videoTemp['source'] = source; } //分析视频地址结束 if (v['autoplay']) { autoplay = ' autoplay="autoplay"'; } if (v['poster']) { poster = ' poster="' + v['poster'] + '"'; } if (v['loop']) { loop = ' loop="loop"'; } if (v['seek'] > 0) { this.needSeek = v['seek']; } if (v['track'] != null && v['cktrack'] == null) { var trackArr = v['track']; var trackDefault = ''; var defaultHave = false; for (i = 0; i < trackArr.length; i++) { var trackObj = trackArr[i]; if (trackObj['default'] && !defaultHave) { trackDefault = ' default'; defaultHave = true; } else { trackDefault = ''; } track += ''; } } if (v['crossorigin']) { crossorigin = ' crossorigin="' + v['crossorigin'] + '"'; } var autoLoad = this.ckConfig['config']['autoLoad']; var preload = ''; if (!autoLoad) { preload = ' preload="meta"'; } var vid = this.randomString(); var controls = ''; var mobileAutoFull = v['mobileAutoFull']; var mobileautofull = ''; if (!mobileAutoFull) { mobileautofull = ' x-webkit-airplay="true" playsinline webkit-playsinline="true" x5-video-player-type="h5"'; } if (this.isMobile()) { controls = ' controls="controls"'; } if (isVideoH5 != null && thisPd != null) { this.V = isVideoH5; if (v['poster']) { this.V.poster = v['poster']; } } else { var html = ''; if (!this.isM3u8) { html = ''; } else { html = ''; } this.PD.innerHTML = html; this.V = this.getByElement('#' + vid); //V:定义播放器对象全局变量 } try { this.V.volume = volume; //定义音量 if (this.playbackRateArr && this.vars['playbackrate'] > -1) { if (this.vars['playbackrate'] < this.playbackRateArr.length) { this.playbackRateDefault = this.vars['playbackrate']; } this.V.playbackRate = this.playbackRateArr[this.playbackRateDefault][0]; //定义倍速 } } catch (error) { } this.css(this.V, { backgroundColor: vBg, width: '100%', height: '100%' }); if (this.isM3u8) { var loadJsHandler = function () { thisTemp.embedHls(thisTemp.VA[0][0], v['autoplay']); }; this.loadJs(ckplayerPath + 'hls/hls.min.js', loadJsHandler); } this.css(this.V, 'backgroundColor', vBg); //创建一个画布容器 if (this.ckConfig['config']['videoDrawImage']) { var canvasDiv = document.createElement('div'); this.PD.appendChild(canvasDiv); this.MD = canvasDiv; //定义画布存储容器 this.css(this.MD, { backgroundColor: vBg, width: '100%', height: '100%', position: 'absolute', display: 'none', cursor: 'pointer', left: '0px', top: '0px', zIndex: '10' }); var cvid = 'ccanvas' + this.randomString(); this.MD.innerHTML = this.newCanvas(cvid, this.MD.offsetWidth, this.MD.offsetHeight); this.MDC = this.getByElement(cvid + '-canvas'); this.MDCX = this.MDC.getContext('2d'); } this.playerType = 'html5video'; //播放器构建完成并且设置好样式 //建立播放器的监听函数,包含操作监听及事件监听 this.addVEvent(); if (this.conBarShow) { //根据清晰度的值构建清晰度切换按钮 this.definition(); if (!this.vars['live'] && this.playbackRateArr && this.vars['playbackrate'] > -1) { this.playbackRate(); } if (v['autoplay']) { this.loadingStart(true); } this.subtitleSwitch(); } this.playerLoad(); } else { //如果不支持HTML5-VIDEO则调用flashplayer this.embedSWF(); } }, /* 分析广告数据 */ adAnalysis: function () { var thisTemp = this; var v = this.vars; var isAdvShow = []; var i = 0; if (v['advertisements'] != '' && v['advertisements'].substr(0, 8) == 'website:') { var ajaxObj = { url: v['advertisements'].substr(8), success: function (data) { if (data) { var newData = {}; var val = null; //对广告进行分析 try { if (!thisTemp.isUndefined(data['front']) || !thisTemp.isUndefined(data['pause']) || !thisTemp.isUndefined(data['end']) || !thisTemp.isUndefined(data['insert']) || !thisTemp.isUndefined(data['other'])) { val = thisTemp.arrayDel(data['front']); if (!thisTemp.isUndefined(val)) { newData['front'] = val; } val = thisTemp.arrayDel(data['pause']); if (!thisTemp.isUndefined(val)) { newData['pause'] = val; } val = thisTemp.arrayDel(data['insert']); if (!thisTemp.isUndefined(val)) { newData['insert'] = val; if (!thisTemp.isUndefined(data['inserttime'])) { newData['inserttime'] = thisTemp.arrayInt(data['inserttime']); isAdvShow = []; for (i = 0; i < newData['inserttime'].length; i++) { isAdvShow.push(false); } newData['insertPlay'] = isAdvShow; } } val = thisTemp.arrayDel(data['end']); if (!thisTemp.isUndefined(val)) { newData['end'] = val; } val = thisTemp.arrayDel(data['other']); if (!thisTemp.isUndefined(val)) { newData['other'] = val; isAdvShow = []; var arrTemp = []; for (i = 0; i < val.length; i++) { isAdvShow.push(false); arrTemp.push(parseInt('0' + val[i]['startTime'])); } newData['othertime'] = arrTemp; newData['otherPlay'] = isAdvShow; } } } catch (event) { thisTemp.log(event) } thisTemp.advertisements = newData; //对广告进行分析结束 } thisTemp.getVideo(); }, error: function (data) { } }; this.ajax(ajaxObj); } else { //根据广告分析 this.adAnalysisOne('front', 'adfront', 'adfronttime', 'adfrontlink', 'adfronttype'); this.adAnalysisOne('pause', 'adpause', 'adpausetime', 'adpauselink', 'adpausetype'); this.adAnalysisOne('insert', 'adinsert', 'adinserttime', 'adinsertlink', 'adinserttype'); this.adAnalysisOne('end', 'adend', 'adendtime', 'adendlink', 'adendtype'); if (!this.isUndefined(this.advertisements['insert'])) { if (!this.isUndefined(v['inserttime'])) { thisTemp.advertisements['inserttime'] = v['inserttime']; } } if (!this.isUndefined(thisTemp.advertisements['inserttime'])) { thisTemp.advertisements['inserttime'] = thisTemp.arrayInt(thisTemp.advertisements['inserttime']); isInsert = []; for (i = 0; i < thisTemp.advertisements['inserttime'].length; i++) { isInsert.push(false); } thisTemp.advertisements['insertPlay'] = isInsert; } thisTemp.getVideo(); } }, /* 将广告数组数据里不是视频和图片的去除 */ arrayDel: function (arr) { if (this.isUndefined(arr)) { return arr; } if (arr.length == 0) { return null; } var newArr = []; for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { var type = arr[i]['type']; if (type == 'mp4' || type == 'mov' || this.isStrImage(type)) { newArr.push(arr[i]); } } if (newArr.length > 0) { return newArr; } return null; }, /*分析单个类型的广告*/ adAnalysisOne: function (adType, adName, adTime, adLink, adStype) { var v = this.vars; if (this.isUndefined(v[adName])) { v[adName] = ''; } if (this.isUndefined(v[adTime])) { v[adTime] = ''; } if (this.isUndefined(v[adLink])) { v[adLink] = ''; } if (this.isUndefined(v[adStype])) { v[adStype] = ''; } if (v[adName] != '') { var adList = []; var ad = v[adName].split(','); var adtime = v[adTime].split(','); var adlink = v[adLink].split(','); var adstype = v[adStype].split(','); var i = 0; if (ad.length > 0) { var adLinkLen = adlink.length, adTimeLen = adtime.length; if (v[adLink] == '') { adLinkLen = 0; adlink = []; } if (v[adTime] == '') { adTimeLen = 0; adtime = []; } if (adLinkLen < ad.length) { for (i = adLinkLen; i < ad.length; i++) { adlink.push(''); } } if (adTimeLen < ad.length) { for (i = adTimeLen; i < ad.length; i++) { adtime.push(''); } } var adstypeLen = adstype.length; if (v[adStype] == '') { adstypeLen = 0; adstype = []; } if (adstypeLen < ad.length) { for (i = adstypeLen; i < ad.length; i++) { adstype.push(this.getFileExt(ad[i]).replace('.', '')); } } for (i = 0; i < ad.length; i++) { var type = adstype[i]; if (type == 'mp4' || type == 'mov' || this.isStrImage(type)) { var obj = { file: ad[i], type: type, time: parseInt(adtime[i]) > 0 ? parseInt(adtime[i]) : this.ckStyle['advertisement']['time'], link: adlink[i] }; adList.push(obj); } } if (this.isUndefined(this.advertisements)) { this.advertisements = {}; } if (adList.length > 0) { this.advertisements[adType] = adList; } } } }, /* 内部函数 发送播放器加载成功的消息 */ playerLoad: function () { var thisTemp = this; if (this.isFirst) { this.isFirst = false; setTimeout(function () { thisTemp.loadedHandler(); }, 1); } }, /* 内部函数 建立播放器的监听函数,包含操作监听及事件监听 */ addVEvent: function () { var thisTemp = this; var duration = 0; //监听视频单击事件 var eventVideoClick = function (event) { thisTemp.videoClickXy = { x: event.clientX, y: event.clientY }; thisTemp.videoClick(); }; this.addListenerInside('click', eventVideoClick); this.addListenerInside('click', eventVideoClick, this.MDC); //延迟计算加载失败事件 this.timerErrorFun(); //监听视频加载到元数据事件 var eventJudgeIsLive = function (event) { thisTemp.sendJS('loadedmetadata'); if (thisTemp.varType(thisTemp.V.duration) == 'number' && thisTemp.V.duration > 1) { duration = thisTemp.V.duration; if (!duration) { if (thisTemp.vars['duration'] > 0) { duration = thisTemp.vars['duration']; } } if (thisTemp.vars['forceduration'] > 0) { duration = thisTemp.vars['forceduration']; } thisTemp.sendJS('duration', duration); thisTemp.formatInserttime(duration); if (thisTemp.adPlayerPlay) { thisTemp.advertisementsTime(duration + 1); } thisTemp.durationSendJS = true; } if (thisTemp.conBarShow) { thisTemp.V.controls = null; thisTemp.videoCss(); } thisTemp.judgeIsLive(); }; //监听视频播放事件 var eventPlaying = function (event) { thisTemp.playingHandler(); thisTemp.sendJS('play'); thisTemp.sendJS('paused', false); if (!thisTemp.durationSendJS && thisTemp.varType(thisTemp.V.duration) == 'number' && thisTemp.V.duration > 0) { duration = thisTemp.V.duration; if (!duration) { if (thisTemp.vars['duration'] > 0) { duration = thisTemp.vars['duration']; } } if (thisTemp.vars['forceduration'] > 0) { duration = thisTemp.vars['forceduration']; } thisTemp.durationSendJS = true; thisTemp.sendJS('duration', duration); thisTemp.formatInserttime(duration); } }; this.addListenerInside('playing', eventPlaying); //监听视频暂停事件 var eventPause = function (event) { thisTemp.pauseHandler(); thisTemp.sendJS('pause'); thisTemp.sendJS('paused', true); }; this.addListenerInside('pause', eventPause); //监听视频播放结束事件 var eventEnded = function (event) { thisTemp.endedHandler(); }; this.addListenerInside('ended', eventEnded); //监听视频播放时间事件 var eventTimeupdate = function (event) { if (thisTemp.loadingShow) { thisTemp.loadingStart(false); } if (thisTemp.time) { if (!thisTemp.adPlayerPlay) { thisTemp.sendJS('time', thisTemp.time); //监听中间插入广告是否需要播放 if (!thisTemp.isUndefined(thisTemp.advertisements['insert'])) { thisTemp.checkAdInsert(thisTemp.time); } //监听其它广告 if (!thisTemp.isUndefined(thisTemp.advertisements['other'])) { thisTemp.checkAdOther(thisTemp.time); } if (thisTemp.time < 3 && thisTemp.adReset) { thisTemp.adReset = false; thisTemp.endedAdReset(); } } else { //如果是广告则进行广告倒计时 thisTemp.adPlayerTimeHandler(thisTemp.time); } } }; this.addListenerInside('timeupdate', eventTimeupdate); //监听视频缓冲事件 var eventWaiting = function (event) { thisTemp.loadingStart(true); }; this.addListenerInside('waiting', eventWaiting); //监听视频seek开始事件 var eventSeeking = function (event) { thisTemp.sendJS('seek', 'start'); }; this.addListenerInside('seeking', eventSeeking); //监听视频seek结束事件 var eventSeeked = function (event) { thisTemp.seekedHandler(); thisTemp.sendJS('seek', 'ended'); }; this.addListenerInside('seeked', eventSeeked); //监听视频音量 var eventVolumeChange = function (event) { try { thisTemp.volumechangeHandler(); thisTemp.sendJS('volume', thisTemp.volume || thisTemp.V.volume); } catch (event) { } }; this.addListenerInside('volumechange', eventVolumeChange); //监听全屏事件 var eventFullChange = function (event) { var fullState = document.fullScreen || document.mozFullScreen || document.webkitIsFullScreen; thisTemp.sendJS('full', fullState); }; this.addListenerInside('fullscreenchange', eventFullChange); this.addListenerInside('webkitfullscreenchange', eventFullChange); this.addListenerInside('mozfullscreenchange', eventFullChange); //建立界面 if (this.conBarShow) { this.interFace(); } this.addListenerInside('loadedmetadata', eventJudgeIsLive); }, /* 内部函数 重置界面元素 */ resetPlayer: function () { this.timeTextHandler(); if (this.conBarShow) { this.timeProgress(0, 1); //改变时间进度条宽 this.changeLoad(0); this.initPlayPause(); //判断显示播放或暂停按钮 this.definition(); //构建清晰度按钮 this.deletePrompt(); //删除提示点 this.deletePreview(); //删除预览图 this.trackHide(); //重置字幕 this.resetTrack(); this.trackElement = []; this.track = []; } }, /* 内部函数 构建界面元素 */ interFace: function () { this.conBarShow = true; var thisTemp = this; var html = ''; //控制栏内容 var i = 0; var thisStyle = this.ckStyle; var styleC = thisStyle['controlBar']; var styleCB = styleC['button']; var styleAS = thisStyle['advertisement']; var styleDF = styleC['definition']; var bWidth = 38;//按钮的宽 //var timeInto = this.formatTime(0) + ' / ' + this.formatTime(this.vars['duration']); //时间显示框默认显示内容 var timeInto = this.formatTime(0, this.vars['duration'], this.ckLanguage['vod']); //时间显示框默认显示内容 /* 构建一些PD(播放器容器)里使用的元素 */ /* 构建播放器内的元素 */ this.CB = { menu: null }; var divEle = { controlBarBg: null, controlBar: null, pauseCenter: null, errorText: null, promptBg: null, prompt: null, promptTriangle: null, definitionP: null, playbackrateP: null, subtitlesP: null, loading: null, logo: null, adBackground: null, adElement: null, adLink: null, adPauseClose: null, adTime: null, adTimeText: null, adMute: null, adEscMute: null, adSkip: null, adSkipText: null, adSkipButton: null }; var k = ''; for (k in divEle) { this.CB[k] = divEle[k]; this.CB[k] = document.createElement('div'); this.PD.appendChild(this.CB[k]); } /* 构建鼠标右键容器 */ this.CB['menu'] = document.createElement('div'); this.body.appendChild(this.CB['menu']); if (this.vars['live']) { //如果是直播,时间显示文本框里显示当前系统时间 timeInto = this.formatTime(0, 0, this.ckLanguage['live']); //时间显示框默认显示内容 } /* 构建控制栏的按钮 */ divEle = { play: null, pause: null, mute: null, escMute: null, full: null, escFull: null, definition: null, playbackrate: null, subtitles: null }; for (k in divEle) { this.CB[k] = divEle[k]; this.CB[k] = document.createElement('div'); if (!this.isUndefined(this.ckLanguage['buttonOver'][k])) { this.CB[k].dataset.title = this.ckLanguage['buttonOver'][k]; } this.CB['controlBar'].appendChild(this.CB[k]); } divEle = { timeProgressBg: null, timeBoBg: null, volume: null, timeText: null }; for (k in divEle) { this.CB[k] = divEle[k]; this.CB[k] = document.createElement('div'); this.CB['controlBar'].appendChild(this.CB[k]); } this.CB['timeText'].innerHTML = timeInto;//初始化时间 divEle = { loadProgress: null, timeProgress: null }; for (k in divEle) { this.CB[k] = divEle[k]; this.CB[k] = document.createElement('div'); this.CB['timeProgressBg'].appendChild(this.CB[k]); } this.CB['timeButton'] = document.createElement('div'); this.CB['timeBoBg'].appendChild(this.CB['timeButton']); divEle = { volumeBg: null, volumeBO: null }; for (k in divEle) { this.CB[k] = divEle[k]; this.CB[k] = document.createElement('div'); this.CB['volume'].appendChild(this.CB[k]); } this.CB['volumeUp'] = document.createElement('div'); this.CB['volumeBg'].appendChild(this.CB['volumeUp']); //构建loading图标 var imgTemp = null; var imgFile = ''; var imgFile = thisStyle['loading']['file']; if (!this.isUndefined(thisStyle['loading']['fileH5'])) { imgFile = thisStyle['loading']['fileH5']; } if (imgFile) { imgTemp = document.createElement('img'); imgTemp.src = imgFile; imgTemp.border = 0; this.CB['loading'].appendChild(imgTemp); } //构建logo图标 imgFile = thisStyle['logo']['file']; if (!this.isUndefined(thisStyle['logo']['fileH5'])) { imgFile = thisStyle['logo']['fileH5']; } if (imgFile) { imgTemp = document.createElement('img'); imgTemp.src = imgFile; imgTemp.border = 0; this.CB['logo'].appendChild(imgTemp); } //定义界面元素的样式 if (this.ckConfig['config']['buttonMode']['player']) { this.css(this.PD, { cursor: 'pointer' }); } //控制栏背景 this.controlBar(); //改变控制栏 var cssTemp = null; //定义提示语的样式 var promptCss = thisStyle['prompt']; cssTemp = this.getEleCss(promptCss, { overflow: 'hidden', zIndex: 900, display: 'none' }); this.css(this.CB['promptBg'], cssTemp); this.css(this.CB['promptBg'], 'padding', '0px'); cssTemp['backgroundColor'] = ''; cssTemp['border'] = ''; cssTemp['borderRadius'] = ''; cssTemp['whiteSpace'] = 'nowrap'; this.css(this.CB['prompt'], cssTemp); //定义提示语下方的三解形的样式 cssTemp = { width: 0, height: 0, borderLeft: promptCss['triangleWidth'] * 0.5 + 'px solid transparent', borderRight: promptCss['triangleWidth'] * 0.5 + 'px solid transparent', borderTop: promptCss['triangleHeight'] + 'px solid ' + promptCss['triangleBackgroundColor'].replace('0x', '#'), overflow: 'hidden', opacity: promptCss['triangleAlpha'], filter: 'alpha(opacity:' + promptCss['triangleAlpha'] + ')', position: 'absolute', left: '0px', top: '0px', zIndex: 900, display: 'none' }; this.css(this.CB['promptTriangle'], cssTemp); this.elementCoordinate();//中间播放按钮,出错文本框,logo,loading this.css([this.CB['pauseCenter'], this.CB['loading'], this.CB['errorText']], 'display', 'none'); this.carbarButton();//控制栏按钮 this.playerCustom();//播放器界面自定义元件 this.carbarCustom();//控制栏自定义元件 this.timeProgressDefault();//进度条默认样式 this.videoCss();//计算video的宽高和位置 //初始化判断播放/暂停按钮隐藏项 this.initPlayPause(); if (this.vars['volume'] > 0) { this.css(this.CB['escMute'], 'display', 'none'); } else { this.css(this.CB['mute'], 'display', 'none'); } if (!this.ckConfig['config']['mobileVolumeBarShow'] && this.isMobile()) { this.css([this.CB['mute'], this.CB['escMute'], this.CB['volume']], { display: 'none' }); } this.css(this.CB['escFull'], 'display', 'none'); //设置广告背景层样式 var cssObj = { align: 'top', vAlign: 'left', width: '100%', height: '100%', offsetX: 0, offsetY: 0, zIndex: 910, display: 'none' }; cssTemp = this.getEleCss(styleAS['background'], cssObj); this.css(this.CB['adBackground'], cssTemp); this.css(this.CB['adElement'], { position: 'absolute', overflow: 'hidden', top: '0px', zIndex: 911, float: 'center', display: 'none' }); //广告控制各元素样式,用一个函数单独定义,这样在播放器尺寸变化时可以重新设置样式 this.advertisementStyle(); //初始化广告控制各元素-隐藏 this.css([this.CB['adTime'], this.CB['adTimeText'], this.CB['adMute'], this.CB['adEscMute'], this.CB['adSkip'], this.CB['adSkipText'], this.CB['adSkipButton'], this.CB['adLink'], this.CB['adPauseClose']], 'display', 'none'); //定义鼠标经过控制栏只显示完整的进度条,鼠标离开进度条则显示简单的进度条 var timeProgressOut = function (event) { thisTemp.timeProgressMouseOut(); }; this.addListenerInside('mouseout', timeProgressOut, this.CB['timeBoBg']); var timeProgressOver = function (event) { thisTemp.timeProgressDefault(); }; this.addListenerInside('mouseover', timeProgressOver, this.CB['controlBar']); //定义各按钮鼠标经过时的切换样式 this.buttonEventFun(this.CB['play'], styleCB['play']);//播放按钮 this.buttonEventFun(this.CB['pause'], styleCB['pause']);//暂停按钮 this.buttonEventFun(this.CB['mute'], styleCB['mute']);//静音按钮 this.buttonEventFun(this.CB['escMute'], styleCB['escMute']);//恢复音量按钮 this.buttonEventFun(this.CB['full'], styleCB['full']);//全屏按钮 this.buttonEventFun(this.CB['escFull'], styleCB['escFull']);//退出全屏按钮 this.buttonEventFun(this.CB['adMute'], styleAS['muteButton']);//广告静音按钮 this.buttonEventFun(this.CB['adEscMute'], styleAS['escMuteButton']);//恢复广告音量按钮 this.buttonEventFun(this.CB['adSkipButton'], styleAS['skipAdButton']);//跳过广告按钮 this.buttonEventFun(this.CB['adLink'], styleAS['adLinkButton']);//广告查看详情按钮 this.buttonEventFun(this.CB['adPauseClose'], styleAS['closeButton']);//播放暂停时的广告的关闭按钮 this.buttonEventFun(this.CB['pauseCenter'], thisStyle['centerPlay']);//播放器中间暂停时的播放按钮 this.buttonEventFun(this.CB['volumeBO'], styleC['volumeSchedule']['button']);//音量调节框按钮样式 this.buttonEventFun(this.CB['timeButton'], styleC['timeSchedule']['button']);//时间进度调节框按钮样式 this.addButtonEvent(); //注册按钮及音量调节,进度操作事件 this.controlBarHide(); //单独注册控制栏隐藏事件 this.newMenu(); //设置右键的样式和事件 this.keypress(); //注册键盘事件 //初始化音量调节框 this.changeVolume(this.vars['volume']); setTimeout(function () { thisTemp.elementCoordinate(); //调整中间暂停按钮/loading的位置/error的位置 }, 100); this.checkBarWidth(); var resize = function () { thisTemp.log('window.resize'); thisTemp.playerResize(); }; var MutationObserver = window.MutationObserver || window.WebKitMutationObserver || window.MozMutationObserver; var observer = new MutationObserver(function () { thisTemp.log('video.resize'); var cdW = parseInt(thisTemp.css(thisTemp.CD, 'width')), cdH = parseInt(thisTemp.css(thisTemp.CD, 'height')); if (cdW != thisTemp.cdWH['w'] || cdH != thisTemp.cdWH['h']) { thisTemp.cdWH = { w: cdW, h: cdH }; thisTemp.changeSize(cdW, cdH); } }); observer.observe(this.CD, { attributes: true, attributeFilter: ['style'], attributeOldValue: true }); this.addListenerInside('resize', resize, window); }, /* 内部函数 进间进度条默认样式 */ timeProgressDefault: function () { var styleCT = this.ckStyle['controlBar']['timeSchedule']; var cssObj = this.newObj(styleCT['default']); var loadBackImg = cssObj['loadProgressImg'], playBackImg = cssObj['playProgressImg']; var cssTemp = null; this.css(this.CB['timeBoBg'], 'display', 'block'); //时间进度条背景容器 cssTemp = this.getEleCss(this.newObj(cssObj), { overflow: 'hidden', zIndex: 2 }, this.CB['controlBarBg']); this.css(this.CB['timeProgressBg'], cssTemp); //加载进度 cssObj = { align: 'left', vAlign: 'top', width: 1, height: cssObj['height'], backgroundImg: loadBackImg }; //加载进度和时间进度 if (this.CB['loadProgress'].offsetWidth > 1) { cssObj['width'] = this.CB['loadProgress'].offsetWidth; } cssTemp = this.getEleCss(this.newObj(cssObj), { overflow: 'hidden', zIndex: 1 }, this.CB['timeProgressBg']); this.css(this.CB['loadProgress'], cssTemp); cssObj['width'] = 0; if (this.CB['timeProgress'].offsetWidth > 1 && parseInt(this.css(this.CB['timeButton'], 'left')) > 0) { cssObj['width'] = this.CB['timeProgress'].offsetWidth; } cssObj['backgroundImg'] = playBackImg; cssTemp = this.getEleCss(cssObj, { overflow: 'hidden', zIndex: 2 }); this.css(this.CB['timeProgress'], cssTemp); //时间进度按钮容器 cssTemp = this.getEleCss(styleCT['buttonContainer'], { position: 'absolute', overflow: 'hidden', zIndex: 3 }, this.CB['controlBar']); if (this.ckConfig['config']['buttonMode']['timeSchedule']) { cssTemp['cursor'] = 'pointer'; } this.css(this.CB['timeBoBg'], cssTemp); //时间进度按钮 cssTemp = this.getEleCss(styleCT['button'], { cursor: 'pointer', overflow: 'hidden', zIndex: 4 }, this.CB['timeBoBg']); this.css(this.CB['timeButton'], cssTemp); }, /* 内部函数 进间进度条鼠标离开样式 */ timeProgressMouseOut: function () { var styleCT = this.ckStyle['controlBar']['timeSchedule']; var cssObj = this.newObj(styleCT['mouseOut']); var loadBackImg = cssObj['loadProgressImg'], playBackImg = cssObj['playProgressImg']; var cssTemp = null; this.css(this.CB['timeBoBg'], 'display', 'block'); //时间进度条背景容器 cssTemp = this.getEleCss(this.newObj(cssObj), { overflow: 'hidden', zIndex: 2 }, this.CB['controlBarBg']); this.css(this.CB['timeProgressBg'], cssTemp); //加载进度 cssObj = { align: 'left', vAlign: 'top', width: 1, height: cssObj['height'], backgroundImg: loadBackImg }; //加载进度和时间进度 if (this.CB['loadProgress'].offsetWidth > 1) { cssObj['width'] = this.CB['loadProgress'].offsetWidth; } cssTemp = this.getEleCss(this.newObj(cssObj), { overflow: 'hidden', zIndex: 1 }, this.CB['timeProgressBg']); this.css(this.CB['loadProgress'], cssTemp); cssObj['width'] = 1; if (this.CB['timeProgress'].offsetWidth > 1 && parseInt(this.css(this.CB['timeButton'], 'left')) > 0) { cssObj['width'] = this.CB['timeProgress'].offsetWidth; cssObj['backgroundImg'] = playBackImg; } cssTemp = this.getEleCss(cssObj, { overflow: 'hidden', zIndex: 2 }); this.css(this.CB['timeProgress'], cssTemp); this.css(this.CB['timeBoBg'], 'display', 'none'); }, /* 统一注册按钮鼠标经过和离开时的切换动作 */ buttonEventFun: function (ele, cssEle) { var thisTemp = this; var overFun = function (event) { thisTemp.css(ele, { backgroundImage: 'url(' + cssEle['mouseOver'] + ')' }); thisTemp.promptShow(ele); }; var outFun = function (event) { thisTemp.css(ele, { backgroundImage: 'url(' + cssEle['mouseOut'] + ')' }); thisTemp.promptShow(false); }; outFun(); this.addListenerInside('mouseover', overFun, ele); this.addListenerInside('mouseout', outFun, ele); if (!this.isUndefined(cssEle['clickEvent'])) { var clickFun = function (event) { thisTemp.runFunction(cssEle['clickEvent']); }; this.addListenerInside('click', clickFun, ele); } }, /* 内部函数 格式化样式用的数字 */ formatNumPx: function (str, z) { if (!str) { return 0; } if (str.toString().indexOf('%') > -1) {//说明是根据百分比来计算 if (!this.isUndefined(z)) {//如果有值 return parseInt(str) * z * 0.01 + 'px'; } return str; } else { return str + 'px'; } }, /* 内部函数 格式化样式用的数字,返回类型必需是数字或百分比 */ formatZToNum: function (str, z) { if (!str) { return 0; } if (str.toString().indexOf('%') > -1) {//说明是根据百分比来计算 if (!this.isUndefined(z)) {//如果有值 return parseInt(str) * z * 0.01; } return str; } else { return str; } }, /* 内部函数 对对象进行深度复制 */ newObj: function (obj) { if (this.isUndefined(obj)) { return obj; } var str, newobj = {};//constructor 属性返回对创建此对象的数组函数的引用。创建相同类型的空数据 if (this.varType(obj) != 'object') { return obj; } else { for (var k in obj) { if (this.isUndefined(obj[k])) { newobj[k] = obj[k]; } else { if (this.varType(obj[k]) == 'object') { //判断对象的这条属性是否为对象 newobj[k] = this.newObj(obj[k]);//若是对象进行嵌套调用 } else { newobj[k] = obj[k]; } } } } return newobj;//返回深度克隆后的对象 }, /* 内部函数 统一的显示图片 */ loadImgBg: function (eleid, obj) { this.css(this.getByElement(eleid), { backgroundImage: 'url(' + obj + ')' }); }, /* 内部函数 格式化css eleObj=样式, supplement=补充样式, rrEle=参考对象, 该函数强制使用position定位的元素 */ getEleCss: function (eleObj, supplement, rrEle) { var eleName = null; var pdW = this.PD.offsetWidth, pdH = this.PD.offsetHeight; if (rrEle) { pdW = rrEle.offsetWidth; pdH = rrEle.offsetHeight; } if (this.isUndefined(eleObj)) { return null; } eleName = this.newObj(eleObj); var cssObject = {}; if (!this.isUndefined(eleName['width'])) { cssObject['width'] = this.formatZToNum(eleName['width'], pdW) + 'px'; } if (!this.isUndefined(eleName['height'])) { cssObject['height'] = this.formatZToNum(eleName['height'], pdH) + 'px'; } if (!this.isUndefined(eleName['background'])) { var bg = eleName['background']; if (!this.isUndefined(bg['backgroundColor'])) { cssObject['backgroundColor'] = bg['backgroundColor'].replace('0x', '#'); } if (!this.isUndefined(bg['backgroundImg'])) { cssObject['backgroundImage'] = 'url(' + bg['backgroundImg'] + ')'; } if (!this.isUndefined(bg['alpha'])) { cssObject['filter'] = 'alpha(opacity:' + bg['alpha'] + ')'; cssObject['opacity'] = bg['alpha']; } } if (!this.isUndefined(eleName['backgroundColor'])) { cssObject['backgroundColor'] = eleName['backgroundColor'].replace('0x', '#'); } if (!this.isUndefined(eleName['backgroundImg'])) { cssObject['backgroundImage'] = 'url(' + eleName['backgroundImg'] + ')'; } if (!this.isUndefined(eleName['color'])) { cssObject['color'] = eleName['color'].replace('0x', '#'); } if (!this.isUndefined(eleName['font'])) { cssObject['fontFamily'] = eleName['font']; } if (!this.isUndefined(eleName['size'])) { cssObject['fontSize'] = eleName['size'] + 'px'; } if (!this.isUndefined(eleName['alpha'])) { cssObject['filter'] = 'alpha(opacity:' + eleName['alpha'] + ')'; cssObject['opacity'] = eleName['alpha']; } if (!this.isUndefined(eleName['lineHeight'])) { cssObject['lineHeight'] = eleName['lineHeight'] + 'px'; } if (!this.isUndefined(eleName['textAlign'])) { cssObject['textAlign'] = eleName['textAlign']; } if (!this.isUndefined(eleName['borderRadius'])) { cssObject['borderRadius'] = eleName['borderRadius'] + 'px'; } if (!this.isUndefined(eleName['radius'])) { cssObject['borderRadius'] = eleName['radius'] + 'px'; } if (!this.isUndefined(eleName['padding'])) { cssObject['padding'] = eleName['padding'] + 'px'; } if (!this.isUndefined(eleName['paddingLeft'])) { cssObject['paddingLeft'] = eleName['paddingLeft'] + 'px'; } if (!this.isUndefined(eleName['paddingRight'])) { cssObject['paddingRight'] = eleName['paddingRight'] + 'px'; } if (!this.isUndefined(eleName['paddingTop'])) { cssObject['paddingTop'] = eleName['paddingTop'] + 'px'; } if (!this.isUndefined(eleName['paddingBottom'])) { cssObject['paddingBottom'] = eleName['paddingBottom'] + 'px'; } if (!this.isUndefined(eleName['margin'])) { cssObject['margin'] = eleName['margin'] + 'px'; } if (!this.isUndefined(eleName['marginLeft'])) { cssObject['marginLeft'] = eleName['marginLeft'] + 'px'; } if (!this.isUndefined(eleName['marginRight'])) { cssObject['marginRight'] = eleName['marginRight'] + 'px'; } if (!this.isUndefined(eleName['marginTop'])) { cssObject['marginTop'] = eleName['marginTop'] + 'px'; } if (!this.isUndefined(eleName['marginBottom'])) { cssObject['marginBottom'] = eleName['marginBottom'] + 'px'; } if (!this.isUndefined(eleName['border']) && !this.isUndefined(eleName['borderColor'])) { cssObject['border'] = eleName['border'] + 'px solid ' + eleName['borderColor'].replace('0x', '#'); } if (!this.isUndefined(eleName['borderLeft']) && !this.isUndefined(eleName['borderLeftColor'])) { cssObject['borderLeft'] = eleName['borderLeft'] + 'px solid ' + eleName['borderLeftColor'].replace('0x', '#'); } if (!this.isUndefined(eleName['borderRight']) && !this.isUndefined(eleName['borderRightColor'])) { cssObject['borderRight'] = eleName['borderRight'] + 'px solid ' + eleName['borderRightColor'].replace('0x', '#'); } if (!this.isUndefined(eleName['borderTop']) && !this.isUndefined(eleName['borderTopColor'])) { cssObject['borderTop'] = eleName['borderTop'] + 'px solid ' + eleName['borderTopColor'].replace('0x', '#'); } if (!this.isUndefined(eleName['borderBottom']) && !this.isUndefined(eleName['borderBottomColor'])) { cssObject['borderBottom'] = eleName['borderBottom'] + 'px solid ' + eleName['borderBottomColor'].replace('0x', '#'); } if (!this.isUndefined(supplement)) { for (var k in supplement) { cssObject[k] = supplement[k]; } } cssObject['position'] = 'absolute'; var left = -10000, top = -10000, right = -10000, bottom = -10000; var offsetX = 0, offsetY = 0; if (!this.isUndefined(eleName['offsetX'])) { offsetX = eleName['offsetX']; } if (!this.isUndefined(eleName['marginX'])) { offsetX = eleName['marginX']; } if (!this.isUndefined(eleName['offsetY'])) { offsetY = eleName['offsetY']; } if (!this.isUndefined(eleName['marginY'])) { offsetY = eleName['marginY']; } offsetX = this.formatZToNum(offsetX, pdW); offsetY = this.formatZToNum(offsetY, pdH); if (!this.isUndefined(eleName['align'])) { left = 0; switch (eleName['align']) { case 'left': left = offsetX; break; case 'center': left = pdW * 0.5 + offsetX; break; case 'right': left = pdW + offsetX; break; case 'right2': left = -10000; right = offsetX; break; } } if (!this.isUndefined(eleName['vAlign'])) { top = 0; switch (eleName['vAlign']) { case 'top': top = offsetY; break; case 'middle': top = pdH * 0.5 + offsetY; break; case 'bottom': top = pdH + offsetY; break; case 'bottom2': top = -10000; bottom = offsetY; break; } } if (left > -10000) { cssObject['left'] = left + 'px'; } if (right > -10000) { cssObject['right'] = right + 'px'; } if (top > -10000) { cssObject['top'] = top + 'px'; } if (bottom > -10000) { cssObject['bottom'] = bottom + 'px'; } return cssObject; }, /* 内部函数 创建按钮,使用canvas画布 */ newCanvas: function (id, width, height) { return ''; }, /* 内部函数 注册按钮,音量调节框,进度操作框事件 */ addButtonEvent: function () { var thisTemp = this; //定义按钮的单击事件 //定义各个按钮的鼠标经过/离开事件 var promptHide = function (event) { thisTemp.promptShow(false); }; var definitionOver = function (event) { thisTemp.promptShow(thisTemp.CB['definition']); }; this.addListenerInside('mouseover', definitionOver, this.CB['definition']); this.addListenerInside('mouseout', promptHide, this.CB['definition']); var playbackrateOver = function (event) { thisTemp.promptShow(thisTemp.CB['playbackrate']); }; this.addListenerInside('mouseover', playbackrateOver, this.CB['playbackrate']); this.addListenerInside('mouseout', promptHide, this.CB['playbackrate']); var subtitlesOver = function (event) { thisTemp.promptShow(thisTemp.CB['subtitles']); }; this.addListenerInside('mouseover', subtitlesOver, this.CB['subtitles']); this.addListenerInside('mouseout', promptHide, this.CB['subtitles']); //定义音量和进度按钮的滑块事件 var volumePrompt = function (vol) { var volumeBOXY = thisTemp.getCoor(thisTemp.CB['volumeBO']); var promptObj = { title: thisTemp.ckLanguage['volumeSliderOver'].replace('[$volume]', vol), x: volumeBOXY['x'] + thisTemp.CB['volumeBO'].offsetWidth * 0.5, y: volumeBOXY['y'] }; thisTemp.promptShow(false, promptObj); }; var volumeObj = { slider: this.CB['volumeBO'], follow: this.CB['volumeUp'], refer: this.CB['volumeBg'], grossValue: 'volume', pd: true, startFun: function (vol) { }, monitorFun: function (vol) { thisTemp.changeVolume(vol * 0.01, false, false); volumePrompt(vol); }, endFun: function (vol) { }, overFun: function (vol) { volumePrompt(vol); } }; this.slider(volumeObj); var volumeClickObj = { refer: this.CB['volumeBg'], grossValue: 'volume', fun: function (vol) { thisTemp.changeVolume(vol * 0.01, true, true); } }; this.progressClick(volumeClickObj); this.timeButtonMouseDown(); //用单击的函数来判断是否需要建立控制栏监听 //鼠标经过/离开音量调节框时的 var volumeBgMove = function (event) { var volumeBgXY = thisTemp.getCoor(thisTemp.CB['volumeBg']); var eventX = thisTemp.client(event)['x']; var eventVolume = parseInt((eventX - volumeBgXY['x']) * 100 / thisTemp.CB['volumeBg'].offsetWidth); var buttonPromptObj = { title: thisTemp.ckLanguage['volumeSliderOver'].replace('[$volume]', eventVolume), x: eventX, y: volumeBgXY['y'] }; thisTemp.promptShow(false, buttonPromptObj); }; this.addListenerInside('mousemove', volumeBgMove, this.CB['volumeBg']); this.addListenerInside('mouseout', promptHide, this.CB['volumeBg']); this.addListenerInside('mouseout', promptHide, this.CB['volumeBO']); //注册清晰度相关事件 this.addDefListener(); //注册倍速相关事件 this.addPlaybackrate(); //注册多字幕事件 this.addSubtitles(); }, /* 内部函数 注册单击视频动作 */ videoClick: function () { var thisTemp = this; var clearTimerClick = function () { if (thisTemp.timerClick != null) { if (thisTemp.timerClick.runing) { thisTemp.timerClick.stop(); } thisTemp.timerClick = null; } }; var timerClickFun = function () { clearTimerClick(); thisTemp.isClick = false; thisTemp.sendJS('videoClick', thisTemp.videoClickXy); if (thisTemp.adPlayerPlay) { var ad = thisTemp.getNowAdvertisements(); try { if (ad['link'] != '') { window.open(ad['link']); } thisTemp.ajaxSuccessNull(ad['clickMonitor']); } catch (event) { } } else { if (thisTemp.ckConfig['config']['click']) { thisTemp.playOrPause(); } } }; clearTimerClick(); if (this.isClick) { this.isClick = false; thisTemp.sendJS('videoDoubleClick', thisTemp.videoClickXy); if (thisTemp.ckConfig['config']['doubleClick']) { if (!this.full) { thisTemp.fullScreen(); } else { thisTemp.quitFullScreen(); } } } else { this.isClick = true; this.timerClick = new this.timer(300, timerClickFun, 1) //this.timerClick.start(); } }, /* 内部函数 注册鼠标经过进度滑块的事件 */ timeButtonMouseDown: function () { var thisTemp = this; var timePrompt = function (time) { if (isNaN(time)) { time = 0; } var timeButtonXY = thisTemp.getCoor(thisTemp.CB['timeButton']); var promptObj = { title: thisTemp.formatTime(time, 0, thisTemp.ckLanguage['timeSliderOver']), x: timeButtonXY['x'] - thisTemp.pdCoor['x'] + thisTemp.CB['timeButton'].offsetWidth * 0.5, y: timeButtonXY['y'] - thisTemp.pdCoor['y'] }; thisTemp.promptShow(false, promptObj); }; var timeObj = { slider: this.CB['timeButton'], follow: this.CB['timeProgress'], refer: this.CB['timeBoBg'], grossValue: 'time', pd: false, startFun: function (time) { thisTemp.isTimeButtonMove = false; }, monitorFun: function (time) { }, endFun: function (time) { if (thisTemp.V) { if (thisTemp.V.duration > 0) { thisTemp.needSeek = 0; thisTemp.videoSeek(parseInt(time)); } } }, overFun: function (time) { timePrompt(time); } }; var timeClickObj = { refer: this.CB['timeBoBg'], grossValue: 'time', fun: function (time) { if (thisTemp.V) { if (thisTemp.V.duration > 0) { thisTemp.needSeek = 0; thisTemp.videoSeek(parseInt(time)); } } } }; var timeBoBgmousemove = function (event) { var timeBoBgXY = thisTemp.getCoor(thisTemp.CB['timeBoBg']); var eventX = thisTemp.client(event)['x']; var duration = thisTemp.V.duration; if (isNaN(duration) || parseInt(duration) < 0.2) { duration = thisTemp.vars['duration']; } if (thisTemp.vars['forceduration'] > 0) { duration = thisTemp.vars['forceduration']; } var eventTime = parseInt((eventX - timeBoBgXY['x']) * duration / thisTemp.CB['timeBoBg'].offsetWidth); var buttonPromptObj = { title: thisTemp.formatTime(eventTime, 0, thisTemp.ckLanguage['timeSliderOver']), x: eventX, y: timeBoBgXY['y'] }; thisTemp.promptShow(false, buttonPromptObj); var def = false; if (!thisTemp.isUndefined(thisTemp.CB['definitionP'])) { if (thisTemp.css(thisTemp.CB['definitionP'], 'display') != 'block') { def = true; } } if (thisTemp.vars['preview'] != null && def) { buttonPromptObj['time'] = eventTime; thisTemp.preview(buttonPromptObj); } }; var promptHide = function (event) { thisTemp.promptShow(false); if (thisTemp.previewDiv != null) { thisTemp.css([thisTemp.previewDiv, thisTemp.previewTop], 'display', 'none'); } }; if (!this.vars['live']) { //如果不是直播 this.isTimeButtonDown = true; this.addListenerInside('mousemove', timeBoBgmousemove, this.CB['timeBoBg']); this.addListenerInside('mouseout', promptHide, this.CB['timeBoBg']); } else { this.isTimeButtonDown = false; timeObj['removeListenerInside'] = true; timeClickObj['removeListenerInside'] = true; } this.slider(timeObj); this.progressClick(timeClickObj); }, /* 内部函数 注册调节框上单击事件,包含音量调节框和播放时度调节框 */ progressClick: function (obj) { /* refer:参考对象 fun:返回函数 refer:参考元素,即背景 grossValue:调用的参考值类型 pd: */ //建立参考元素的mouseClick事件,用来做为鼠标在其上按下时触发的状态 var thisTemp = this; var referMouseClick = function (event) { var referX = thisTemp.client(event)['x'] - thisTemp.getCoor(obj['refer'])['x']; var rWidth = obj['refer'].offsetWidth; var grossValue = 0; if (obj['grossValue'] == 'volume') { grossValue = 100; } else { if (thisTemp.V) { grossValue = thisTemp.V.duration; if (isNaN(grossValue) || parseInt(grossValue) < 0.2) { grossValue = thisTemp.vars['duration']; } if (thisTemp.vars['forceduration'] > 0) { grossValue = thisTemp.vars['forceduration']; } } } var nowZ = parseInt(referX * grossValue / rWidth); if (obj['fun']) { if (obj['grossValue'] === 'time') { var sliderXY = thisTemp.getCoor(thisTemp.CB['timeButton']); sliderLeft = sliderXY['x']; if (!thisTemp.checkSlideLeft(referX, sliderLeft, rWidth)) { return; } var bimeButtonWB = thisTemp.CB['timeButton'].offsetWidth * 0.5; thisTemp.css(thisTemp.CB['timeButton'], 'left', (referX - bimeButtonWB) + 'px'); thisTemp.css(thisTemp.CB['timeProgress'], 'width', (referX) + 'px'); } obj['fun'](nowZ); } }; if (this.isUndefined(obj['removeListenerInside'])) { this.addListenerInside('click', referMouseClick, obj['refer']); } else { this.removeListenerInside('click', referMouseClick, obj['refer']); } }, /* 内部函数 共用的注册滑块事件 */ slider: function (obj) { /* obj={ slider:滑块元素 follow:跟随滑块的元素 refer:参考元素,即背景 grossValue:调用的参考值类型 startFun:开始调用的元素 monitorFun:监听函数 endFun:结束调用的函数 overFun:鼠标放上去后调用的函数 pd:是否需要修正 } */ var thisTemp = this; var clientX = 0, criterionWidth = 0, sliderLeft = 0, referLeft = 0; var value = 0; var calculation = function () { //根据滑块的left计算百分比 var sLeft = parseInt(thisTemp.css(obj['slider'], 'left')); var rWidth = obj['refer'].offsetWidth - obj['slider'].offsetWidth; var grossValue = 0; if (thisTemp.isUndefined(sLeft) || isNaN(sLeft)) { sLeft = 0; } if (obj['grossValue'] == 'volume') { grossValue = 100; } else { if (thisTemp.V) { grossValue = thisTemp.V.duration; } } return parseInt(sLeft * grossValue / rWidth); }; var mDown = function (event) { thisTemp.addListenerInside('mousemove', mMove, document); thisTemp.addListenerInside('mouseup', mUp, document); var referXY = thisTemp.getCoor(obj['refer']); var sliderXY = thisTemp.getCoor(obj['slider']); clientX = thisTemp.client(event)['x']; referLeft = referXY['x']; sliderLeft = sliderXY['x']; criterionWidth = clientX - sliderLeft; if (obj['startFun']) { obj['startFun'](calculation()); } }; var mMove = function (event) { clientX = thisTemp.client(event)['x']; var newX = clientX - criterionWidth - referLeft; if (newX < 0) { newX = 0; } if (newX > obj['refer'].offsetWidth - obj['slider'].offsetWidth) { newX = obj['refer'].offsetWidth - obj['slider'].offsetWidth; } if (obj['slider'] === thisTemp.CB['timeButton']) { if (!thisTemp.checkSlideLeft(newX, sliderLeft, obj['refer'].offsetWidth)) { return; } } thisTemp.css(obj['slider'], 'left', newX + 'px'); thisTemp.css(obj['follow'], 'width', (newX + obj['slider'].offsetWidth * 0.5) + 'px'); var nowZ = calculation(); if (obj['monitorFun']) { obj['monitorFun'](nowZ); } }; var mUp = function (event) { thisTemp.removeListenerInside('mousemove', mMove, document); thisTemp.removeListenerInside('mouseup', mUp, document); if (obj['endFun']) { obj['endFun'](calculation()); } }; var mOver = function (event) { if (obj['overFun']) { obj['overFun'](calculation()); } }; if (this.isUndefined(obj['removeListenerInside'])) { this.addListenerInside('mousedown', mDown, obj['slider']); this.addListenerInside('mouseover', mOver, obj['slider']); } else { this.removeListenerInside('mousedown', mDown, obj['slider']); this.removeListenerInside('mouseover', mOver, obj['slider']); } }, /* 内部函数 判断是否可以拖动进度按钮或点击进度栏 */ checkSlideLeft: function (newX, sliderLeft, refer) { var timeSA = this.ckConfig['config']['timeScheduleAdjust']; switch (timeSA) { case 0: return false; break; case 2: if (newX < sliderLeft) { return false; } break; case 3: if (newX > sliderLeft) { return false; } break; case 4: if (!this.timeSliderLeftTemp) { this.timeSliderLeftTemp = sliderLeft / refer; } if (newX < this.timeSliderLeftTemp * refer) { return false; } break; case 5: if (!this.timeSliderLeftTemp) { this.timeSliderLeftTemp = sliderLeft / refer; } else { var timeSliderMax = sliderLeft / refer; if (timeSliderMax > this.timeSliderLeftTemp) { this.timeSliderLeftTemp = timeSliderMax; } } if (newX > this.timeSliderLeftTemp * refer) { return false; } break; default: return true; break; } return true; }, /* 内部函数 显示loading */ loadingStart: function (rot) { var thisTemp = this; if (this.isUndefined(rot)) { rot = true; } if (this.conBarShow) { this.css(thisTemp.CB['loading'], 'display', 'none'); this.loadingShow = false; } var buffer = 0; if (rot) { if (this.conBarShow) { this.css(thisTemp.CB['loading'], 'display', 'block'); this.loadingShow = true; } } else { thisTemp.sendJS('buffer', 100); } }, /* 内部函数 显示提示语 */ promptShow: function (ele, data) { if (!this.conBarShow) { return; } var obj = {}; var eleTitle = ''; if (!this.isUndefined(ele)) { eleTitle = this.getDataset(ele, 'title'); if (this.isUndefined(eleTitle)) { ele = null; } } if (ele || data) { if (!this.isUndefined(data)) { obj = data; } else { var offsetCoor = this.getCoor(ele); obj = { title: eleTitle, x: offsetCoor['x'] + ele.offsetWidth * 0.5, y: offsetCoor['y'] }; } this.CB['prompt'].innerHTML = obj['title']; this.css(this.CB['prompt'], 'display', 'block'); var promptStye = this.ckStyle['prompt']; var promoptWidth = this.CB['prompt'].offsetWidth, promoptHeight = this.CB['prompt'].offsetHeight; this.css(this.CB['promptBg'], { width: promoptWidth + 'px', height: promoptHeight + 'px' }); var x = obj['x'] - (promoptWidth * 0.5); var y = obj['y'] - this.CB['prompt'].offsetHeight - promptStye['marginBottom'] - promptStye['triangleHeight']; if (x < 0) { x = 0; } if (x > this.PD.offsetWidth - promoptWidth) { x = this.PD.offsetWidth - promoptWidth; } this.css([this.CB['promptBg'], this.CB['prompt']], { display: 'block', left: x + 'px', top: y + 'px' }); this.css(this.CB['promptTriangle'], { display: 'block', left: x + (promoptWidth - promptStye['triangleWidth']) * 0.5 + parseInt(promptStye['triangleDeviationX']) + 'px', top: y + promoptHeight + 'px' }); } else { this.css([this.CB['promptBg'], this.CB['prompt'], this.CB['promptTriangle']], { display: 'none' }); } }, /* 内部函数 监听错误 */ timerErrorFun: function () { var thisTemp = this; this.errorSend = false; var clearIntervalError = function (event) { if (thisTemp.timerError != null) { if (thisTemp.timerError.runing) { thisTemp.timerError.stop(); } thisTemp.timerError = null; } }; var errorFun = function (event) { clearIntervalError(); thisTemp.error = true; //提取错误播放地址 thisTemp.errorUrl = thisTemp.getVideoUrl(); //提取错误播放地址结束 if (!thisTemp.errorSend) { thisTemp.errorSend = true; thisTemp.sendJS('error'); } if (thisTemp.conBarShow) { thisTemp.CB['errorText'].innerHTML = thisTemp.ckLanguage['error']['streamNotFound']; thisTemp.css(thisTemp.CB['errorText'], 'display', 'block'); thisTemp.css([thisTemp.CB['pauseCenter'], thisTemp.CB['loading']], 'display', 'none'); } thisTemp.V.removeAttribute('poster'); thisTemp.resetPlayer(); }; var errorListenerFun = function (event) { setTimeout(function () { if (isNaN(thisTemp.V.duration)) { errorFun(event); } }, 500); }; if (!this.errorAdd) { this.errorAdd = true; this.addListenerInside('error', errorListenerFun); } clearIntervalError(); var timerErrorFun = function () { if (thisTemp.V && parseInt(thisTemp.V.networkState) == 3) { errorFun(); } }; this.timerError = new this.timer(this.ckConfig['config']['errorTime'], timerErrorFun); }, /* 内部函数 构建判断全屏还是非全屏的判断 */ judgeFullScreen: function () { var thisTemp = this; if (this.timerFull != null) { if (this.timerFull.runing) { this.timerFull.stop(); } this.timerFull = null; } var fullFun = function () { thisTemp.isFullScreen(); }; this.timerFull = new this.timer(20, fullFun); }, /* 内部函数 判断是否是全屏 */ isFullScreen: function () { if (!this.conBarShow) { return; } var fullState = document.fullScreen || document.mozFullScreen || document.webkitIsFullScreen || document.msFullscreenElement; if (fullState && !this.full) { this.full = true; this.sendJS('full', true); this.elementCoordinate(); this.carbarButton(); this.customCoor();//控制栏自定义元件 this.css(this.CB['full'], 'display', 'none'); this.css(this.CB['escFull'], 'display', 'block'); if (this.vars['live'] == 0) { this.timeUpdateHandler(); } this.PD.appendChild(this.CB['menu']); } if (!fullState && this.full) { this.full = false; this.sendJS('full', false); this.elementCoordinate(); this.carbarButton(); this.customCoor();//控制栏自定义元件 this.css(this.CB['full'], 'display', 'block'); this.css(this.CB['escFull'], 'display', 'none'); if (this.timerFull != null) { if (this.timerFull.runing) { this.timerFull.stop(); } this.timerFull = null; } if (this.vars['live'] == 0) { this.timeUpdateHandler(); } this.body.appendChild(this.CB['menu']); } }, /* 内部函数 构建右键内容及注册相关动作事件 */ newMenu: function () { var thisTemp = this; var i = 0; this.css(this.CB['menu'], { backgroundColor: '#FFFFFF', padding: '5px', position: 'absolute', left: '10px', top: '20px', display: 'none', zIndex: '999', color: '#A1A9BE', boxShadow: '2px 2px 3px #AAAAAA' }); var mArr = this.contextMenu; var cMenu = this.ckConfig['menu']; if (cMenu['name']) { if (cMenu['link']) { mArr[0] = [cMenu['name'], 'link', cMenu['link']]; } else { mArr[0] = [cMenu['name'], 'default']; } } if (cMenu['version']) { mArr[1] = [cMenu['version'], 'default', 'line']; } if (cMenu['more']) { if (this.varType(cMenu['more']) == 'array') { if (cMenu['more'].length > 0) { var moreArr = cMenu['more']; for (i = 0; i < moreArr.length; i++) { var mTemp = moreArr[i]; var arrTemp = []; if (mTemp['name']) { arrTemp.push(mTemp['name']); } if (mTemp['clickEvent'] && mTemp['clickEvent'] != 'none') { var eveObj = this.clickEvent(mTemp['clickEvent']); arrTemp.push(eveObj['type']); if (eveObj['fun']) { arrTemp.push(eveObj['fun']); } if (eveObj['link']) { arrTemp.push(eveObj['link']); } if (eveObj['target']) { arrTemp.push(' target="' + eveObj['target'] + '"'); } } if (mTemp['separatorBefore']) { arrTemp.push('line'); } mArr.push(arrTemp); } } } } var html = ''; for (i = 0; i < mArr.length; i++) { var me = mArr[i]; switch (me[1]) { case 'default': html += '

' + me[0] + '

'; break; case 'link': if (me[3]) { me[3] = 'target="' + me[3] + '"'; } html += '

' + me[0] + '

'; break; case 'javaScript': html += '

' + me[0] + '

'; break; case 'actionScript': html += '

' + me[0] + '

'; break; default: break; } } this.CB['menu'].innerHTML = html; var pArr = this.CB['menu'].childNodes; for (i = 0; i < pArr.length; i++) { this.css(pArr[i], { height: '30px', lineHeight: '30px', margin: '0px', fontFamily: this.fontFamily, fontSize: '12px', paddingLeft: '10px', paddingRight: '30px' }); if (mArr[i][mArr[i].length - 1] == 'line') { this.css(pArr[i], 'borderBottom', '1px solid #e9e9e9'); } var aArr = pArr[i].childNodes; for (var n = 0; n < aArr.length; n++) { if (aArr[n].localName == 'a') { this.css(aArr[n], { color: '#000000', textDecoration: 'none' }); } } } this.PD.oncontextmenu = function (event) { var eve = event || window.event; var client = thisTemp.client(event); if (eve.button == 2) { eve.returnvalue = false; var x = client['x'] + thisTemp.pdCoor['x'] - 2; var y = client['y'] + thisTemp.pdCoor['y'] - 2; thisTemp.css(thisTemp.CB['menu'], { display: 'none', left: x + 'px', top: y + 'px' }); return false; } return true; }; var setTimeOutPClose = function () { if (setTimeOutP) { window.clearTimeout(setTimeOutP); setTimeOutP = null; } }; var setTimeOutP = null; var mouseOut = function (event) { setTimeOutPClose(); setTimeOutP = setTimeout(function (event) { thisTemp.css(thisTemp.CB['menu'], 'display', 'none'); }, 500); }; this.addListenerInside('mouseout', mouseOut, thisTemp.CB['menu']); var mouseOver = function (event) { setTimeOutPClose(); }; this.addListenerInside('mouseover', mouseOver, thisTemp.CB['menu']); }, /* 内部函数 构建控制栏隐藏事件 */ controlBarHide: function (hide) { var thisTemp = this; var client = { x: 0, y: 0 }, oldClient = { x: 0, y: 0 }; var cShow = true, force = false; var oldCoor = [0, 0]; var controlBarShow = function (show) { if (show && !cShow && thisTemp.controlBarIsShow) { cShow = true; thisTemp.sendJS('controlBar', true); thisTemp.css(thisTemp.CB['controlBarBg'], 'display', 'block'); thisTemp.css(thisTemp.CB['controlBar'], 'display', 'block'); thisTemp.timeProgressDefault(); //thisTemp.css(thisTemp.CB['timeProgressBg'], 'display', 'block'); //thisTemp.css(thisTemp.CB['timeBoBg'], 'display', 'block'); thisTemp.changeVolume(thisTemp.volume); thisTemp.changeLoad(); if (!thisTemp.timerBuffer) { thisTemp.bufferEdHandler(); } } else { if (cShow) { cShow = false; var paused = thisTemp.getMetaDate()['paused']; if (force) { paused = false; } if (!paused) { thisTemp.sendJS('controlBar', false); thisTemp.css(thisTemp.CB['controlBarBg'], 'display', 'none'); thisTemp.css(thisTemp.CB['controlBar'], 'display', 'none'); thisTemp.promptShow(false); } } } thisTemp.videoCss();//计算video的宽高和位置 }; var cbarFun = function (event) { if (client['x'] == oldClient['x'] && client['y'] == oldClient['y']) { var cdH = parseInt(thisTemp.CD.offsetHeight); if ((client['y'] < cdH - 50 || client['y'] > cdH - 2) && cShow && !thisTemp.getMetaDate()['paused']) { controlBarShow(false); } } else { if (!cShow) { controlBarShow(true); } } oldClient = { x: client['x'], y: client['y'] } }; this.timerCBar = new this.timer(2000, cbarFun); var cdMove = function (event) { var getClient = thisTemp.client(event); client['x'] = getClient['x']; client['y'] = getClient['y']; if (!cShow) { controlBarShow(true); } thisTemp.sendJS('mouse', client); }; this.addListenerInside('mousemove', cdMove, thisTemp.CD); this.addListenerInside('ended', cdMove); this.addListenerInside('resize', cdMove, window); if (hide === true) { cShow = true; force = true; controlBarShow(false); } if (hide === false) { cShow = false; force = true; controlBarShow(true); } }, /* 内部函数 注册键盘按键事件 */ keypress: function () { var thisTemp = this; var keyDown = function (eve) { var keycode = eve.keyCode || eve.which; if (thisTemp.adPlayerPlay) { return; } switch (keycode) { case 32: thisTemp.playOrPause(); break; case 37: thisTemp.fastBack(); break; case 39: thisTemp.fastNext(); break; case 38: now = thisTemp.volume + thisTemp.ckConfig['config']['volumeJump']; thisTemp.changeVolume(now > 1 ? 1 : now); break; case 40: now = thisTemp.volume - thisTemp.ckConfig['config']['volumeJump']; thisTemp.changeVolume(now < 0 ? 0 : now); break; default: break; } }; this.addListenerInside('keydown', keyDown, window || document); }, /* 内部函数 注册倍速相关 */ playbackRate: function () { if (!this.conBarShow || !this.ckConfig['config']['playbackRate']) { return; } var styleCD = this.ckStyle['controlBar']['playbackrate']; var cssSup = { overflow: 'hidden', display: 'none', zIndex: 995 }; var cssSup2 = { overflow: 'hidden', align: 'top', vAlign: 'left', offsetX: 0, offsetY: 0, zIndex: 1 }; var thisTemp = this; var dArr = this.playbackRateArr; var html = ''; var nowD = ''; //当前的倍速 var i = 0, nowI = 0; nowD = dArr[this.playbackRateDefault][1]; nowI = this.playbackRateDefault; this.removeChildAll(this.CB['playbackrateP']); if (dArr.length > 1) { //设置样式 this.CB['playbackratePB'] = document.createElement('div'), this.CB['playbackratePC'] = document.createElement('div'); this.CB['playbackrateP'].appendChild(this.CB['playbackratePB']); this.CB['playbackrateP'].appendChild(this.CB['playbackratePC']); //按钮列表容器样式 var bgCss = this.newObj(styleCD['background']); bgCss['backgroundColor'] = ''; //内容层样式 cssTemp = this.getEleCss(bgCss, cssSup2); this.css(this.CB['playbackratePC'], cssTemp); bgCss['padding'] = 0; bgCss['paddingLeft'] = 0; bgCss['paddingTop'] = 0; bgCss['paddingRight'] = 0; bgCss['paddingBottom'] = 0; //容器层样式 cssTemp = this.getEleCss(this.objectAssign(bgCss, styleCD['backgroundCoorH5']), cssSup); this.css(this.CB['playbackrateP'], cssTemp); //背景层样式 bgCss = this.newObj(styleCD['background']); bgCss['alpha'] = bgCss['backgroundAlpha']; bgCss['padding'] = 0; bgCss['paddingLeft'] = 0; bgCss['paddingTop'] = 0; bgCss['paddingRight'] = 0; bgCss['paddingBottom'] = 0; cssTemp = this.getEleCss(bgCss, cssSup2); this.css(this.CB['playbackratePB'], cssTemp); //样式设置结束 for (i = 0; i < dArr.length; i++) { var buttonDiv = document.createElement('div'); buttonDiv.dataset.title = dArr[i][1]; if (nowI != i) { this.textButton(buttonDiv, styleCD['button'], null, this.CB['playbackrateP'], dArr[i][1], ''); } else { this.textButton(buttonDiv, styleCD['buttonHighlight'], null, this.CB['playbackrateP'], dArr[i][1], ''); } this.css(buttonDiv, 'position', 'static'); this.CB['playbackratePC'].appendChild(buttonDiv); //构建间隔线 if (i < dArr.length - 1) { var separate = styleCD['separate']; separate['borderTop'] = separate['border']; separate['borderTopColor'] = separate['color']; var separateDiv = document.createElement('div'); this.CB['playbackratePC'].appendChild(separateDiv); var cssTemp = this.getEleCss(separate, { width: '100%' }); cssTemp['position'] = 'static'; this.css(separateDiv, cssTemp); } var subClick = function () { var dName = thisTemp.getDataset(this, 'title'); if (nowD != dName) { thisTemp.css(thisTemp.CB['playbackrateP'], 'display', 'none'); thisTemp.newPlaybackrate(dName); } }; this.addListenerInside('click', subClick, buttonDiv); } //下面三角形样式 this.CB['playbackrateTriangle'] = document.createElement('div'); this.CB['playbackrateP'].appendChild(this.CB['playbackrateTriangle']); var tbCss = styleCD['background']; cssTemp = { width: 0, height: 0, borderLeft: tbCss['triangleWidth'] * 0.5 + 'px solid transparent', borderRight: tbCss['triangleWidth'] * 0.5 + 'px solid transparent', borderTop: tbCss['triangleHeight'] + 'px solid ' + tbCss['triangleBackgroundColor'].replace('0x', '#'), overflow: 'hidden', opacity: tbCss['triangleAlpha'], filter: 'alpha(opacity:' + tbCss['triangleAlpha'] + ')', position: 'absolute', left: '0px', top: '0px', zIndex: 2 }; this.css(this.CB['playbackrateTriangle'], cssTemp); this.CB['playbackrateButtonText'].innerHTML = nowD; } else { this.CB['playbackrateButtonText'].innerHTML = this.ckLanguage['playbackrate']; } }, /* 内部函数 注册切换倍速播放相关事件 */ addPlaybackrate: function () { var thisTemp = this; var setTimeOutP = null; var defClick = function (event) { if (thisTemp.css(thisTemp.CB['playbackrateP'], 'display') != 'block' && !thisTemp.isUndefined(thisTemp.CB['playbackratePC'])) { thisTemp.css(thisTemp.CB['playbackrateP'], 'display', 'block'); var tbCss = thisTemp.ckStyle['controlBar']['playbackrate']['background']; thisTemp.css(thisTemp.CB['playbackratePB'], { width: thisTemp.CB['playbackratePC'].offsetWidth + 'px', height: thisTemp.CB['playbackratePC'].offsetHeight + 'px' }); thisTemp.css(thisTemp.CB['playbackrateP'], { width: (thisTemp.CB['playbackratePC'].offsetWidth + tbCss['triangleDeviationX'] + tbCss['triangleWidth']) + 'px', height: (thisTemp.CB['playbackratePC'].offsetHeight + tbCss['triangleDeviationY'] + tbCss['triangleHeight']) + 'px' }); thisTemp.promptShow(false); //设置三角形样式 var tempELe = thisTemp.CB['playbackratePB']; var tempWidth = tempELe.offsetWidth, tempHeight = tempELe.offsetHeight; var x = ((tempWidth - tbCss['triangleWidth']) * 0.5) + tbCss['triangleDeviationX']; var y = tempELe.offsetHeight + tbCss['triangleDeviationY']; var cssTemp = { left: x + 'px', top: y + 'px' }; thisTemp.css(thisTemp.CB['playbackrateTriangle'], cssTemp); } else { thisTemp.css(thisTemp.CB['playbackrateP'], 'display', 'none'); } }; this.addListenerInside('click', defClick, this.CB['playbackrate']); var defMouseOut = function (event) { if (setTimeOutP) { window.clearTimeout(setTimeOutP); setTimeOutP = null; } setTimeOutP = setTimeout(function (event) { thisTemp.css(thisTemp.CB['playbackrateP'], 'display', 'none'); }, 500); }; this.addListenerInside('mouseout', defMouseOut, thisTemp.CB['playbackrateP']); var defMouseOver = function (event) { if (setTimeOutP) { thisTemp.buttonHide = false; window.clearTimeout(setTimeOutP); setTimeOutP = null; } }; this.addListenerInside('mouseover', defMouseOver, thisTemp.CB['playbackrateP']); }, /* 内部函数 切换倍速后发生的动作 */ newPlaybackrate: function (title) { var vArr = this.playbackRateArr; var nVArr = []; var i = 0; for (i = 0; i < vArr.length; i++) { var v = vArr[i]; if (v[1] == title) { this.playbackRateDefault = i; this.V.playbackRate = v[0]; if (this.conBarShow) { this.CB['playbackrateButtonText'].innerHTML = v[1]; this.playbackRate(); } this.sendJS('playbackRate', v); this.playbackRateTemp = v[0]; } } }, /* 内部函数 注册多字幕切换相关 */ subtitleSwitch: function () { if (!this.conBarShow || !this.ckConfig['config']['subtitle']) { return; } var thisTemp = this; var dArr = this.vars['cktrack'];//字幕数组 if (this.varType(dArr) != 'array') { return; } if (dArr[0][1] == '') { return; } var styleCD = this.ckStyle['controlBar']['subtitle']; var cssSup = { overflow: 'hidden', display: 'none', zIndex: 995 }; var cssSup2 = { overflow: 'hidden', align: 'top', vAlign: 'left', offsetX: 0, offsetY: 0, zIndex: 1 }; var html = ''; var nowD = ''; //当前的字幕 var i = 0, nowI = 0; if (this.subtitlesTemp == -1 && dArr.length > 0) { this.subtitlesTemp = dArr.length - 1; } for (i = 0; i < dArr.length; i++) { if (this.subtitlesTemp == i) { nowD = dArr[i][1]; nowI = i; } } if (!nowD) { nowD = dArr[0][1]; } this.removeChildAll(this.CB['subtitlesP']); if (dArr.length > 1) { //设置样式 this.CB['subtitlesPB'] = document.createElement('div'), this.CB['subtitlesPC'] = document.createElement('div'); this.CB['subtitlesP'].appendChild(this.CB['subtitlesPB']); this.CB['subtitlesP'].appendChild(this.CB['subtitlesPC']); //按钮列表容器样式 var bgCss = this.newObj(styleCD['background']); bgCss['backgroundColor'] = ''; //内容层样式 cssTemp = this.getEleCss(bgCss, cssSup2); this.css(this.CB['subtitlesPC'], cssTemp); bgCss['padding'] = 0; bgCss['paddingLeft'] = 0; bgCss['paddingTop'] = 0; bgCss['paddingRight'] = 0; bgCss['paddingBottom'] = 0; //容器层样式 cssTemp = this.getEleCss(this.objectAssign(bgCss, styleCD['backgroundCoorH5']), cssSup); this.css(this.CB['subtitlesP'], cssTemp); //背景层样式 bgCss = this.newObj(styleCD['background']); bgCss['alpha'] = bgCss['backgroundAlpha']; bgCss['padding'] = 0; bgCss['paddingLeft'] = 0; bgCss['paddingTop'] = 0; bgCss['paddingRight'] = 0; bgCss['paddingBottom'] = 0; cssTemp = this.getEleCss(bgCss, cssSup2); this.css(this.CB['subtitlesPB'], cssTemp); //样式设置结束 for (i = 0; i < dArr.length; i++) { var buttonDiv = document.createElement('div'); buttonDiv.dataset.title = dArr[i][1]; if (nowI != i) { this.textButton(buttonDiv, styleCD['button'], null, this.CB['subtitlesP'], dArr[i][1], ''); } else { this.textButton(buttonDiv, styleCD['buttonHighlight'], null, this.CB['subtitlesP'], dArr[i][1], ''); } this.css(buttonDiv, 'position', 'static'); this.CB['subtitlesPC'].appendChild(buttonDiv); //构建间隔线 if (i < dArr.length - 1) { var separate = styleCD['separate']; separate['borderTop'] = separate['border']; separate['borderTopColor'] = separate['color']; var separateDiv = document.createElement('div'); this.CB['subtitlesPC'].appendChild(separateDiv); var cssTemp = this.getEleCss(separate, { width: '100%' }); cssTemp['position'] = 'static'; this.css(separateDiv, cssTemp); } var subClick = function () { var dName = thisTemp.getDataset(this, 'title'); if (nowD != dName) { thisTemp.css(thisTemp.CB['subtitlesP'], 'display', 'none'); thisTemp.newSubtitles(dName); } }; this.addListenerInside('click', subClick, buttonDiv); } //下面三角形样式 this.CB['subtitlesTriangle'] = document.createElement('div'); this.CB['subtitlesP'].appendChild(this.CB['subtitlesTriangle']); var tbCss = styleCD['background']; cssTemp = { width: 0, height: 0, borderLeft: tbCss['triangleWidth'] * 0.5 + 'px solid transparent', borderRight: tbCss['triangleWidth'] * 0.5 + 'px solid transparent', borderTop: tbCss['triangleHeight'] + 'px solid ' + tbCss['triangleBackgroundColor'].replace('0x', '#'), overflow: 'hidden', opacity: tbCss['triangleAlpha'], filter: 'alpha(opacity:' + tbCss['triangleAlpha'] + ')', position: 'absolute', left: '0px', top: '0px', zIndex: 2 }; this.css(this.CB['subtitlesTriangle'], cssTemp); this.CB['subtitleButtonText'].innerHTML = nowD; } else { this.CB['subtitleButtonText'].innerHTML = this.ckLanguage['subtitle']; } }, /* 内部函数 注册多字幕切换事件 */ addSubtitles: function () { var thisTemp = this; var setTimeOutP = null; var defClick = function (event) { if (thisTemp.css(thisTemp.CB['subtitlesP'], 'display') != 'block' && !thisTemp.isUndefined(thisTemp.CB['subtitlesPC'])) { var tbCss = thisTemp.ckStyle['controlBar']['subtitle']['background']; thisTemp.css(thisTemp.CB['subtitlesP'], 'display', 'block'); thisTemp.css(thisTemp.CB['subtitlesPB'], { width: thisTemp.CB['subtitlesPC'].offsetWidth + 'px', height: thisTemp.CB['subtitlesPC'].offsetHeight + 'px' }); thisTemp.css(thisTemp.CB['subtitlesP'], { width: (thisTemp.CB['subtitlesPC'].offsetWidth + tbCss['triangleDeviationX'] + tbCss['triangleWidth']) + 'px', height: (thisTemp.CB['subtitlesPC'].offsetHeight + tbCss['triangleDeviationY'] + tbCss['triangleHeight']) + 'px' }); thisTemp.promptShow(false); //设置三角形样式 var tempELe = thisTemp.CB['subtitlesPB']; var tempWidth = tempELe.offsetWidth, tempHeight = tempELe.offsetHeight; var x = ((tempWidth - tbCss['triangleWidth']) * 0.5) + tbCss['triangleDeviationX']; var y = tempELe.offsetHeight + tbCss['triangleDeviationY']; var cssTemp = { left: x + 'px', top: y + 'px' }; thisTemp.css(thisTemp.CB['subtitlesTriangle'], cssTemp); } else { thisTemp.css(thisTemp.CB['subtitlesP'], 'display', 'none'); } }; this.addListenerInside('click', defClick, this.CB['subtitles']); var defMouseOut = function (event) { if (setTimeOutP) { window.clearTimeout(setTimeOutP); setTimeOutP = null; } setTimeOutP = setTimeout(function (event) { thisTemp.css(thisTemp.CB['subtitlesP'], 'display', 'none'); }, 500); }; this.addListenerInside('mouseout', defMouseOut, thisTemp.CB['subtitlesP']); var defMouseOver = function (event) { thisTemp.buttonHide = false; if (setTimeOutP) { window.clearTimeout(setTimeOutP); setTimeOutP = null; } }; this.addListenerInside('mouseover', defMouseOver, thisTemp.CB['subtitlesP']); }, /* 接口函数:修改字幕,按数组编号来 提供给外部api */ changeSubtitles: function (n) { if (!this.loaded || n < 0) { return; } var vArr = this.vars['cktrack'];//字幕数组 if (this.varType(vArr) != 'array') { return; } if (this.playerType == 'flashplayer') { this.V.changeSubtitles(n); return; } if (vArr.length > n) { var arr = vArr[n]; if (arr.length > 2) { var title = arr[1]; if (title) { this.newSubtitles(title); } } } }, /* 接口函数:修改字幕大小 提供给外部api */ changeSubtitlesSize: function (n, m) { if (!this.loaded || n < 0) { return; } if (this.playerType == 'flashplayer') { this.V.changeSubtitlesSize(n, m); return; } this.ckStyle['cktrack']['size'] = n; if (!this.isUndefined(m)) { this.ckStyle['cktrack']['leading'] = m; } this.trackShowAgain(); }, /* 当切换字幕时的动作 */ newSubtitles: function (title) { var vArr = this.vars['cktrack'];//字幕数组 var i = 0; for (i = 0; i < vArr.length; i++) { var v = vArr[i]; if (v[1] == title) { this.subtitlesTemp = i; if (this.conBarShow) { this.CB['subtitleButtonText'].innerHTML = v[1]; this.subtitleSwitch(); this.loadTrack(i); } this.sendJS('subtitles', v); } } }, /* 内部函数 构建清晰度按钮及切换事件(Click事件) */ definition: function () { if (!this.conBarShow || !this.ckConfig['config']['definition']) { return; } var styleCD = this.ckStyle['controlBar']['definition']; var cssSup = { overflow: 'hidden', display: 'none', zIndex: 995 }; var cssSup2 = { overflow: 'hidden', align: 'top', vAlign: 'left', offsetX: 0, offsetY: 0, zIndex: 1 }; var thisTemp = this; var vArr = this.VA; var dArr = []; var html = ''; var nowD = ''; //当前的清晰度 var i = 0, nowI = 0; for (i = 0; i < vArr.length; i++) { var d = vArr[i][2]; if (dArr.indexOf(d) == -1) { dArr.push(d); } if (this.V) { if (vArr[i][0] == this.V.currentSrc) { nowD = d; nowI = i; } } } if (!nowD) { nowD = dArr[0]; } this.removeChildAll(this.CB['definitionP']); if (dArr.length > 1) { //设置样式 this.CB['definitionPB'] = document.createElement('div'), this.CB['definitionPC'] = document.createElement('div'); this.CB['definitionP'].appendChild(this.CB['definitionPB']); this.CB['definitionP'].appendChild(this.CB['definitionPC']); //按钮列表容器样式 var bgCss = this.newObj(styleCD['background']); bgCss['backgroundColor'] = ''; //内容层样式 cssTemp = this.getEleCss(bgCss, cssSup2); this.css(this.CB['definitionPC'], cssTemp); bgCss['padding'] = 0; bgCss['paddingLeft'] = 0; bgCss['paddingTop'] = 0; bgCss['paddingRight'] = 0; bgCss['paddingBottom'] = 0; //容器层样式 cssTemp = this.getEleCss(this.objectAssign(bgCss, styleCD['backgroundCoorH5']), cssSup); this.css(this.CB['definitionP'], cssTemp); //背景层样式 bgCss = this.newObj(styleCD['background']); bgCss['alpha'] = bgCss['backgroundAlpha']; bgCss['padding'] = 0; bgCss['paddingLeft'] = 0; bgCss['paddingTop'] = 0; bgCss['paddingRight'] = 0; bgCss['paddingBottom'] = 0; cssTemp = this.getEleCss(bgCss, cssSup2); this.css(this.CB['definitionPB'], cssTemp); //样式设置结束 for (i = 0; i < dArr.length; i++) { var buttonDiv = document.createElement('div'); buttonDiv.dataset.title = dArr[i]; if (nowI != i) { this.textButton(buttonDiv, styleCD['button'], null, this.CB['definitionP'], dArr[i], ''); } else { this.textButton(buttonDiv, styleCD['buttonHighlight'], null, this.CB['definitionP'], dArr[i], ''); } this.css(buttonDiv, 'position', 'static'); this.CB['definitionPC'].appendChild(buttonDiv); //构建间隔线 if (i < dArr.length - 1) { var separate = styleCD['separate']; separate['borderTop'] = separate['border']; separate['borderTopColor'] = separate['color']; var separateDiv = document.createElement('div'); this.CB['definitionPC'].appendChild(separateDiv); var cssTemp = this.getEleCss(separate, { width: '100%' }); cssTemp['position'] = 'static'; this.css(separateDiv, cssTemp); } var defClick = function () { var dName = thisTemp.getDataset(this, 'title'); if (nowD != dName) { thisTemp.css(thisTemp.CB['definitionP'], 'display', 'none'); thisTemp.newDefinition(dName); } }; this.addListenerInside('click', defClick, buttonDiv); } //下面三角形样式 this.CB['definitionTriangle'] = document.createElement('div'); this.CB['definitionP'].appendChild(this.CB['definitionTriangle']); var tbCss = styleCD['background']; cssTemp = { width: 0, height: 0, borderLeft: tbCss['triangleWidth'] * 0.5 + 'px solid transparent', borderRight: tbCss['triangleWidth'] * 0.5 + 'px solid transparent', borderTop: tbCss['triangleHeight'] + 'px solid ' + tbCss['triangleBackgroundColor'].replace('0x', '#'), overflow: 'hidden', opacity: tbCss['triangleAlpha'], filter: 'alpha(opacity:' + tbCss['triangleAlpha'] + ')', position: 'absolute', left: '0px', top: '0px', zIndex: 2 }; this.css(this.CB['definitionTriangle'], cssTemp); this.CB['defaultButtonText'].innerHTML = nowD; this.css(this.CB['definition'], 'display', 'block'); } else { this.CB['defaultButtonText'].innerHTML = this.ckLanguage['definition']; } }, /* 内部函数 删除节点内容 */ removeChildAll: function (ele) { for (var i = ele.childNodes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var childNode = ele.childNodes[i]; ele.removeChild(childNode); } }, /* 内部函数 注册清晰度相关事件 */ addDefListener: function () { var thisTemp = this; var setTimeOutP = null; var defClick = function (event) { if (thisTemp.css(thisTemp.CB['definitionP'], 'display') != 'block' && !thisTemp.isUndefined(thisTemp.CB['definitionPC'])) { thisTemp.css(thisTemp.CB['definitionP'], 'display', 'block'); var tbCss = thisTemp.ckStyle['controlBar']['definition']['background']; thisTemp.css(thisTemp.CB['definitionPB'], { width: thisTemp.CB['definitionPC'].offsetWidth + 'px', height: thisTemp.CB['definitionPC'].offsetHeight + 'px' }); thisTemp.css(thisTemp.CB['definitionP'], { width: (thisTemp.CB['definitionPC'].offsetWidth + tbCss['triangleDeviationX'] + tbCss['triangleWidth']) + 'px', height: (thisTemp.CB['definitionPC'].offsetHeight + tbCss['triangleDeviationY'] + tbCss['triangleHeight']) + 'px' }); thisTemp.promptShow(false); //设置三角形样式 var tempELe = thisTemp.CB['definitionPB']; var tempWidth = tempELe.offsetWidth, tempHeight = tempELe.offsetHeight; var x = ((tempWidth - tbCss['triangleWidth']) * 0.5) + tbCss['triangleDeviationX']; var y = tempELe.offsetHeight + tbCss['triangleDeviationY']; var cssTemp = { left: x + 'px', top: y + 'px' }; thisTemp.css(thisTemp.CB['definitionTriangle'], cssTemp); } else { thisTemp.css(thisTemp.CB['definitionP'], 'display', 'none'); } }; this.addListenerInside('click', defClick, this.CB['definition']); var defMouseOut = function (event) { if (setTimeOutP) { window.clearTimeout(setTimeOutP); setTimeOutP = null; } setTimeOutP = setTimeout(function (event) { thisTemp.css(thisTemp.CB['definitionP'], 'display', 'none'); }, 500); }; this.addListenerInside('mouseout', defMouseOut, thisTemp.CB['definitionP']); var defMouseOver = function (event) { thisTemp.buttonHide = false; if (setTimeOutP) { window.clearTimeout(setTimeOutP); setTimeOutP = null; } }; this.addListenerInside('mouseover', defMouseOver, thisTemp.CB['definitionP']); }, /* 接口函数 提供给外部api */ changeDefinition: function (n) { if (!this.loaded || n < 0) { return; } if (this.playerType == 'flashplayer') { this.V.changeDefinition(n); return; } if (this.VA.length > n) { var arr = this.VA[n]; if (arr.length > 3) { var title = arr[2]; if (title) { this.newDefinition(title); } } } }, /* 内部函数 切换清晰度后发生的动作 */ newDefinition: function (title) { var vArr = this.VA; var nVArr = []; var i = 0; for (i = 0; i < vArr.length; i++) { var v = vArr[i]; if (v[2] == title) { nVArr.push(v); this.sendJS('definitionChange', i + ''); } } if (nVArr.length < 1) { return; } if (this.V != null && this.needSeek == 0) { this.needSeek = this.V.currentTime; } if (this.getFileExt(nVArr[0][0]) != '.m3u8') { this.isM3u8 = false; } if (!this.isM3u8) { if (nVArr.length == 1) { this.V.innerHTML = ''; this.V.src = nVArr[0][0]; this.V.currentSrc = nVArr[0][0]; } else { var source = ''; nVArr = this.arrSort(nVArr); for (i = 0; i < nVArr.length; i++) { var type = ''; var va = nVArr[i]; if (va[1]) { type = ' type="' + va[1] + '"'; } source += ''; } this.V.removeAttribute('src'); this.V.innerHTML = source; this.V.currentSrc = nVArr[0][0]; } } else { this.embedHls(vArr[0][0], this.vars['autoplay']); } this.V.autoplay = 'autoplay'; this.V.load(); if (this.playbackRateTemp != 1) { this.V.playbackRate = this.playbackRateTemp; //定义倍速 } this.timerErrorFun(); }, /* 内置函数 播放hls */ embedHls: function (url, autoplay) { var thisTemp = this; thisTemp.hlsAutoPlay = autoplay; if (Hls.isSupported()) { var hls = new Hls(); hls.loadSource(url); hls.attachMedia(this.V); hls.on(Hls.Events.MANIFEST_PARSED, function () { thisTemp.playerLoad(); if (autoplay) { thisTemp.videoPlay(); } }); } }, /* 内部函数 构建提示点 */ prompt: function () { if (!this.conBarShow) { return; } var thisTemp = this; var prompt = this.vars['promptSpot']; if (prompt == null || this.promptArr.length > 0) { return; } var showPrompt = function (event) { if (thisTemp.promptElement == null) { var random2 = 'prompte-' + thisTemp.randomString(5); var ele2 = document.createElement('div'); ele2.className = random2; thisTemp.PD.appendChild(ele2); thisTemp.promptElement = thisTemp.getByElement(random2); thisTemp.css(thisTemp.promptElement, { overflowX: 'hidden', lineHeight: thisTemp.ckStyle['previewPrompt']['lineHeight'] + 'px', fontFamily: thisTemp.ckStyle['previewPrompt']['font'], fontSize: thisTemp.ckStyle['previewPrompt']['size'] + 'px', color: thisTemp.ckStyle['previewPrompt']['color'].replace('0x', '#'), position: 'absolute', display: 'block', zIndex: '90' }); } var pcon = thisTemp.getPromptTest(); var pW = pcon['pW'], pT = pcon['pT'], pL = parseInt(thisTemp.css(this, 'left')) - parseInt(pW * 0.5); if (pcon['pL'] > 10) { pL = pcon['pL']; } if (pL < 0) { pL = 0; } thisTemp.css(thisTemp.promptElement, { width: pW + 'px', left: (- pW - 10) + 'px', display: 'block' }); thisTemp.promptElement.innerHTML = thisTemp.getDataset(this, 'words'); thisTemp.css(thisTemp.promptElement, { left: pL + 'px', top: (pT - thisTemp.promptElement.offsetHeight - thisTemp.ckStyle['previewPrompt']['marginBottom']) + 'px' }); }; var hidePrompt = function (event) { if (thisTemp.promptElement != null) { thisTemp.css(thisTemp.promptElement, { display: 'none' }); } }; var i = 0; for (i = 0; i < prompt.length; i++) { var pr = prompt[i]; var words = pr['words']; var time = pr['time']; var random = 'prompttitle-' + this.randomString(5); var ele = document.createElement('div'); ele.className = random; this.CB['timeBoBg'].appendChild(ele); var div = this.getByElement(random); try { div.setAttribute('data-time', time); if (this.ckConfig['config']['promptSpotTime']) { words = this.formatTime(time, 0, this.ckLanguage['timeSliderOver']) + ' ' + words; } div.setAttribute('data-words', words); } catch (event) { } var pCss = this.getEleCss(this.ckStyle['promptSpotH5'], { marginY: -10000, zIndex: 1 }); try { this.css(div, pCss); } catch (event) { } this.addListenerInside('mouseover', showPrompt, div); this.addListenerInside('mouseout', hidePrompt, div); this.promptArr.push(div); } this.changePrompt(); }, /* 内部函数 计算提示文本的位置 */ getPromptTest: function () { var pW = this.previewWidth, pT = this.getCoor(this.CB['timeProgressBg'])['y'], pL = 0; if (this.previewTop != null) { pT = parseInt(this.css(this.previewTop, 'top')); pL = parseInt(this.css(this.previewTop, 'left')); } else { pT -= 35; } pL += 2; if (pL < 0) { pL = 0; } if (pL > this.PD.offsetWidth - pW) { pL = this.PD.offsetWidth - pW; } return { pW: pW, pT: pT, pL: pL }; }, /* 内部函数 删除提示点 */ deletePrompt: function () { var arr = this.promptArr; if (arr.length > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { if (arr[i]) { this.deleteChild(arr[i]); } } } this.promptArr = []; }, /* 内部函数 计算提示点坐标 */ changePrompt: function () { if (this.promptArr.length == 0) { return; } var arr = this.promptArr; var duration = this.getMetaDate()['duration']; var bw = this.CB['timeBoBg'].offsetWidth; for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { var time = parseInt(this.getDataset(arr[i], 'time')); var left = parseInt(time * bw / duration) - parseInt(arr[i].offsetWidth * 0.5); if (left < 0) { left = 0; } if (left > bw - parseInt(arr[i].offsetWidth * 0.5)) { left = bw - parseInt(arr[i].offsetWidth * 0.5); } this.css(arr[i], { left: left + 'px', display: 'block' }); } }, /* 内部函数 构建预览图片效果 */ preview: function (obj) { var thisTemp = this; var preview = { file: null, scale: 0 }; preview = this.standardization(preview, this.vars['preview']); if (preview['file'] == null || preview['scale'] <= 0) { return; } var srcArr = preview['file']; if (this.previewStart == 0) { //如果还没有构建,则先进行构建 this.previewStart = 1; if (srcArr.length > 0) { var i = 0; var imgW = 0, imgH = 0; var random = 'preview-' + thisTemp.randomString(10); var loadNum = 0; var loadImg = function (i) { srcArr[i] = thisTemp.getNewUrl(srcArr[i]); var n = 0; var img = new Image(); img.src = srcArr[i]; img.className = random + i; img.onload = function (event) { loadNum++; if (thisTemp.previewDiv == null) { //如果没有建立DIV,则建 imgW = img.width; imgH = img.height; thisTemp.previewWidth = parseInt(imgW * 0.1); var ele = document.createElement('div'); ele.className = random; thisTemp.PD.appendChild(ele); thisTemp.previewDiv = thisTemp.getByElement(random); var eleTop = 0; eleTop = thisTemp.PD.offsetHeight - thisTemp.ckStyle['preview']['bottom']; thisTemp.css(thisTemp.previewDiv, { width: srcArr.length * imgW * 10 + 'px', height: parseInt(imgH * 0.1) + 'px', backgroundColor: '#000000', position: 'absolute', left: '0px', top: eleTop + 'px', display: 'none', zIndex: '80' }); ele.setAttribute('data-x', '0'); ele.setAttribute('data-y', eleTop); var ele2 = document.createElement('div'); ele2.className = random + 'd2'; thisTemp.PD.appendChild(ele2); thisTemp.previewTop = thisTemp.getByElement(ele2.className); thisTemp.css(thisTemp.previewTop, { width: parseInt(imgW * 0.1) + 'px', height: parseInt(imgH * 0.1) + 'px', position: 'absolute', border: thisTemp.ckStyle['preview']['border'] + 'px solid ' + thisTemp.ckStyle['preview']['borderColor'].replace('0x', '#'), left: '0px', top: eleTop + 'px', display: 'none', zIndex: '81' }); var html = ''; for (n = 0; n < srcArr.length; n++) { html += thisTemp.newCanvas(random + n, imgW * 10, parseInt(imgH * 0.1)) } thisTemp.previewDiv.innerHTML = html; } thisTemp.previewDiv.appendChild(img); var cimg = thisTemp.getByElement(img.className); var canvas = thisTemp.getByElement(img.className + '-canvas'); var context = canvas.getContext('2d'); var sx = 0, sy = 0, x = 0, h = parseInt(imgH * 0.1); for (n = 0; n < 100; n++) { x = parseInt(n * imgW * 0.1); context.drawImage(cimg, sx, sy, parseInt(imgW * 0.1), h, x, 0, parseInt(imgW * 0.1), h); sx += parseInt(imgW * 0.1); if (sx >= imgW) { sx = 0; sy += h; } thisTemp.css(cimg, 'display', 'none'); } if (loadNum == srcArr.length) { thisTemp.previewStart = 2; } else { i++; loadImg(i); } }; }; } loadImg(i); return; } if (this.previewStart == 2) { var isTween = true; var nowNum = parseInt(obj['time'] / this.vars['preview']['scale']); var numTotal = parseInt(thisTemp.getMetaDate()['duration'] / this.vars['preview']['scale']); if (thisTemp.css(thisTemp.previewDiv, 'display') == 'none') { isTween = false; } thisTemp.css(thisTemp.previewDiv, 'display', 'block'); var imgWidth = thisTemp.previewDiv.offsetWidth * 0.01 / srcArr.length; var left = (imgWidth * nowNum) - obj['x'] + parseInt(imgWidth * 0.5), top = thisTemp.PD.offsetHeight - thisTemp.previewDiv.offsetHeight - thisTemp.ckStyle['preview']['bottom']; thisTemp.css(thisTemp.previewDiv, 'top', top + 2 + 'px'); var topLeft = obj['x'] - parseInt(imgWidth * 0.5); var timepieces = 0; if (topLeft < 0) { topLeft = 0; timepieces = obj['x'] - topLeft - imgWidth * 0.5; } if (topLeft > thisTemp.PD.offsetWidth - imgWidth) { topLeft = thisTemp.PD.offsetWidth - imgWidth; timepieces = obj['x'] - topLeft - imgWidth * 0.5; } if (left < 0) { left = 0; } if (left > numTotal * imgWidth - thisTemp.PD.offsetWidth) { left = numTotal * imgWidth - thisTemp.PD.offsetWidth; } thisTemp.css(thisTemp.previewTop, { left: topLeft + 'px', top: top + 2 + 'px', display: 'block' }); if (thisTemp.previewTop.offsetHeight > thisTemp.previewDiv.offsetHeight) { thisTemp.css(thisTemp.previewTop, { height: thisTemp.previewDiv.offsetHeight - (thisTemp.previewTop.offsetHeight - thisTemp.previewDiv.offsetHeight) + 'px' }); } if (this.previewTween != null) { this.animatePause(this.previewTween); this.previewTween = null } var nowLeft = parseInt(thisTemp.css(thisTemp.previewDiv, 'left')); var leftC = nowLeft + left; if (nowLeft == -(left + timepieces)) { return; } if (isTween) { var obj = { element: thisTemp.previewDiv, start: null, end: -(left + timepieces), speed: 0.3 }; this.previewTween = this.animate(obj); } else { thisTemp.css(thisTemp.previewDiv, 'left', -(left + timepieces) + 'px') } } }, /* 内部函数 删除预览图节点 */ deletePreview: function () { if (this.previewDiv != null) { this.deleteChild(this.previewDiv); this.previewDiv = null; this.previewStart = 0; } }, /* 内部函数 修改视频地址,属性 */ changeVideo: function () { if (!this.html5Video) { this.getVarsObject(); this.V.newVideo(this.vars); return; } var vArr = this.VA; var v = this.vars; var i = 0; if (vArr.length < 1) { return; } if (this.V != null && this.needSeek == 0) { this.needSeek = this.V.currentTime; } if (v['poster']) { this.V.poster = v['poster']; } else { this.V.removeAttribute('poster'); } if (v['loop']) { this.V.loop = 'loop'; } else { this.V.removeAttribute('loop'); } if (v['seek'] > 0) { this.needSeek = v['seek']; } else { this.needSeek = 0; } if (this.getFileExt(vArr[0][0]) != '.m3u8') { this.isM3u8 = false; } if (!this.isM3u8) { if (vArr.length == 1) { this.V.innerHTML = ''; this.V.src = vArr[0][0]; } else { var source = ''; vArr = this.arrSort(vArr); for (i = 0; i < vArr.length; i++) { var type = ''; var va = vArr[i]; if (va[1]) { type = ' type="' + va[1] + '"'; } source += ''; } this.V.removeAttribute('src'); this.V.innerHTML = source; } //分析视频地址结束 if (v['autoplay']) { this.V.autoplay = 'autoplay'; } else { this.V.removeAttribute('autoplay'); } this.V.load(); } else { this.embedHls(vArr[0][0], v['autoplay']); } if (!this.isUndefined(v['volume'])) { this.changeVolume(v['volume']); } this.resetPlayer(); //重置界面元素 this.timerErrorFun(); //如果存在字幕则加载 if (this.vars['cktrack']) { this.loadTrack(); } }, /* 内部函数 调整中间暂停按钮,缓冲loading,错误提示文本框的位置 */ elementCoordinate: function () { this.pdCoor = this.getXY(this.PD); var cssTemp = null; try { cssTemp = this.getEleCss(this.ckStyle['centerPlay'], { cursor: 'pointer' }); this.css(this.CB['pauseCenter'], cssTemp); } catch (event) { this.log(event); } try { cssTemp = this.getEleCss(this.ckStyle['loading']); this.css(this.CB['loading'], cssTemp); } catch (event) { this.log(event); } try { cssTemp = this.getEleCss(this.ckStyle['error']); this.css(this.CB['errorText'], cssTemp); } catch (event) { this.log(event); } try { cssTemp = this.getEleCss(this.ckStyle['logo']); //this.css(this.CB['logo'], cssTemp); } catch (event) { this.log(event); } this.checkBarWidth(); }, /* 内部函数 控制栏内各按钮的位置 */ carbarButton: function () { var styleC = this.ckStyle['controlBar']; var styleCB = styleC['button']; var cssTemp = null; var cssSup = { overflow: 'hidden', cursor: 'pointer', zIndex: 1 }; var cssSup2 = { overflow: 'hidden', cursor: 'default', zIndex: 1 }; var cssSup4 = { overflow: 'hidden', cursor: 'pointer', display: 'none', zIndex: 995 }; //播放/暂停按钮 cssTemp = this.getEleCss(styleCB['play'], cssSup, this.CB['controlBarBg']); this.css(this.CB['play'], cssTemp); cssTemp = this.getEleCss(styleCB['pause'], cssSup, this.CB['controlBarBg']); this.css(this.CB['pause'], cssTemp); //设置静音/取消静音的按钮样式 cssTemp = this.getEleCss(styleCB['mute'], cssSup, this.CB['controlBarBg']); this.css(this.CB['mute'], cssTemp); cssTemp = this.getEleCss(styleCB['escMute'], cssSup, this.CB['controlBarBg']); this.css(this.CB['escMute'], cssTemp); //设置全屏/退出全屏按钮样式 cssTemp = this.getEleCss(styleCB['full'], cssSup, this.CB['controlBarBg']); this.css(this.CB['full'], cssTemp); cssTemp = this.getEleCss(styleCB['escFull'], cssSup, this.CB['controlBarBg']); this.css(this.CB['escFull'], cssTemp); cssTemp = this.getEleCss(styleC['timeText']['vod'], cssSup2, this.CB['controlBarBg']); this.css(this.CB['timeText'], cssTemp); //音量调节框 var volumeSchedule = this.newObj(styleC['volumeSchedule']); volumeSchedule['backgroundImg'] = ''; cssTemp = this.getEleCss(volumeSchedule, cssSup2, this.CB['controlBarBg']); this.css(this.CB['volume'], cssTemp); cssTemp = { width: cssTemp['width'], height: styleC['volumeSchedule']['backgroundHeight'] + 'px', overflow: 'hidden', backgroundRepeat: 'no-repeat', backgroundPosition: 'left center' }; if (this.ckConfig['config']['buttonMode']['volumeSchedule']) { cssTemp['cursor'] = 'pointer'; } this.css(this.CB['volumeBg'], cssTemp); this.css(this.CB['volumeBg'], { position: 'absolute' }); cssTemp['width'] = (this.CB['volumeBO'].offsetWidth * 0.5 + parseInt(this.css(this.CB['volumeBO'], 'left'))) + 'px'; this.css(this.CB['volumeUp'], cssTemp); this.css(this.CB['volumeBg'], 'backgroundImage', 'url(' + styleC['volumeSchedule']['backgroundImg'] + ')'); this.css(this.CB['volumeUp'], 'backgroundImage', 'url(' + styleC['volumeSchedule']['maskImg'] + ')'); //音量调节按钮 cssTemp = this.getEleCss(styleC['volumeSchedule']['button'], { overflow: 'hidden', cursor: 'pointer', backgroundRepeat: 'no-repeat', backgroundPosition: 'left center' }); this.css(this.CB['volumeBO'], cssTemp); //倍速容器 if (this.ckConfig['config']['playbackRate']) { if (!this.CB['playbackrateButtonText']) { this.textButton(this.CB['playbackrate'], styleC['playbackrate']['defaultButton'], this.objectAssign({ overflow: 'hidden', cursor: 'pointer', zIndex: 1 }, styleC['playbackrate']['defaultButtonCoor']), this.CB['controlBarBg'], this.ckLanguage['playbackrate'], 'playbackrateButtonText'); } cssTemp = this.getEleCss(styleC['playbackrate']['defaultButtonCoor'], cssSup, this.CB['controlBarBg']); this.css(this.CB['playbackrate'], { left: cssTemp['left'], top: cssTemp['top'] }); this.css(this.CB['playbackrateP'], 'display', 'none'); cssTemp = this.getEleCss(styleC['playbackrate']['backgroundCoorH5'], cssSup4); this.css(this.CB['playbackrateP'], cssTemp); } //初始化清晰度按钮 if (this.ckConfig['config']['definition']) { if (!this.CB['defaultButtonText']) { this.textButton(this.CB['definition'], styleC['definition']['defaultButton'], this.objectAssign({ overflow: 'hidden', cursor: 'pointer', zIndex: 1 }, styleC['definition']['defaultButtonCoor']), this.CB['controlBarBg'], this.ckLanguage['definition'], 'defaultButtonText'); } cssTemp = this.getEleCss(styleC['definition']['defaultButtonCoor'], cssSup, this.CB['controlBarBg']); this.css(this.CB['definition'], { left: cssTemp['left'], top: cssTemp['top'] }); this.css(this.CB['definitionP'], 'display', 'none'); cssTemp = this.getEleCss(styleC['definition']['backgroundCoorH5'], cssSup4); this.css(this.CB['definitionP'], cssTemp); } //初始化字幕切换按钮 if (this.ckConfig['config']['subtitle']) { if (!this.CB['subtitleButtonText']) { this.textButton(this.CB['subtitles'], styleC['subtitle']['defaultButton'], this.objectAssign({ overflow: 'hidden', cursor: 'pointer', zIndex: 1 }, styleC['subtitle']['defaultButtonCoor']), this.CB['controlBarBg'], this.ckLanguage['subtitle'], 'subtitleButtonText'); } //字幕按钮列表容器样式 cssTemp = this.getEleCss(styleC['subtitle']['defaultButtonCoor'], cssSup, this.CB['controlBarBg']); this.css(this.CB['subtitles'], { left: cssTemp['left'], top: cssTemp['top'] }); this.css(this.CB['subtitlesP'], 'display', 'none'); cssTemp = this.getEleCss(styleC['subtitle']['backgroundCoorH5'], cssSup4); this.css(this.CB['subtitlesP'], cssTemp); } }, /* 构造一个文字按钮 ele:当前按钮 css:样式 cssSup:补充样式 upEle:上一级容器对象 text:显示的文本 newName:文本框名称 */ textButton: function (ele, css, cssSup, upEle, text, newName) { var thisTemp = this; var bgCss = { width: css['width'], height: css['height'] }; if (cssSup) { bgCss = { width: css['width'], height: css['height'], align: cssSup['align'], vAlign: cssSup['vAlign'], marginX: cssSup['marginX'], marginY: cssSup['marginY'], offsetX: cssSup['offsetX'], offsetY: cssSup['offsetY'], zIndex: 2 }; } cssTemp = this.getEleCss(bgCss, null, upEle); thisTemp.css(ele, cssTemp); var outCss = this.newObj(css); var overCss = this.newObj(css); var textOutCss = this.newObj(css); var textOverCss = this.newObj(css); var cssTemp = null; outCss['alpha'] = css['backgroundAlpha']; overCss['backgroundColor'] = css['overBackgroundColor']; overCss['alpha'] = css['backgroundAlpha']; textOutCss['color'] = css['textColor']; textOverCss['color'] = css['overTextColor']; textOutCss['textAlign'] = css['align']; textOverCss['textAlign'] = css['align']; //修正文字 textOutCss['backgroundColor'] = textOverCss['backgroundColor'] = ''; var bgEle = document.createElement('div');//按钮背景层 this.removeChildAll(ele); ele.appendChild(bgEle); if (newName) { this.CB[newName] = document.createElement('div');//文字层 ele.appendChild(this.CB[newName]); this.CB[newName].innerHTML = text; } else { var newEle = document.createElement('div');//文字层 ele.appendChild(newEle); newEle.innerHTML = text; } var outFun = function () { cssTemp = thisTemp.getEleCss(outCss, { cursor: 'pointer', zIndex: 1 }, bgEle); cssTemp['left'] = ''; cssTemp['top'] = ''; thisTemp.css(bgEle, cssTemp); cssTemp = thisTemp.getEleCss(textOutCss, { cursor: 'pointer', zIndex: 2 }, bgEle); cssTemp['left'] = ''; cssTemp['top'] = ''; if (newName) { thisTemp.css(thisTemp.CB[newName], cssTemp, bgEle); } else { thisTemp.css(newEle, cssTemp, bgEle); } thisTemp.buttonHide = true;//显示的列表框需要隐藏 if (thisTemp.timeButtonOver) { window.clearTimeout(thisTemp.timeButtonOver); thisTemp.timeButtonOver = null; } thisTemp.timeButtonOver = window.setTimeout(function () { thisTemp.buttonListHide() }, 1000); }; var overFun = function () { cssTemp = thisTemp.getEleCss(overCss, { zIndex: 1 }, bgEle); cssTemp['left'] = ''; cssTemp['top'] = ''; thisTemp.css(bgEle, cssTemp); cssTemp = thisTemp.getEleCss(textOverCss, { zIndex: 2 }, bgEle); cssTemp['left'] = ''; cssTemp['top'] = ''; if (newName) { thisTemp.css(thisTemp.CB[newName], cssTemp); } else { thisTemp.css(newEle, cssTemp); } }; outFun(); this.addListenerInside('mouseout', outFun, ele); this.addListenerInside('mouseover', overFun, ele); }, /* 隐藏所有的列表框 */ buttonListHide: function () { if (this.buttonHide) { this.css([this.CB['definitionP'], this.CB['subtitlesP'], this.CB['playbackrateP']], 'display', 'none'); } if (this.timeButtonOver) { window.clearTimeout(this.timeButtonOver); this.timeButtonOver = null; } this.buttonHide = false; }, /* 计算视频的宽高 */ videoCss: function () { var cssTemp = {}; if (this.css(this.CB['controlBar'], 'display') == 'none') { cssTemp = this.ckStyle['video']['controlBarHideReserve']; } else { cssTemp = this.ckStyle['video']['reserve']; } var spacingBottom = cssTemp['spacingBottom']; if (this.V.controls && this.isMobile()) { spacingBottom -= 40; } var pW = this.PD.offsetWidth, pH = this.PD.offsetHeight; var vW = pW - cssTemp['spacingLeft'] - cssTemp['spacingRight']; var vH = pH - cssTemp['spacingTop'] - spacingBottom; if (!this.MD) { this.css(this.V, { width: vW + 'px', height: vH + 'px', marginLeft: cssTemp['spacingLeft'] + 'px', marginTop: cssTemp['spacingTop'] + 'px' }); } else { this.css([this.MD, this.MDC], { width: vW + 'px', height: vH + 'px', marginLeft: cssTemp['spacingLeft'] + 'px', marginTop: cssTemp['spacingTop'] + 'px' }); } }, /* 播放器界面自定义元素 */ playerCustom: function () { var custom = this.ckStyle['custom']; var button = custom['button']; var images = custom['images']; var cssTemp = null; var cssSup = null; var k = '', tempID = ''; var b = {}; var tempDiv; var i = 0; for (k in button) { b = button[k]; cssSup = { overflow: 'hidden', cursor: 'pointer', zIndex: 1 }; cssTemp = this.getEleCss(b, cssSup); tempDiv = document.createElement('div'); this.css(tempDiv, cssTemp); this.customeElement.push({ ele: tempDiv, css: b, cssSup: cssSup, type: 'player-button', name: k }); this.PD.appendChild(tempDiv); if (!this.isUndefined(this.ckLanguage['buttonOver'][k])) { tempDiv.dataset.title = this.ckLanguage['buttonOver'][k]; } i++; this.buttonEventFun(tempDiv, b); } for (k in images) { b = images[k]; cssSup = { overflow: 'hidden', zIndex: 1 }; cssTemp = this.getEleCss(b, cssSup); tempDiv = document.createElement('div'); this.css(tempDiv, cssTemp); this.customeElement.push({ ele: tempDiv, css: b, cssSup: cssSup, type: 'player-images', name: k }); this.PD.appendChild(tempDiv); var img = new Image(); img.src = images[k]['img']; tempDiv.appendChild(img); i++ } }, /* 控制栏自定义元素 */ carbarCustom: function () { var custom = this.ckStyle['controlBar']['custom']; var button = custom['button']; var images = custom['images']; var cssTemp = null; var cssSup = null; var k = '', tempID = ''; var b = {}; var tempDiv; var i = 0; for (k in button) { b = button[k]; cssSup = { overflow: 'hidden', cursor: 'pointer', zIndex: 1 }; cssTemp = this.getEleCss(b, cssSup, this.CB['controlBarBg']); tempDiv = document.createElement('div'); this.css(tempDiv, cssTemp); this.customeElement.push({ ele: tempDiv, css: b, cssSup: cssSup, type: 'controlBar-button', name: k }); this.CB['controlBar'].appendChild(tempDiv); if (!this.isUndefined(this.ckLanguage['buttonOver'][k])) { tempDiv.dataset.title = this.ckLanguage['buttonOver'][k]; } i++; this.buttonEventFun(tempDiv, b); } for (k in images) { b = images[k]; cssSup = { overflow: 'hidden', zIndex: 1 }; cssTemp = this.getEleCss(b, cssSup, this.CB['controlBarBg']); tempDiv = document.createElement('div'); this.css(tempDiv, cssTemp); this.customeElement.push({ ele: tempDiv, css: b, cssSup: cssSup, type: 'controlBar-images', name: k }); this.CB['controlBar'].appendChild(tempDiv); var img = new Image(); img.src = images[k]['img']; tempDiv.appendChild(img); i++; } }, /* 控制栏自定义元素的位置 */ customCoor: function () { var cssTemp = null; if (this.customeElement.length > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < this.customeElement.length; i++) { if (this.customeElement[i]['type'] == 'controlBar') { cssTemp = this.getEleCss(this.customeElement[i]['css'], this.customeElement[i]['cssSup'], this.CB['controlBarBg']); } else { cssTemp = this.getEleCss(this.customeElement[i]['css'], this.customeElement[i]['cssSup']); } this.css(this.customeElement[i]['ele'], cssTemp); } } }, /* 控制栏自定义元素的显示和隐藏,只对播放器界面的有效,作用是当播放视频广告时隐藏,广告播放完成后显示 */ customShow: function (show) { if (this.customeElement.length > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < this.customeElement.length; i++) { if (this.customeElement[i]['type'] == 'player') { this.css(this.customeElement[i]['ele'], 'display', show ? 'block' : 'none'); } } } }, /* 广告控制栏样式 */ advertisementStyle: function () { var asArr = ['muteButton', 'escMuteButton', 'adLinkButton', 'closeButton', 'skipAdButton', 'countDown', 'countDownText', 'skipDelay', 'skipDelayText']; var eleArr = ['adMute', 'adEscMute', 'adLink', 'adPauseClose', 'adSkipButton', 'adTime', 'adTimeText', 'adSkip', 'adSkipText']; for (var i = 0; i < eleArr.length; i++) { var cssUp = { overflow: 'hidden', zIndex: 999 }; if (i < 5) { cssUp['cursor'] = 'pointer'; } var cssTemp = this.getEleCss(this.ckStyle['advertisement'][asArr[i]], cssUp); this.css(this.CB[eleArr[i]], cssTemp); } }, /* 内部函数 当播放器尺寸变化时,显示和隐藏相关节点 */ checkBarWidth: function () { if (!this.conBarShow) { return; } }, /* 内部函数 初始化暂停或播放按钮 */ initPlayPause: function () { if (!this.conBarShow) { return; } if (this.vars['autoplay']) { this.css([this.CB['play'], this.CB['pauseCenter']], 'display', 'none'); this.css(this.CB['pause'], 'display', 'block'); } else { this.css(this.CB['play'], 'display', 'block'); if (this.css(this.CB['errorText'], 'display') == 'none') { this.css(this.CB['pauseCenter'], 'display', 'block'); } this.css(this.CB['pause'], 'display', 'none'); } }, /* 下面为监听事件 内部函数 监听元数据已加载 */ loadedHandler: function () { this.loaded = true; if (this.vars['loaded'] != '') { try { eval(this.vars['loaded'] + '(\'' + this.vars['variable'] + '\')'); } catch (event) { this.log(event); } } }, /* 内部函数 监听播放 */ playingHandler: function () { this.playShow(true); //如果是第一次播放 if (this.isFirstTimePlay && !this.isUndefined(this.advertisements['front'])) { this.isFirstTimePlay = false; //调用播放前置广告组件 this.adI = 0; this.adType = 'front'; this.adMuteInto(); this.adIsVideoTime = true; this.adPlayStart = true; this.adVideoPlay = false; this.videoPause(); this.advertisementsTime(); this.advertisementsPlay(); this.adSkipButtonShow(); //调用播放前置广告组件结束 return; } if (this.adPlayerPlay) { return; } //判断第一次播放结束 if (this.needSeek > 0) { this.videoSeek(this.needSeek); this.needSeek = 0; } if (this.animatePauseArray.length > 0) { this.animateResume('pause'); } if (this.playerType == 'html5video' && this.V != null && this.ckConfig['config']['videoDrawImage']) { this.sendVCanvas(); } if (!this.isUndefined(this.advertisements['pause']) && !this.adPlayStart) { //如果存在暂停广告 this.closePauseAd(); } }, /*暂停时播放暂停广告*/ adPausePlayer: function () { this.adI = 0; this.adType = 'pause'; this.adPauseShow = true; this.loadAdPause(); this.sendJS('pauseAd', 'play'); }, loadAdPause: function () { var ad = this.getNowAdvertisements(); var type = ad['type']; var thisTemp = this; var width = this.PD.offsetWidth, height = this.PD.offsetHeight; if (this.isStrImage(type) && this.adPauseShow) { this.css(this.CB['adElement'], 'display', 'block'); var imgClass = 'adimg' + this.randomString(10); var imgHtml = ''; if (ad['link']) { imgHtml = '' + imgHtml + ''; } this.CB['adElement'].innerHTML = imgHtml; this.addListenerInside('load', function () { var imgObj = new Image(); imgObj.src = this.src; var imgWH = thisTemp.adjustmentWH(imgObj.width, imgObj.height); thisTemp.css([thisTemp.getByElement(imgClass), thisTemp.CB['adElement']], { width: imgWH['width'] + 'px', height: imgWH['height'] + 'px', border: '0px' }); if (thisTemp.ckStyle['advertisement']['closeButtonShow'] && thisTemp.adPauseShow) { thisTemp.css(thisTemp.CB['adPauseClose'], { display: 'block' }); } thisTemp.ajaxSuccessNull(ad['exhibitionMonitor']); thisTemp.adPauseCoor(); }, this.getByElement(imgClass)); this.addListenerInside('click', function () { thisTemp.ajaxSuccessNull(ad['clickMonitor']); }, this.CB['adElement']); var newI = this.adI; if (this.adI < this.advertisements['pause'].length - 1) { newI++; } else { newI = 0; } if (ad['time'] > 0) { setTimeout(function () { if (thisTemp.adPauseShow) { thisTemp.adI = newI; thisTemp.loadAdPause(); } }, ad['time'] * 1000); } } }, /*调整暂停广告的位置*/ adPauseCoor: function () { if (this.css(this.CB['adElement'], 'display') == 'block') { var w = this.CB['adElement'].offsetWidth, h = this.CB['adElement'].offsetHeight; var pw = this.PD.offsetWidth, ph = this.PD.offsetHeight; this.css(this.CB['adElement'], { top: (ph - h) * 0.5 + 'px', left: (pw - w) * 0.5 + 'px' }); if (this.css(this.CB['adPauseClose'], 'display') == 'block') { var rr = this.ckStyle['advertisement']['closeButton']; var cxy = this.getPosition(rr, this.CB['adElement']); this.css(this.CB['adPauseClose'], { top: cxy['y'] + 'px', left: cxy['x'] + 'px' }); } } }, /* 关闭暂停广告 */ closePauseAd: function () { this.CB['adElement'].innerHTML = ''; this.css([this.CB['adElement'], this.CB['adPauseClose']], 'display', 'none'); this.adPauseShow = false; this.sendJS('pauseAd', 'ended'); }, /*计算广告时间*/ advertisementsTime: function (nt) { if (this.isUndefined(nt)) { nt = 0; } var ad = this.advertisements[this.adType]; if (nt > 0) { ad[this.adI]['time'] = Math.ceil(nt); } this.adTimeAllTotal = 0; for (var i = this.adI; i < ad.length; i++) { if (!this.isUndefined(ad[i]['time'])) { this.adTimeAllTotal += Math.ceil(ad[i]['time']); } } if (this.adTimeAllTotal > 0) { this.CB['adTimeText'].innerHTML = this.ckLanguage['adCountdown'].replace('[$second]', this.adTimeAllTotal).replace('[$Second]', this.adTimeAllTotal > 9 ? this.adTimeAllTotal : '0' + this.adTimeAllTotal); } if (this.adPauseShow) { this.closePauseAd(); } this.adOtherCloseAll(); this.adTimeTotal = -1; }, /*判断是否需要显示跳过广告按钮*/ adSkipButtonShow: function () { var thisTemp = this; var skipConfig = this.ckStyle['advertisement']; var delayTimeTemp = skipConfig[this.adType + 'SkipButtonDelay']; var timeFun = function () { if (delayTimeTemp >= 0) { thisTemp.CB['adSkipText'].innerHTML = thisTemp.ckLanguage['skipDelay'].replace('[$second]', delayTimeTemp).replace('[$Second]', delayTimeTemp > 9 ? delayTimeTemp : '0' + delayTimeTemp); thisTemp.css([thisTemp.CB['adSkip'], thisTemp.CB['adSkipText']], 'display', 'block'); thisTemp.css(thisTemp.CB['adSkipButton'], 'display', 'none'); setTimeout(timeFun, 1000); } else { thisTemp.css([thisTemp.CB['adSkip'], thisTemp.CB['adSkipText']], 'display', 'none'); if (thisTemp.css(thisTemp.CB['adTime'], 'display') == 'block') { thisTemp.css(thisTemp.CB['adSkipButton'], 'display', 'block'); } } delayTimeTemp--; }; if (skipConfig['skipButtonShow']) { if (skipConfig[this.adType + 'SkipButtonDelay'] > 0 && this.isUndefined(this.adSkipButtonTime)) { thisTemp.css([thisTemp.CB['adSkip'], thisTemp.CB['adSkipText']], 'display', 'block'); timeFun(); } else { thisTemp.css([thisTemp.CB['adSkip'], thisTemp.CB['adSkipText']], 'display', 'none'); thisTemp.css(thisTemp.CB['adSkipButton'], 'display', 'block'); } } }, /*播放广告*/ advertisementsPlay: function () { this.css([this.CB['adBackground'], this.CB['adElement'], this.CB['adTime'], this.CB['adTimeText'], this.CB['adSkip'], this.CB['adSkipText'], this.CB['adSkipButton'], this.CB['adLink']], 'display', 'none'); this.adPlayerPlay = false; var ad = this.advertisements[this.adType]; if (this.adI == 0 && (this.adType == 'front' || this.adType == 'insert' || this.adType == 'end')) { this.sendJS('process', this.adType + ' ad play'); this.sendJS(this.adType + 'Ad', 'play'); } this.trackHide(); if (this.adI < ad.length) { if (!this.isUndefined(ad[this.adI]['time'])) { this.adTimeTotal = parseInt(ad[this.adI]['time']); } this.loadAdvertisements(); } else { this.adEnded(); } }, /*清除当前所有广告*/ eliminateAd: function () { if (this.adType) { var ad = this.advertisements[this.adType]; this.adI = ad.length; this.advertisementsPlay(); } }, /*广告播放结束*/ adEnded: function () { var thisTemp = this; this.adPlayStart = false; if (this.adType == 'front') { this.time = 0; } this.adPlayerPlay = false; if (this.adVideoPlay) { if (this.videoTemp['src'] != '') { this.V.src = this.videoTemp['src']; } else { if (this.V.src) { this.V.removeAttribute('src'); } } if (this.videoTemp['source'] != '') { this.V.innerHTML = this.videoTemp['source']; } if (this.videoTemp['currentSrc'] != '') { this.V.src = this.videoTemp['currentSrc']; this.V.currentSrc = this.videoTemp['currentSrc']; } if (this.videoTemp['loop']) { this.V.loop = true; this.videoTemp['loop'] = false; } if (this.adType == 'end') { this.endedHandler(); } else { this.videoPlay(); } } else { this.videoPlay(); } this.changeVolume(this.vars['volume']); this.sendJS('process', this.adType + ' ad ended'); this.sendJS(this.adType + 'Ad', 'ended'); this.changeControlBarShow(true); this.css(this.CB['logo'], 'display', 'none'); this.customShow(true); this.css([this.CB['adBackground'], this.CB['adElement'], this.CB['adTime'], this.CB['adTimeText'], this.CB['adSkip'], this.CB['adSkipText'], this.CB['adSkipButton'], this.CB['adLink'], this.CB['adMute'], this.CB['adEscMute']], 'display', 'none'); }, /*加载广告*/ loadAdvertisements: function () { //this.videoTemp var ad = this.getNowAdvertisements(); var type = ad['type']; var thisTemp = this; var width = this.PD.offsetWidth, height = this.PD.offsetHeight; this.changeControlBarShow(false); this.adPlayerPlay = true; this.css(this.CB['logo'], 'display', 'none'); this.customShow(false); if (this.isStrImage(type)) { this.css([this.CB['adBackground'], this.CB['adElement'], this.CB['adTime'], this.CB['adTimeText']], 'display', 'block'); this.css([this.CB['adMute'], this.CB['adEscMute']], 'display', 'none'); var imgClass = 'adimg' + this.randomString(10); var imgHtml = ''; if (ad['link']) { imgHtml = '' + imgHtml + ''; } this.CB['adElement'].innerHTML = imgHtml; this.addListenerInside('load', function () { var imgObj = new Image(); imgObj.src = this.src; var imgWH = thisTemp.adjustmentWH(imgObj.width, imgObj.height); thisTemp.css(thisTemp.getByElement(imgClass), { width: imgWH['width'] + 'px', height: imgWH['height'] + 'px', border: '0px' }); thisTemp.css(thisTemp.CB['adElement'], { width: imgWH['width'] + 'px', height: imgWH['height'] + 'px', top: (height - imgWH['height']) * 0.5 + 'px', left: (width - imgWH['width']) * 0.5 + 'px' }); thisTemp.ajaxSuccessNull(ad['exhibitionMonitor']); }, this.getByElement(imgClass)); this.addListenerInside('click', function () { thisTemp.ajaxSuccessNull(ad['clickMonitor']); }, this.CB['adElement']); if (!this.isUndefined(ad['time'])) { this.adCountDown(); } } else { this.css([this.CB['adTime'], this.CB['adTimeText']], 'display', 'block'); //判断是否静音 if (this.adVideoMute) { this.css(this.CB['adEscMute'], 'display', 'block'); this.css(this.CB['adMute'], 'display', 'none'); } else { this.css(this.CB['adEscMute'], 'display', 'none'); this.css(this.CB['adMute'], 'display', 'block'); } this.CB['adElement'].innerHTML = ''; if (this.videoTemp['currentSrc'] == '') { this.videoTemp['currentSrc'] = this.getCurrentSrc(); } if (this.V.loop) { this.videoTemp['loop'] = true; this.V.loop = false; } if (this.V != null && this.V.currentTime > 0 && this.adIsVideoTime && this.adType != 'front') { //当有视频广告时而又没有记录下已播放的时间则进行记录 this.adIsVideoTime = false; this.needSeek = this.V.currentTime; } this.V.src = ad['file']; this.V.currentSrc = ad['file']; this.V.innerHTML = ''; this.V.play(); this.adVideoPlay = true; this.ajaxSuccessNull(ad['exhibitionMonitor']); if (!this.adVideoMute) { this.escAdMute(); } } if (ad['link']) { this.css(this.CB['adLink'], 'display', 'block'); var adLinkClick = function (event) { thisTemp.sendJS('clickEvent', 'javaScript->adLinkClick'); }; this.addListenerInside('click', adLinkClick, this.CB['adLink']); this.adLinkTemp = ad['link']; var linkTemp = ''; this.CB['adLink'].innerHTML = linkTemp; this.css(this.getByElement('ckadmorelink'), { color: '#FFFFFF', textDecoration: 'none' }); this.addListenerInside('click', function () { thisTemp.ajaxSuccessNull(ad['clickMonitor']); }, this.CB['adLink']); } else { this.css(this.CB['adLink'], 'display', 'none'); } }, /*普通广告倒计时*/ adCountDown: function () { var thisTemp = this; if (this.adTimeTotal > 0) { if (!this.adIsPause) { this.adTimeTotal--; this.showAdTime(); this.adCountDownObj = null; this.adCountDownObj = setTimeout(function () { thisTemp.adCountDown(); }, 1000); } } else { this.adI++; this.advertisementsPlay(); } }, /*视频广告倒计时*/ adPlayerTimeHandler: function (time) { var ad = this.getNowAdvertisements(); var type = ad['type']; if (this.isStrImage(type)) { return; } if (this.adTimeTotal != parseInt(time)) { this.adTimeTotal = parseInt(time); this.showAdTime(); } }, /*格式化广告倒计时显示*/ showAdTime: function () { this.adTimeAllTotal--; var n = this.adTimeAllTotal; if (n < 0) { n = 0; } this.CB['adTimeText'].innerHTML = this.ckLanguage['adCountdown'].replace('[$second]', n).replace('[$Second]', n < 10 ? '0' + n : n); }, /* 单独监听其它广告 */ checkAdOther: function (t) { if (this.adPlayerPlay) { return; } var adTime = this.advertisements['othertime']; var adPlay = this.advertisements['otherPlay']; for (var i = 0; i < adTime.length; i++) { if (t >= adTime[i] && !adPlay[i]) { //如果播放时间大于广告时间而该广告还没有播放,则开始播放 adPlay[i] = true; this.newAdOther(i); } } }, /* 新建其它广告 */ newAdOther: function (i) { var thisTemp = this; var ad = this.advertisements['other'][i]; var randomS = this.randomString(10); //获取一个随机字符串 var adDivID = 'adother' + randomS; //广告容器 imgClassName = 'adimgother' + randomS; var adDiv = document.createElement('div'); adDiv.className = adDivID; this.PD.appendChild(adDiv); ad['div'] = adDivID; ad['element'] = imgClassName; var adHtml = ''; if (ad['link']) { adHtml = '' + adHtml + ''; } this.getByElement(adDivID).innerHTML = adHtml; this.css(adDivID, { position: 'absolute', overflow: 'hidden', zIndex: '996', top: '-600px', left: '-600px', cursor: 'pointer' }); if (this.ckStyle['advertisement']['closeOtherButtonShow']) { var closeAdDivID = 'adotherclose-' + randomS; //广告容器 var closeAdDiv = document.createElement('div'); closeAdDiv.className = closeAdDivID; this.PD.appendChild(closeAdDiv); ad['closeDiv'] = closeAdDivID; ad['close'] = false; var closeAdDivCss = this.getEleCss(this.ckStyle['advertisement']['closeOtherButton'], { offsetX: -10000, offsetY: -10000, cursor: 'pointer', zIndex: 997 }); this.css(closeAdDivID, closeAdDivCss); var adOtherCloseOver = function () { thisTemp.loadImgBg(closeAdDivID, thisTemp.ckStyle['advertisement']['closeOtherButton']['mouseOver']); }; var adOtherCloseOut = function () { thisTemp.loadImgBg(closeAdDivID, thisTemp.ckStyle['advertisement']['closeOtherButton']['mouseOut']); }; adOtherCloseOut(); this.addListenerInside('mouseover', adOtherCloseOver, this.getByElement(closeAdDivID)); this.addListenerInside('mouseout', adOtherCloseOut, this.getByElement(closeAdDivID)); } this.addListenerInside('load', function () { var imgObj = new Image(); imgObj.src = this.src; var imgWH = thisTemp.adjustmentWH(imgObj.width, imgObj.height); thisTemp.css([thisTemp.getByElement(imgClassName), thisTemp.getByElement(adDivID)], { width: imgWH['width'] + 'px', height: imgWH['height'] + 'px', border: '0px' }); thisTemp.advertisements['other'][i] = ad; thisTemp.ajaxSuccessNull(ad['exhibitionMonitor']); thisTemp.adOtherCoor(); }, this.getByElement(imgClassName)); this.addListenerInside('click', function () { thisTemp.adOtherClose(i); }, this.getByElement(closeAdDivID)); this.addListenerInside('click', function () { thisTemp.ajaxSuccessNull(ad['clickMonitor']); }, this.getByElement(imgClassName)); if (ad['time'] > 0) { setTimeout(function () { thisTemp.adOtherClose(i); }, ad['time'] * 1000); } }, /* 关闭其它广告 */ adOtherClose: function (i) { var ad = this.advertisements['other'][i]; if (!this.isUndefined(ad['close'])) { if (!ad['close']) { ad['close'] = true; this.PD.removeChild(this.getByElement(ad['div'])); this.PD.removeChild(this.getByElement(ad['closeDiv'])); } } }, adOtherCloseAll: function () { if (!this.isUndefined(this.advertisements['other'])) { var ad = this.advertisements['other']; for (var i = 0; i < ad.length; i++) { this.adOtherClose(i); } } }, /* 计算其它广告的坐标 */ adOtherCoor: function () { if (!this.isUndefined(this.advertisements['other'])) { var arr = this.advertisements['other']; for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { var ad = arr[i]; if (!this.isUndefined(ad['close'])) { if (!ad['close']) { var rr = this.ckStyle['advertisement']['closeOtherButton']; var coor = this.getPosition(ad); var x = coor['x'], y = coor['y']; this.css(this.getByElement(ad['div']), { left: x + 'px', top: y + 'px' }); var cxy = this.getPosition(rr, this.getByElement(ad['div'])); if (!this.isUndefined(ad['closeDiv'])) { this.css(this.getByElement(ad['closeDiv']), { left: cxy['x'] + 'px', top: cxy['y'] + 'px' }); } } } } } }, /* 单独监听中间插入广告 */ checkAdInsert: function (t) { if (this.adPlayerPlay) { return; } var adTime = this.advertisements['inserttime']; var adPlay = this.advertisements['insertPlay']; var duration = this.getMetaDate()['duration']; for (var i = adTime.length - 1; i > -1; i--) { if (t >= adTime[i] && t < duration - 2 && t > 1 && !adPlay[i]) { //如果播放时间大于广告时间而该广告还没有播放,则开始播放 this.adI = 0; this.adType = 'insert'; this.adMuteInto(); this.adIsVideoTime = true; this.adPlayStart = true; this.adVideoPlay = false; this.videoPause(); this.advertisementsTime(); this.advertisementsPlay(); this.adSkipButtonShow(); adPlay[i] = true; for (var n = 0; n < i + 1; n++) { adPlay[n] = true; } break; } } }, /*格式化中间插入广告的播放时间*/ formatInserttime: function (duration) { if (!this.isUndefined(this.advertisements['inserttime'])) { var arr = this.advertisements['inserttime']; var newArr = []; for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { if (arr[i].toString().substr(- 1) == '%') { newArr.push(parseInt(duration * parseInt(arr[i]) * 0.01)); } else { newArr.push(parseInt(arr[i])); } } this.advertisements['inserttime'] = newArr; } }, /*获取当前的广告*/ getNowAdvertisements: function () { if (this.adI == -1) { return { file: '', time: 0, link: '' }; } return this.advertisements[this.adType][this.adI]; }, /*根据元件尺寸和播放器尺寸调整大小*/ adjustmentWH: function (w, h) { var width = this.PD.offsetWidth, height = this.PD.offsetHeight; var nw = 0, nh = 0; if (w >= width || h >= height) { if (width / w > height / h) { nh = height - 20; nw = w * nh / h; } else { nw = width - 20; nh = h * nw / w; } } else { nw = w; nh = h; } return { width: nw, height: nh } }, /*单独请求一次地址,但不处理返回的数据*/ ajaxSuccessNull: function (url) { if (!this.isUndefined(url)) { var ajaxObj = { url: url, success: function (data) { } }; this.ajax(ajaxObj); } }, /* 内部函数 运行指定函数 */ runFunction: function (s) { try { var arr = s.split('->'); if (arr.length == 2) { switch (arr[0]) { case 'javaScript': if (arr[1].substr(0, 11) != '[flashvars]') { eval(arr[1] + '()'); } else { eval(this.vars[arr[1].substr(11)] + '()'); } break; case 'actionScript': eval('this.' + arr[1] + '()'); break; } } this.sendJS('clickEvent', s); } catch (event) { } }, /* 内部函数 使用画布附加视频 */ sendVCanvas: function () { if (this.timerVCanvas == null) { this.css(this.V, 'display', 'none'); this.css(this.MD, 'display', 'block'); var thisTemp = this; var videoCanvas = function () { if (thisTemp.MDCX.width != thisTemp.MD.offsetWidth) { thisTemp.MDC.width = thisTemp.MD.offsetWidth; } if (thisTemp.MDCX.height != thisTemp.MD.offsetHeight) { thisTemp.MDC.height = thisTemp.MD.offsetHeight; } thisTemp.MDCX.clearRect(0, 0, thisTemp.MDCX.width, thisTemp.MDCX.height); var coor = thisTemp.getProportionCoor(thisTemp.PD.offsetWidth, thisTemp.PD.offsetHeight, thisTemp.V.videoWidth, thisTemp.V.videoHeight); thisTemp.MDCX.drawImage(thisTemp.V, 0, 0, thisTemp.V.videoWidth, thisTemp.V.videoHeight, coor['x'], coor['y'], coor['width'], coor['height']); }; this.timerVCanvas = new this.timer(0, videoCanvas); } }, /* 内部函数 监听暂停 */ pauseHandler: function () { var thisTemp = this; this.playShow(false); if (this.animatePauseArray.length > 0) { this.animatePause('pause'); } if (this.playerType == 'html5video' && this.V != null && this.ckConfig['config']['videoDrawImage']) { this.stopVCanvas(); } if (!this.isUndefined(this.advertisements['pause']) && !this.adPlayStart && !this.adPauseShow) { //如果存在暂停广告 setTimeout(function () { if (!thisTemp.isUndefined(thisTemp.advertisements['pause']) && !thisTemp.adPlayStart && !thisTemp.adPauseShow && thisTemp.time > 1) { //如果存在暂停广告 thisTemp.adPausePlayer(); } }, 300); } }, /* 内部函数 停止画布 */ stopVCanvas: function () { if (this.timerVCanvas != null) { this.css(this.V, 'display', 'block'); this.css(this.MD, 'display', 'none'); if (this.timerVCanvas.runing) { this.timerVCanvas.stop(); } this.timerVCanvas = null; } }, /* 内部函数 根据当前播放还是暂停确认图标显示 */ playShow: function (b) { if (!this.conBarShow) { return; } if (b) { this.css(this.CB['play'], 'display', 'none'); this.css(this.CB['pauseCenter'], 'display', 'none'); this.css(this.CB['pause'], 'display', 'block'); } else { this.css(this.CB['play'], 'display', 'block'); if (this.css(this.CB['errorText'], 'display') == 'none') { if (!this.adPlayerPlay) { this.css(this.CB['pauseCenter'], 'display', 'block'); } } else { this.css(this.CB['pauseCenter'], 'display', 'none'); } this.css(this.CB['pause'], 'display', 'none'); } }, /* 内部函数 监听seek结束 */ seekedHandler: function () { this.resetTrack(); this.isTimeButtonMove = true; if (this.V.paused) { if (this.hlsAutoPlay) { this.videoPlay(); } else { this.hlsAutoPlay = true; } } }, /* 内部函数 监听播放结束 */ endedHandler: function () { this.sendJS('ended'); if (this.adPlayerPlay) { this.adI++; this.advertisementsPlay(); return; } if (!this.endAdPlay && !this.isUndefined(this.advertisements['end'])) { this.endAdPlay = true; this.adI = 0; this.adType = 'end'; this.adMuteInto(); this.adIsVideoTime = true; this.adPlayStart = true; this.adVideoPlay = false; this.videoPause(); this.advertisementsTime(); this.advertisementsPlay(); this.adSkipButtonShow(); this.adReset = true; return; } this.endedAdReset(); if (this.vars['loop']) { this.videoSeek(0); } }, /* 重置结束后相关的设置 */ endedAdReset: function () { var arr = []; var i = 0; if (!this.isUndefined(this.advertisements['insertPlay'])) { arr = this.advertisements['insertPlay']; for (i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { this.advertisements['insertPlay'][i] = false; } } if (!this.isUndefined(this.advertisements['otherPlay'])) { arr = this.advertisements['otherPlay']; for (i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { this.advertisements['otherPlay'][i] = false; } } //this.endAdPlay=false; }, /* 内部函数 监听音量改变 */ volumechangeHandler: function () { if (!this.conBarShow) { return; } if ((this.ckConfig['config']['mobileVolumeBarShow'] || !this.isMobile()) && this.css(this.CB['volume'], 'display') != 'none') { try { var volume = this.volume || this.V.volume; if (volume > 0) { this.css(this.CB['mute'], 'display', 'block'); this.css(this.CB['escMute'], 'display', 'none'); } else { this.css(this.CB['mute'], 'display', 'none'); this.css(this.CB['escMute'], 'display', 'block'); } } catch (event) { } } }, /* 内部函数 监听播放时间调节进度条 */ timeUpdateHandler: function () { var duration = 0; if (this.playerType == 'html5video') { try { duration = this.V.duration; } catch (event) { } } if (isNaN(duration) || parseInt(duration) < 0.2) { duration = this.vars['duration']; } if (this.vars['forceduration'] > 0) { duration = this.vars['forceduration']; } if (duration > 0) { this.time = this.V.currentTime; this.timeTextHandler(); this.trackShowHandler(); if (this.isTimeButtonMove) { this.timeProgress(this.time, duration); } } }, /* 内部函数 改变控制栏坐标 */ controlBar: function () { //控制栏背景 var cb = this.ckStyle['controlBar']; var cssObjTemp = { align: cb['align'], vAlign: cb['vAlign'], width: cb['width'], height: cb['height'], offsetX: cb['offsetX'], offsetY: cb['offsetY'] }; var bgCss = { backgroundColor: cb['background']['backgroundColor'], backgroundImg: cb['background']['backgroundImg'], alpha: cb['background']['alpha'] }; var cssTemp = this.getEleCss(this.objectAssign(cssObjTemp, bgCss), { zIndex: 888 }); this.css(this.CB['controlBarBg'], cssTemp); //控制栏容器 cssTemp = this.getEleCss(cssObjTemp, { zIndex: 889 }); this.css(this.CB['controlBar'], cssTemp); }, /* 内部函数 按时间改变进度条 */ timeProgress: function (time, duration) { if (!this.conBarShow) { return; } var timeProgressBgW = this.CB['timeProgressBg'].offsetWidth; var timeBOW = parseInt((time * timeProgressBgW / duration) - (this.CB['timeButton'].offsetWidth * 0.5)); if (timeBOW > timeProgressBgW - this.CB['timeButton'].offsetWidth) { timeBOW = timeProgressBgW - this.CB['timeButton'].offsetWidth; } if (timeBOW < 0) { timeBOW = 0; } this.css(this.CB['timeProgress'], 'width', timeBOW + 'px'); this.css(this.CB['timeButton'], 'left', parseInt(timeBOW) + 'px'); }, /* 内部函数 监听播放时间改变时间显示文本框 */ timeTextHandler: function () { //显示时间/总时间 if (!this.conBarShow) { return; } var duration = this.V.duration; var time = this.V.currentTime; if (isNaN(duration) || parseInt(duration) < 0.2) { duration = this.vars['duration']; } if (this.vars['forceduration'] > 0) { duration = this.vars['forceduration']; } this.CB['timeText'].innerHTML = this.formatTime(time, duration, this.ckLanguage['vod']); }, /* 内部函数 监听是否是缓冲状态 */ bufferEdHandler: function () { if (!this.conBarShow || this.playerType == 'flashplayer') { return; } var thisTemp = this; var clearTimerBuffer = function () { if (thisTemp.timerBuffer != null) { if (thisTemp.timerBuffer.runing) { thisTemp.sendJS('buffer', 100); thisTemp.timerBuffer.stop(); } thisTemp.timerBuffer = null; } }; clearTimerBuffer(); var bufferFun = function () { if (!thisTemp.isUndefined(thisTemp.V) && thisTemp.V.buffered.length > 0) { var duration = thisTemp.V.duration; var len = thisTemp.V.buffered.length; var bufferStart = thisTemp.V.buffered.start(len - 1); var bufferEnd = thisTemp.V.buffered.end(len - 1); var loadTime = bufferStart + bufferEnd; var loadProgressBgW = thisTemp.CB['timeProgressBg'].offsetWidth; var timeButtonW = thisTemp.CB['timeButton'].offsetWidth; var loadW = parseInt((loadTime * loadProgressBgW / duration) + timeButtonW); if (loadW >= loadProgressBgW) { loadW = loadProgressBgW; clearTimerBuffer(); } thisTemp.changeLoad(loadTime); } }; this.timerBuffer = new this.timer(200, bufferFun); }, /* 内部函数 单独计算加载进度 */ changeLoad: function (loadTime) { if (this.V == null) { return; } if (!this.conBarShow) { return; } var loadProgressBgW = this.CB['timeProgressBg'].offsetWidth; var timeButtonW = this.CB['timeButton'].offsetWidth; var duration = this.V.duration; if (isNaN(duration) || parseInt(duration) < 0.2) { duration = this.vars['duration']; } if (this.vars['forceduration'] > 0) { duration = this.vars['forceduration']; } if (this.isUndefined(loadTime)) { loadTime = this.loadTime; } else { this.loadTime = loadTime; } var loadW = parseInt((loadTime * loadProgressBgW / duration) + timeButtonW); this.css(this.CB['loadProgress'], 'width', loadW + 'px'); this.sendJS('loadTime', loadTime); this.loadTimeTemp = loadTime; }, /* 内部函数 判断是否是直播 */ judgeIsLive: function () { var thisTemp = this; if (this.timerError != null) { if (this.timerError.runing) { this.timerError.stop(); } this.timerError = null; } this.error = false; if (this.conBarShow) { this.css(this.CB['errorText'], 'display', 'none'); } var timeupdate = function (event) { thisTemp.timeUpdateHandler(); }; if (!this.vars['live']) { if (this.V != null && this.playerType == 'html5video') { this.addListenerInside('timeupdate', timeupdate); thisTemp.timeTextHandler(); thisTemp.prompt(); //添加提示点 setTimeout(function () { thisTemp.bufferEdHandler(); }, 200); } } else { this.removeListenerInside('timeupdate', timeupdate); if (this.timerTime != null) { window.clearInterval(this.timerTime); timerTime = null; } if (this.timerTime != null) { if (this.timerTime.runing) { this.timerTime.stop(); } this.timerTime = null; } var timeFun = function () { if (thisTemp.V != null && !thisTemp.V.paused && thisTemp.conBarShow) { thisTemp.CB['timeText'].innerHTML = thisTemp.formatTime(0, 0, thisTemp.ckLanguage['live']); //时间显示框默认显示内容 } }; this.timerTime = new this.timer(1000, timeFun); //timerTime.start(); } this.definition(); }, /* 内部函数 加载字幕 */ loadTrack: function (def) { if (this.playerType == 'flashplayer' || this.vars['flashplayer'] == true) { return; } if (this.isUndefined(def)) { def = -1; } var track = this.vars['cktrack']; var loadTrackUrl = ''; var type = this.varType(track); var thisTemp = this; if (type == 'array') { if (def == -1) { var index = 0; var indexN = 0; for (var i = 0; i < track.length; i++) { var li = track[i]; if (li.length == 3 && li[2] > indexN) { indexN = li[2]; index = i; } } } else { index = def; } loadTrackUrl = track[index][0]; } else { loadTrackUrl = track; } var obj = { method: 'get', dataType: 'text', url: loadTrackUrl, charset: 'utf-8', success: function (data) { if (data) { thisTemp.track = thisTemp.parseSrtSubtitles(data); thisTemp.trackIndex = 0; thisTemp.nowTrackShow = { sn: '' } } } }; this.ajax(obj); }, /* 内部函数 重置字幕 */ resetTrack: function () { this.trackIndex = 0; this.nowTrackShow = { sn: '' }; }, /* 内部函数 根据时间改变读取显示字幕 */ trackShowHandler: function () { if (!this.conBarShow || this.adPlayerPlay) { return; } if (this.track.length < 1) { return; } if (this.trackIndex >= this.track.length) { this.trackIndex = 0; } var nowTrack = this.track[this.trackIndex]; //当前编号对应的字幕内容 /* this.nowTrackShow=当前显示在界面上的内容 如果当前时间正好在nowTrack时间内,则需要判断 */ if (this.time >= nowTrack['startTime'] && this.time <= nowTrack['endTime']) { /* 如果当前显示的内容不等于当前需要显示的内容时,则需要显示正确的内容 */ var nowShow = this.nowTrackShow; if (nowShow['sn'] != nowTrack['sn']) { this.trackHide(); this.trackShow(nowTrack); this.nowTrackTemp = nowTrack; } } else { /* 如果当前播放时间不在当前编号字幕内,则需要先清空当前的字幕内容,再显示新的字幕内容 */ this.trackHide(); this.checkTrack(); } }, trackShowAgain: function () { this.trackHide(); this.trackShow(this.nowTrackTemp); }, /* 内部函数 显示字幕内容 */ trackShow: function (track) { this.nowTrackShow = track; var arr = track['content']; for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { var obj = { list: [{ type: 'text', text: arr[i], color: this.ckStyle['cktrack']['color'], size: this.ckStyle['cktrack']['size'], fontFamily: this.ckStyle['cktrack']['font'], lineHeight: this.ckStyle['cktrack']['leading'] + 'px' }], position: [1, 2, null, -(arr.length - i) * this.ckStyle['cktrack']['leading'] - this.ckStyle['cktrack']['marginBottom']] }; var ele = this.addElement(obj); this.trackElement.push(ele); } }, /* 内部函数 隐藏字幕内容 */ trackHide: function () { for (var i = 0; i < this.trackElement.length; i++) { this.deleteElement(this.trackElement[i]); } this.trackElement = []; }, /* 内部函数 重新计算字幕的编号 */ checkTrack: function () { var num = this.trackIndex; var arr = this.track; var i = 0; for (i = num; i < arr.length; i++) { if (this.time >= arr[i]['startTime'] && this.time <= arr[i]['endTime']) { this.trackIndex = i; break; } } }, /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------接口函数开始 接口函数 在播放和暂停之间切换 */ playOrPause: function () { if (!this.loaded) { return; } if (this.V == null) { return; } if (this.playerType == 'flashplayer') { this.V.playOrPause(); return; } if (this.V.paused) { this.videoPlay(); } else { this.videoPause(); } }, /* 接口函数 播放动作 */ videoPlay: function () { if (!this.loaded) { return; } if (this.playerType == 'flashplayer') { this.V.videoPlay(); return; } if (this.adPlayerPlay) { this.eliminateAd(); //清除广告 return; } try { if (this.V.currentSrc) { this.V.play(); } } catch (event) { } }, /* 接口函数 暂停动作 */ videoPause: function () { if (!this.loaded) { return; } if (this.playerType == 'flashplayer') { this.V.videoPause(); return; } try { this.V.pause(); } catch (event) { } }, /* 接口函数 跳转时间动作 */ videoSeek: function (time) { if (!this.loaded) { return; } if (this.playerType == 'flashplayer') { this.V.videoSeek(time); return; } var duration = this.V.duration > 0.2 ? this.V.duration : this.getMetaDate()['duration']; if (duration > 0 && time > duration) { if (this.vars['forceduration'] > 0) { time = 0; this.sendJS('ended'); } else { time = duration - 0.1; } } if (time >= 0) { this.V.currentTime = time; this.sendJS('seekTime', time); } }, /* 接口函数 调节音量/获取音量 */ changeVolume: function (vol, bg, button) { if (this.loaded) { if (this.playerType == 'flashplayer') { this.V.changeVolume(vol); return; } } if (isNaN(vol) || this.isUndefined(vol)) { vol = 0; } if (!this.loaded) { this.vars['volume'] = vol; } if (!this.html5Video) { this.V.changeVolume(vol); return; } try { if (this.isUndefined(bg)) { bg = true; } } catch (e) { } try { if (this.isUndefined(button)) { button = true; } } catch (e) { } if (!vol) { vol = 0; } if (vol < 0) { vol = 0; } if (vol > 1) { vol = 1; } try { this.V.volume = vol; } catch (error) { } this.volume = vol; if (bg && this.conBarShow) { var bgW = vol * this.CB['volumeBg'].offsetWidth; if (bgW < 0) { bgW = 0; } if (bgW > this.CB['volumeBg'].offsetWidth) { bgW = this.CB['volumeBg'].offsetWidth; } this.css(this.CB['volumeUp'], 'width', bgW + 'px'); } if (button && this.conBarShow) { var buLeft = parseInt(this.CB['volumeUp'].offsetWidth - (this.CB['volumeBO'].offsetWidth * 0.5)); if (buLeft > this.CB['volumeBg'].offsetWidth - this.CB['volumeBO'].offsetWidth) { buLeft = this.CB['volumeBg'].offsetWidth - this.CB['volumeBO'].offsetWidth } if (buLeft < 0) { buLeft = 0; } this.css(this.CB['volumeBO'], 'left', buLeft + 'px'); } }, /* 接口函数 静音 */ videoMute: function () { if (!this.loaded) { return; } if (this.playerType == 'flashplayer') { this.V.videoMute(); return; } this.volumeTemp = this.V ? (this.V.volume > 0 ? this.V.volume : this.vars['volume']) : this.vars['volume']; this.changeVolume(0); }, /* 接口函数 取消静音 */ videoEscMute: function () { if (!this.loaded) { return; } if (this.playerType == 'flashplayer') { this.V.videoEscMute(); return; } this.changeVolume(this.volumeTemp > 0 ? this.volumeTemp : this.vars['volume']); }, /* 接口函数 视频广告静音 */ adMute: function () { if (!this.loaded) { return; } this.changeVolume(0); this.adVideoMute = true; this.css(this.CB['adEscMute'], 'display', 'block'); this.css(this.CB['adMute'], 'display', 'none'); }, /* 接口函数 视频广告取消静音 */ escAdMute: function () { if (!this.loaded) { return; } var v = this.ckStyle['advertisement']['videoVolume']; this.changeVolume(v); this.adMuteInto(); }, /* 初始化广告的音量按钮 */ adMuteInto: function () { this.adVideoMute = false; this.css(this.CB['adEscMute'], 'display', 'none'); this.css(this.CB['adMute'], 'display', 'block'); }, /* 接口函数 快退 */ fastBack: function () { if (!this.loaded) { return; } if (this.playerType == 'flashplayer') { this.V.fastBack(); return; } var time = this.time - this.ckConfig['config']['timeJump']; if (time < 0) { time = 0; } this.videoSeek(time); }, /* 接口函数 快进 */ fastNext: function () { if (!this.loaded) { return; } if (this.playerType == 'flashplayer') { this.V.fastNext(); return; } var time = this.time + this.ckConfig['config']['timeJump']; if (time > this.V.duration) { time = this.V.duration; } this.videoSeek(time); }, /* 接口函数 获取当前播放的地址 */ getCurrentSrc: function () { if (!this.loaded) { return; } if (this.playerType == 'flashplayer') { return this.V.getCurrentSrc(); } return this.V.currentSrc; }, /* 内置函数 全屏/退出全屏动作,该动作只能是用户操作才可以触发,比如用户点击按钮触发该事件 */ switchFull: function () { if (this.full) { this.quitFullScreen(); } else { this.fullScreen(); } }, /* 内置函数 全屏动作,该动作只能是用户操作才可以触发,比如用户点击按钮触发该事件 */ fullScreen: function () { if (this.html5Video && this.playerType == 'html5video') { var element = this.PD; if (element.requestFullscreen) { element.requestFullscreen(); } else if (element.mozRequestFullScreen) { element.mozRequestFullScreen(); } else if (element.webkitRequestFullscreen) { element.webkitRequestFullscreen(); } else if (element.msRequestFullscreen) { element.msRequestFullscreen(); } else if (element.oRequestFullscreen) { element.oRequestFullscreen(); } this.judgeFullScreen(); } else { //this.V.fullScreen(); } }, /* 接口函数 退出全屏动作 */ quitFullScreen: function () { if (this.html5Video && this.playerType == 'html5video') { if (document.exitFullscreen) { document.exitFullscreen(); } else if (document.msExitFullscreen) { document.msExitFullscreen(); } else if (document.mozCancelFullScreen) { document.mozCancelFullScreen(); } else if (document.oRequestFullscreen) { document.oCancelFullScreen(); } else if (document.requestFullscreen) { document.requestFullscreen(); } else if (document.webkitExitFullscreen) { document.webkitExitFullscreen(); } else { this.css(document.documentElement, 'cssText', ''); this.css(document.document.body, 'cssText', ''); this.css(this.PD, 'cssText', ''); } this.judgeFullScreen(); } }, /* 下面列出只有flashplayer里支持的 */ videoRotation: function (n) { if (!this.loaded) { return; } if (this.playerType == 'flashplayer') { this.V.videoRotation(n); return; } if (this.isUndefined(n)) { n = 0; } var tf = this.css(this.V, 'transform'); if (this.isUndefined(tf) && !tf) { tf = 'rotate(0deg)'; } var reg = tf.match(/rotate\([^)]+\)/); reg = reg ? reg[0].replace('rotate(', '').replace('deg)', '') : ''; if (reg == '') { reg = 0; } else { reg = parseInt(reg); } if (n == -1) { reg -= 90; } else if (n == 1) { reg += 90; } else { if (n != 90 && n != 180 && n != 270 && n != -90 && n != -180 && n != -270) { reg = 0; } else { reg = n; } } n = reg; var y90 = n % 90, y180 = n % 180, y270 = n % 270; var ys = false; if (y90 == 0 && y180 == 90 && y270 == 90) { ys = true; } if (y90 == 0 && y180 == 90 && y270 == 0) { ys = true; } if (y90 == -0 && y180 == -90 && y270 == -90) { ys = true; } if (y90 == -0 && y180 == -90 && y270 == -0) { ys = true; } tf = tf.replace(/rotate\([^)]+\)/, '').replace(/scale\([^)]+\)/, '') + ' rotate(' + n + 'deg)'; var cdW = this.CD.offsetWidth, cdH = this.CD.offsetHeight, vW = this.V.videoWidth, vH = this.V.videoHeight; if (vW > 0 && vH > 0) { if (ys) { if (cdW / cdH > vH / vW) { nH = cdH; nW = vH * nH / vW; } else { nW = cdW; nH = vW * nW / vH; } this.css(this.V, 'transform', 'rotate(0deg)'); this.css(this.V, 'transform', 'scale(' + nH / cdW + ',' + nW / cdH + ')' + tf); } else { this.css(this.V, 'transform', tf); } } else { this.css(this.V, 'transform', tf); } return; }, videoBrightness: function (n) { if (!this.loaded) { return; } if (this.playerType == 'flashplayer') { this.V.videoBrightness(n); return; } }, videoContrast: function (n) { if (!this.loaded) { return; } if (this.playerType == 'flashplayer') { this.V.videoContrast(n); return; } }, videoSaturation: function (n) { if (!this.loaded) { return; } if (this.playerType == 'flashplayer') { this.V.videoSaturation(n); return; } }, videoHue: function (n) { if (!this.loaded) { return; } if (this.playerType == 'flashplayer') { this.V.videoHue(n); return; } }, videoZoom: function (n) { if (!this.loaded) { return; } if (this.playerType == 'flashplayer') { this.V.videoZoom(n); return; } if (this.isUndefined(n)) { n = 1; } if (n < 0) { n = 0; } if (n > 2) { n = 2; } var tf = this.css(this.V, 'transform'); tf = tf.replace(/scale\([^)]+\)/, '') + ' scale(' + n + ')'; this.videoScale = n; this.css(this.V, 'transform', tf); return; }, videoProportion: function (w, h) { if (!this.loaded) { return; } if (this.playerType == 'flashplayer') { this.V.videoProportion(w, h); return; } }, adPlay: function () { if (!this.loaded) { return; } if (this.playerType == 'flashplayer') { this.V.adPlay(); return; } if (this.adPlayerPlay) { this.adIsPause = false; var ad = this.getNowAdvertisements(); var type = ad['type']; if (this.isStrImage(type)) { this.adCountDown(); } else { this.V.play(); } } }, adPause: function () { if (!this.loaded) { return; } if (this.playerType == 'flashplayer') { this.V.adPause(); return; } if (this.adPlayerPlay) { this.adIsPause = true; var ad = this.getNowAdvertisements(); var type = ad['type']; if (type != 'jpg' && type != 'jpeg' && type != 'png' && type != 'svg' && type != 'gif') { this.videoPause(); } } }, videoError: function (n) { if (!this.loaded) { return; } if (this.playerType == 'flashplayer') { this.V.videoError(n); return; } }, changeConfig: function () { if (!this.loaded) { return; } if (this.playerType == 'flashplayer') { var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); switch (args.length) { case 1: this.V.changeConfig(args[0]); break; case 2: this.V.changeConfig(args[0], args[1]); break; case 3: this.V.changeConfig(args[0], args[1], args[2]); break; case 4: this.V.changeConfig(args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3]); break; case 5: this.V.changeConfig(args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4]); break; case 6: this.V.changeConfig(args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4], args[5]); break; case 7: this.V.changeConfig(args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4], args[5], args[6]); break; case 8: this.V.changeConfig(args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4], args[5], args[6], args[7]); break; case 8: this.V.changeConfig(args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4], args[5], args[6], args[7], args[8]); break; } return; } var obj = this.ckConfig; var arg = arguments; for (var i = 0; i < arg.length - 1; i++) { if (obj.hasOwnProperty(arg[i])) { obj = obj[arg[i]]; } else { return; } } var val = arg[arg.length - 1]; switch (arg.length) { case 2: this.ckConfig[arg[0]] = val; break; case 3: this.ckConfig[arg[0]][arg[1]] = val; break; case 4: this.ckConfig[arg[0]][arg[1]][arg[2]] = val; break; case 5: this.ckConfig[arg[0]][arg[1]][arg[2]][arg[3]] = val; break; case 6: this.ckConfig[arg[0]][arg[1]][arg[2]][arg[3]][arg[4]] = val; break; case 7: this.ckConfig[arg[0]][arg[1]][arg[2]][arg[3]][arg[4]][arg[5]] = val; break; case 8: this.ckConfig[arg[0]][arg[1]][arg[2]][arg[3]][arg[4]][arg[5]][arg[6]] = val; break; case 9: this.ckConfig[arg[0]][arg[1]][arg[2]][arg[3]][arg[4]][arg[5]][arg[6]][arg[7]] = val; break; case 10: this.ckConfig[arg[0]][arg[1]][arg[2]][arg[3]][arg[4]][arg[5]][arg[6]][arg[7]][arg[8]] = val; break; default: break; } this.sendJS('configChange', this.ckConfig); }, custom: function () { if (!this.loaded) { return; } if (this.playerType == 'flashplayer') { this.V.custom(arguments); return; } if (this.isUndefined(arguments)) { return; } var type = '', name = '', display = ''; if (arguments.length == 4) {//控制栏 type = 'controlBar-' + arguments[1]; name = arguments[2]; display = arguments[3] ? 'block' : 'none'; } else if (arguments.length == 3) {//播放器 type = 'player-' + arguments[0]; name = arguments[1]; display = arguments[2] ? 'block' : 'none'; } else { return; } for (var k in this.customeElement) { var obj = this.customeElement[k]; if (obj['type'] == type && obj['name'] == name) { this.css(obj['ele'], 'display', display); } } }, getConfig: function () { if (!this.loaded) { return null; } if (this.playerType == 'flashplayer') { return this.V.getConfig(arguments); } else { var temp = this.ckConfig; for (var index in arguments) { try { temp = temp[arguments[index]]; } catch (error) { temp = null; } }; return temp; } }, openUrl: function (n) { if (!this.loaded) { return; } if (this.playerType == 'flashplayer') { this.V.openUrl(n); return; } }, /* 接口函数 清除视频 */ videoClear: function () { if (!this.loaded) { return; } if (this.playerType == 'flashplayer') { this.V.videoClear(); return; } this.V.innerHTML = ''; this.V.src = ''; }, /* 接口函数 向播放器传递新的视频地址 */ newVideo: function (c) { if (this.playerType == 'flashplayer') { this.V.newVideo(c); return; } else { this.embed(c); } }, /* 接口函数 截图 */ screenshot: function (obj, save, name) { if (!this.loaded) { return; } if (this.playerType == 'flashplayer') { try { this.V.screenshot(obj, save, name); } catch (error) { this.log(error); } return; } if (obj == 'video') { var newCanvas = document.createElement('canvas'); newCanvas.width = this.V.videoWidth; newCanvas.height = this.V.videoHeight; newCanvas.getContext('2d').drawImage(this.V, 0, 0, this.V.videoWidth, this.V.videoHeight); try { var base64 = newCanvas.toDataURL('image/jpeg'); this.sendJS('screenshot', { object: obj, save: save, name: name, base64: base64 }); } catch (error) { this.log(error); } } }, /* 接口函数 改变播放器尺寸 */ changeSize: function (w, h) { if (this.isUndefined(w)) { w = 0; } if (this.isUndefined(h)) { h = 0; } if (w > 0) { this.css(this.CD, 'width', w + 'px'); } if (h > 0) { this.css(this.CD, 'height', h + 'px'); } if (this.html5Video) { this.playerResize(); } }, /* 重置播放器界面 */ playerResize: function () { this.controlBar();//控制栏按钮 this.elementCoordinate(); this.carbarButton(); this.customCoor();//自定义元件的位置重置 this.timeProgressDefault();//进度条默认样式 this.videoCss();//计算video的宽高和位置 this.timeUpdateHandler();//修改进度条样式 this.changeElementCoor(); //修改新加元件的坐标 this.changePrompt();//重置提示点 this.advertisementStyle();//广告控制样式 this.adPauseCoor(); this.adOtherCoor(); this.changeLoad(); this.sendJS('resize'); }, /* 接口函数 改变视频播放速度 */ changePlaybackRate: function (n) { if (this.html5Video) { var arr = this.playbackRateArr; n = parseInt(n); if (n < arr.length) { this.newPlaybackrate(arr[n][1]); } } }, /* 内部函数 注册控制控制栏显示与隐藏函数 */ changeControlBarShow: function (show) { if (!this.loaded) { return; } if (this.playerType == 'flashplayer') { this.V.changeControlBarShow(show); return; } if (show) { this.controlBarIsShow = true; this.controlBarHide(false); } else { this.controlBarIsShow = false; this.controlBarHide(true); } }, /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 调用flashplayer */ embedSWF: function () { var vid = 'ckplayer-' + this.randomString(); var flashvars = this.getFlashVars(); var param = this.getFlashplayerParam(); var flashplayerUrl = 'http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer'; var html = '', src = ckplayerPath + 'ckplayer.swf'; id = 'id="' + vid + '" name="' + vid + '" '; html += ''; html += param['v']; html += ''; html += ''; html += ''; html += ''; html += ''; this.PD.innerHTML = html; this.V = this.getObjectById(vid); //V:定义播放器对象全局变量 this.playerType = 'flashplayer'; }, /* 判断浏览器是否支持flashplayer */ checkShockwaveFlash: function () { if (window.ActiveXObject) { try { var s = new ActiveXObject('ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash'); if (s) { return true; } } catch (e) { } } else { try { var s = navigator.plugins['Shockwave Flash']; if (s) { return true; } } catch (e) { } } return false; }, /* 内置函数 将vars对象转换成字符 */ getFlashVars: function () { this.getVarsObject(); var v = this.vars; var z = ''; for (k in v) { if (k != 'flashplayer' && k != 'container' && v[k] != '') { if (z != '') { z += '&'; } var vk = v[k]; if (vk == true) { vk = 1; } if (vk == false) { vk = 0; } z += k + '=' + vk; } } if (!v.hasOwnProperty('volume') || !v['volume']) { if (z != '') { z += '&'; } z += 'volume=0'; } return z; }, /*判断字符串是否是图片*/ isStrImage: function (s) { if (s == 'jpg' || s == 'jpeg' || s == 'png' || s == 'svg' || s == 'gif') { return true; } return false; }, /* 内置函数 将vars格式化成flash能接受的对象。再由getFlashVars函数转化成字符串或由newVideo直接使用 */ getVarsObject: function () { var v = this.vars; var f = '', d = '', w = ''; //f=视频地址,d=清晰度地址,w=权重,z=最终地址 var arr = this.VA; var prompt = v['promptSpot']; var i = 0; var video = this.vars['video']; if (this.varType(video) == 'array') { //对象或数组 var arr = video; for (i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { var arr2 = arr[i]; if (arr2) { if (f != '') { f += this.ckConfig['config']['split']; d += ','; w += ','; v['type'] += this.ckConfig['config']['split']; } f += encodeURIComponent(decodeURIComponent(arr2[0])); d += arr2[2]; w += arr2[3]; v['type'] += arr2[1].replace('video/', ''); } } } else if (this.varType(video) == 'object') { //对象或数组 f = encodeURIComponent(decodeURIComponent(video['file'])); if (!this.isUndefined(video['type'])) { v['type'] = video['type']; } d = ''; w = ''; } else { f = encodeURIComponent(decodeURIComponent(video)); } if (v['preview'] != null) { v['previewscale'] = v['preview']['scale']; v['preview'] = v['preview']['file'].join(','); } if (prompt != null) { v['promptspot'] = ''; v['promptspottime'] = ''; for (i = 0; i < prompt.length; i++) { if (v['promptspot'] != '') { v['promptspot'] += ','; v['promptspottime'] += ','; } v['promptspot'] += prompt[i]['words']; v['promptspottime'] += prompt[i]['time']; } } if (f != '') { v['video'] = f; v['definition'] = d; v['weight'] = w; } if (!v['volume']) { v['volume'] = 0; } var newV = {}; for (var k in v) { if (v[k] != null) { newV[k] = v[k]; } if (k == 'type') { newV[k] = v[k].replace('video/m3u8', 'm3u8'); } } this.vars = newV; }, /* 内置函数 将embedSWF里的param的对象进行转换 */ getFlashplayerParam: function () { var w = '', v = '', o = { allowScriptAccess: 'always', allowFullScreen: true, quality: 'high', bgcolor: '#000' }; for (var e in o) { w += e + '="' + o[e] + '" '; v += ''; } w = w.replace('movie=', 'src='); return { w: w, v: v }; }, /* 操作动作结束 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 接口函数 获取元数据部分 */ getMetaDate: function () { if (!this.loaded || this.V == null) { return false; } if (this.playerType == 'html5video') { var duration = 0; try { duration = !isNaN(this.V.duration) ? this.V.duration : 0; if (isNaN(duration) || parseInt(duration) < 0.2) { if (this.vars['duration'] > 0) { duration = this.vars['duration']; } } if (this.vars['forceduration'] > 0) { duration = this.vars['forceduration']; } } catch (event) { this.log(event); } var data = { duration: duration, volume: this.V.volume, playbackRate: this.V.playbackRate, width: this.PD.offsetWidth || this.V.offsetWidth || this.V.width, height: this.PD.offsetHeight || this.V.offsetHeight || this.V.height, streamWidth: this.V.videoWidth, streamHeight: this.V.videoHeight, videoWidth: this.V.offsetWidth, videoHeight: this.V.offsetHeight, paused: this.V.paused, loadTime: this.loadTimeTemp }; return data; } else { try { return this.V.getMetaDate(); } catch (event) { this.log(event); } } return false; }, /* 接口函数 取当前提供给播放器播放的视频列表 */ getVideoUrl: function () { if (this.playerType == 'flashplayer') { return this.V.getVideoUrl(); } var arr = []; if (this.V.src) { arr.push(this.V.src); } else { var uArr = this.V.childNodes; for (var i = 0; i < uArr.length; i++) { arr.push(uArr[i].src); } } return arr; }, /* 内置函数 格式化函数 */ clickEvent: function (call) { if (call == 'none' || call == '' || call == null) { return { type: 'none' }; } var callArr = call.split('->'); var type = '', fun = '', link = '', target = ''; if (callArr.length == 2) { var callM = callArr[0]; var callE = callArr[1]; if (!callE) { return { type: 'none' }; } var val = ''; var eArr = []; type = callM; switch (callM) { case 'actionScript': //trace(THIS.hasOwnProperty(callE)); if (callE.indexOf('(') > -1) { eArr = callE.split('('); callE = eArr[0]; val = eArr[1].replace(')', ''); } if (val == '') { fun = 'thisTemp.' + callE + '()'; } else { fun = 'thisTemp.' + callE + '(' + val + ')'; } break; case 'javaScript': if (callE.substr(0, 11) == '[flashvars]') { callE = callE.substr(11); if (this.vars.hasOwnProperty(callE)) { callE = this.vars[callE]; } else { break; } } if (callE.indexOf('(') > -1) { eArr = callE.split('('); callE = eArr[0]; val = eArr[1].replace(')', ''); } if (val == '') { fun = callE + '()'; } else { fun = callE + '(' + val + ')'; } break; case "link": var callLink = (callE + ',').split(','); if (callLink[0].substr(0, 11) == '[flashvars]') { var fl = callLink[0].replace('[flashvars]', ''); if (this.vars.hasOwnProperty(fl)) { callLink[0] = this.vars[fl]; } else { break; } } if (!callLink[1]) { callLink[1] = '_blank'; } link = callLink[0]; target = callLink[1]; break; } } return { type: type, fun: fun, link: link, target: target } }, /* 内置函数 根据指定的align,valign,offsetX,offsetY计算坐标 */ getPosition: function (obj, rEle) { /* { "align": "right", "vAlign": "right", "offsetX": -60, "offsetY": -60 } */ var pw = this.PD.offsetWidth, ph = this.PD.offsetHeight; var x = 0, y = 0; var left = 0, top = 0, rw = 0, rh = 0; if (!this.isUndefined(rEle)) { left = parseInt(this.css(rEle, 'left')), top = parseInt(this.css(rEle, 'top')), rw = rEle.offsetWidth, rh = rEle.offsetHeight; } switch (obj['align']) { case 'left': x = obj['offsetX'] + left; break; case 'center': x = pw * 0.5 + obj['offsetX']; if (left) { x -= (pw * 0.5 - rw * 0.5 - left); } break; case 'right': x = pw + obj['offsetX']; if (left) { x -= (pw - left - rw); } break; } switch (obj['vAlign']) { case 'top': y = obj['offsetY'] + top; break; case 'middle': y = ph * 0.5 + obj['offsetY'] - top - (rh * 0.5); if (top) { x -= (ph * 0.5 - rh * 0.5 - top); } break; case 'bottom': y = ph + obj['offsetY']; if (top) { y -= (ph - top - rh); } break; } return { x: x, y: y }; }, /* 内置函数 向播放器界面添加一个文本 */ addElement: function (attribute) { var thisTemp = this; if (this.playerType == 'flashplayer') { return this.V.addElement(attribute); } var i = 0; var obj = { list: null, x: '100%', y: "50%", position: null, alpha: 1, backgroundColor: '', backAlpha: 1, backRadius: 0, clickEvent: '' }; obj = this.standardization(obj, attribute); var list = obj['list']; if (list == null) { return ''; } var id = 'element-' + this.randomString(10); var ele = document.createElement('div'); ele.className = id; if (obj['x']) { ele.setAttribute('data-x', obj['x']); } if (obj['y']) { ele.setAttribute('data-y', obj['y']); } if (obj['position'] != null) { ele.setAttribute('data-position', obj['position'].join(',')); } this.PD.appendChild(ele); this.css(ele, { position: 'absolute', filter: 'alpha(opacity:' + obj['alpha'] + ')', opacity: obj['alpha'].toString(), width: '800px', zIndex: '20' }); var bgid = 'elementbg' + this.randomString(10); var bgAlpha = obj['alpha'].toString(); var bgColor = obj['backgroundColor'].replace('0x', '#'); var html = ''; var idArr = []; var clickArr = []; if (!this.isUndefined(list) && list.length > 0) { var textObj, returnObj, clickEvent; for (i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { var newEleid = 'elementnew' + this.randomString(10); switch (list[i]['type']) { case 'image': case 'png': case 'jpg': case 'jpeg': case 'gif': textObj = { type: 'image', file: '', radius: 0,//圆角弧度 width: 30,//定义宽,必需要定义 height: 30,//定义高,必需要定义 alpha: 1,//透明度 paddingLeft: 0,//左边距离 paddingRight: 0,//右边距离 paddingTop: 0, paddingBottom: 0, marginLeft: 0, marginRight: 0, marginTop: 0, marginBottom: 0, backgroundColor: '', clickEvent: '' }; list[i] = this.standardization(textObj, list[i]); clickEvent = this.clickEvent(list[i]['clickEvent']); clickArr.push(clickEvent); if (clickEvent['type'] == 'link') { html += '
'; } else { html += '
'; } break; case 'text': textObj = { type: 'text',//说明是文本 text: '',//文本内容 color: '0xFFFFFF', size: 14, fontFamily: this.fontFamily, leading: 0, alpha: 1,//透明度 paddingLeft: 0,//左边距离 paddingRight: 0,//右边距离 paddingTop: 0, paddingBottom: 0, marginLeft: 0, marginRight: 0, marginTop: 0, marginBottom: 0, backgroundColor: '', backAlpha: 1, backRadius: 0,//背景圆角弧度,支持数字统一设置,也支持分开设置[30,20,20,50],对应上左,上右,下右,下左 clickEvent: '' }; list[i] = this.standardization(textObj, list[i]); clickEvent = this.clickEvent(list[i]['clickEvent']); clickArr.push(clickEvent); if (clickEvent['type'] == 'link') { html += '
' + list[i]['text'] + '
'; } else { html += '
' + list[i]['text'] + '
'; } break; default: break; } idArr.push(newEleid); } } var objClickEvent = this.clickEvent(obj['clickEvent']); ele.innerHTML = '
' + html + '
'; if (objClickEvent['type'] == 'javaScript' || objClickEvent['type'] == 'actionScript') { var objClickHandler = function () { eval(objClickEvent['fun']); thisTemp.sendJS('clickEvent', clk['type'] + '->' + clk['fun'].replace('thisTemp.', '').replace('()', '')); }; this.addListenerInside('click', objClickHandler, this.getByElement(bgid + '_c')) } this.css(bgid + '_c', { position: 'absolute', zIndex: '2' }); for (i = 0; i < idArr.length; i++) { var clk = clickArr[i]; if (clk['type'] == 'javaScript' || clk['type'] == 'actionScript') { var clickHandler = function () { //clk = clickArr[this.getAttribute('data-i')]; clk = clickArr[thisTemp.getDataset(this, 'i')]; eval(clk['fun']); thisTemp.sendJS('clickEvent', clk['type'] + '->' + clk['fun'].replace('thisTemp.', '').replace('()', '')); }; this.addListenerInside('click', clickHandler, this.getByElement(idArr[i])) } switch (list[i]['type']) { case 'image': case 'png': case 'jpg': case 'jpeg': case 'gif': this.css(idArr[i], { float: 'left', width: list[i]['width'] + 'px', height: list[i]['height'] + 'px', filter: 'alpha(opacity:' + list[i]['alpha'] + ')', opacity: list[i]['alpha'].toString(), marginLeft: list[i]['marginLeft'] + 'px', marginRight: list[i]['marginRight'] + 'px', marginTop: list[i]['marginTop'] + 'px', marginBottom: list[i]['marginBottom'] + 'px', borderRadius: list[i]['radius'] + 'px', cursor: 'pointer' }); this.css(idArr[i] + '_image', { width: list[i]['width'] + 'px', height: list[i]['height'] + 'px', borderRadius: list[i]['radius'] + 'px' }); break; case 'text': this.css(idArr[i] + '_text', { filter: 'alpha(opacity:' + list[i]['alpha'] + ')', opacity: list[i]['alpha'].toString(), borderRadius: list[i]['radius'] + 'px', fontFamily: list[i]['font'], fontSize: list[i]['size'] + 'px', color: list[i]['color'].replace('0x', '#'), lineHeight: list[i]['leading'] > 0 ? list[i]['leading'] + 'px' : '', paddingLeft: list[i]['paddingLeft'] + 'px', paddingRight: list[i]['paddingRight'] + 'px', paddingTop: list[i]['paddingTop'] + 'px', paddingBottom: list[i]['paddingBottom'] + 'px', whiteSpace: 'nowrap', position: 'absolute', zIndex: '3', cursor: 'pointer' }); this.css(idArr[i], { float: 'left', width: this.getByElement(idArr[i] + '_text').offsetWidth + 'px', height: this.getByElement(idArr[i] + '_text').offsetHeight + 'px', marginLeft: list[i]['marginLeft'] + 'px', marginRight: list[i]['marginRight'] + 'px', marginTop: list[i]['marginTop'] + 'px', marginBottom: list[i]['marginBottom'] + 'px' }); this.css(idArr[i] + '_bg', { width: this.getByElement(idArr[i] + '_text').offsetWidth + 'px', height: this.getByElement(idArr[i] + '_text').offsetHeight + 'px', filter: 'alpha(opacity:' + list[i]['backAlpha'] + ')', opacity: list[i]['backAlpha'].toString(), borderRadius: list[i]['backRadius'] + 'px', backgroundColor: list[i]['backgroundColor'].replace('0x', '#'), position: 'absolute', zIndex: '2' }); break; default: break; } } this.css(bgid, { width: this.getByElement(bgid + '_c').offsetWidth + 'px', height: this.getByElement(bgid + '_c').offsetHeight + 'px', position: 'absolute', filter: 'alpha(opacity:' + bgAlpha + ')', opacity: bgAlpha, backgroundColor: bgColor.replace('0x', '#'), borderRadius: obj['backRadius'] + 'px', zIndex: '1' }); this.css(ele, { width: this.getByElement(bgid).offsetWidth + 'px', height: this.getByElement(bgid).offsetHeight + 'px' }); var eidCoor = this.calculationCoor(ele); this.css(ele, { left: eidCoor['x'] + 'px', top: eidCoor['y'] + 'px' }); this.elementArr.push(ele.className); return ele; }, /* 内置函数 获取元件的属性,包括x,y,width,height,alpha */ getElement: function (element) { if (this.playerType == 'flashplayer') { return this.V.getElement(element); } var ele = element; if (this.varType(element) == 'string') { ele = this.getByElement(element); } var coor = this.getCoor(ele); return { x: coor['x'], y: coor['y'], width: ele.offsetWidth, height: ele.offsetHeight, alpha: !this.isUndefined(this.css(ele, 'opacity')) ? parseFloat(this.css(ele, 'opacity')) : 1, show: this.css(ele, 'display') == 'none' ? false : true }; }, /* 内置函数 控制元件显示和隐藏 */ elementShow: function (element, show) { if (this.playerType == 'flashplayer') { this.V.elementShow(element, show); return; } if (this.varType(element) == 'string') { if (element) { this.css(ele, 'display', show == true ? 'block' : 'none'); } else { var arr = this.elementTempArr; for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { this.css(arr[i], 'display', show == true ? 'block' : 'none'); } } } }, /* 内置函数 根据节点的x,y计算在播放器里的坐标 */ calculationCoor: function (ele) { if (this.playerType == 'flashplayer') { return this.V.calculationCoor(ele); } if (this.isUndefined(ele)) { return; } if (ele == []) { return; } var x, y, position = []; var w = this.PD.offsetWidth, h = this.PD.offsetHeight; var ew = ele.offsetWidth, eh = ele.offsetHeight; if (!this.isUndefined(this.getDataset(ele, 'x'))) { x = this.getDataset(ele, 'x'); } if (!this.isUndefined(this.getDataset(ele, 'y'))) { y = this.getDataset(ele, 'y'); } if (!this.isUndefined(this.getDataset(ele, 'position'))) { try { position = this.getDataset(ele, 'position').toString().split(','); } catch (event) { } } if (position.length > 0) { position.push(null, null, null, null); var i = 0; for (i = 0; i < position.length; i++) { if (this.isUndefined(position[i]) || position[i] == null || position[i] == 'null' || position[i] == '') { position[i] = null; } else { position[i] = parseFloat(position[i]); } } if (position[2] == null) { switch (position[0]) { case 0: x = 0; break; case 1: x = parseInt((w - ew) * 0.5); break; default: x = w - ew; break; } } else { switch (position[0]) { case 0: x = position[2]; break; case 1: x = parseInt(w * 0.5) + position[2]; break; default: x = w + position[2]; break; } } if (position[3] == null) { switch (position[1]) { case 0: y = 0; break; case 1: y = parseInt((h - eh) * 0.5); break; default: y = h - eh; break; } } else { switch (position[1]) { case 0: y = position[3]; break; case 1: y = parseInt(h * 0.5) + position[3]; break; default: y = h + position[3]; break; } } } else { if (x.substring(x.length - 1, x.length) == '%') { x = Math.floor(parseInt(x.substring(0, x.length - 1)) * w * 0.01); } if (y.substring(y.length - 1, y.length) == '%') { y = Math.floor(parseInt(y.substring(0, y.length - 1)) * h * 0.01); } } return { x: x, y: y } }, /* 内置函数 修改新增元件的坐标 */ changeElementCoor: function () { for (var i = 0; i < this.elementArr.length; i++) { if (!this.isUndefined(this.getByElement(this.elementArr[i]))) { if (this.getByElement(this.elementArr[i]) != []) { var c = this.calculationCoor(this.getByElement(this.elementArr[i])); if (c['x'] && c['y']) { this.css(this.elementArr[i], { top: c['y'] + 'px', left: c['x'] + 'px' }); } } } } }, /* 内置函数 缓动效果集 */ tween: function () { var Tween = { None: { //均速运动 easeIn: function (t, b, c, d) { return c * t / d + b; }, easeOut: function (t, b, c, d) { return c * t / d + b; }, easeInOut: function (t, b, c, d) { return c * t / d + b; } }, Quadratic: { easeIn: function (t, b, c, d) { return c * (t /= d) * t + b; }, easeOut: function (t, b, c, d) { return - c * (t /= d) * (t - 2) + b; }, easeInOut: function (t, b, c, d) { if ((t /= d / 2) < 1) return c / 2 * t * t + b; return - c / 2 * ((--t) * (t - 2) - 1) + b; } }, Cubic: { easeIn: function (t, b, c, d) { return c * (t /= d) * t * t + b; }, easeOut: function (t, b, c, d) { return c * ((t = t / d - 1) * t * t + 1) + b; }, easeInOut: function (t, b, c, d) { if ((t /= d / 2) < 1) return c / 2 * t * t * t + b; return c / 2 * ((t -= 2) * t * t + 2) + b; } }, Quartic: { easeIn: function (t, b, c, d) { return c * (t /= d) * t * t * t + b; }, easeOut: function (t, b, c, d) { return - c * ((t = t / d - 1) * t * t * t - 1) + b; }, easeInOut: function (t, b, c, d) { if ((t /= d / 2) < 1) return c / 2 * t * t * t * t + b; return - c / 2 * ((t -= 2) * t * t * t - 2) + b; } }, Quintic: { easeIn: function (t, b, c, d) { return c * (t /= d) * t * t * t * t + b; }, easeOut: function (t, b, c, d) { return c * ((t = t / d - 1) * t * t * t * t + 1) + b; }, easeInOut: function (t, b, c, d) { if ((t /= d / 2) < 1) return c / 2 * t * t * t * t * t + b; return c / 2 * ((t -= 2) * t * t * t * t + 2) + b; } }, Sine: { easeIn: function (t, b, c, d) { return - c * Math.cos(t / d * (Math.PI / 2)) + c + b; }, easeOut: function (t, b, c, d) { return c * Math.sin(t / d * (Math.PI / 2)) + b; }, easeInOut: function (t, b, c, d) { return - c / 2 * (Math.cos(Math.PI * t / d) - 1) + b; } }, Exponential: { easeIn: function (t, b, c, d) { return (t == 0) ? b : c * Math.pow(2, 10 * (t / d - 1)) + b; }, easeOut: function (t, b, c, d) { return (t == d) ? b + c : c * (- Math.pow(2, -10 * t / d) + 1) + b; }, easeInOut: function (t, b, c, d) { if (t == 0) return b; if (t == d) return b + c; if ((t /= d / 2) < 1) return c / 2 * Math.pow(2, 10 * (t - 1)) + b; return c / 2 * (- Math.pow(2, -10 * --t) + 2) + b; } }, Circular: { easeIn: function (t, b, c, d) { return - c * (Math.sqrt(1 - (t /= d) * t) - 1) + b; }, easeOut: function (t, b, c, d) { return c * Math.sqrt(1 - (t = t / d - 1) * t) + b; }, easeInOut: function (t, b, c, d) { if ((t /= d / 2) < 1) return - c / 2 * (Math.sqrt(1 - t * t) - 1) + b; return c / 2 * (Math.sqrt(1 - (t -= 2) * t) + 1) + b; } }, Elastic: { easeIn: function (t, b, c, d, a, p) { if (t == 0) return b; if ((t /= d) == 1) return b + c; if (!p) p = d * .3; if (!a || a < Math.abs(c)) { a = c; var s = p / 4; } else var s = p / (2 * Math.PI) * Math.asin(c / a); return - (a * Math.pow(2, 10 * (t -= 1)) * Math.sin((t * d - s) * (2 * Math.PI) / p)) + b; }, easeOut: function (t, b, c, d, a, p) { if (t == 0) return b; if ((t /= d) == 1) return b + c; if (!p) p = d * .3; if (!a || a < Math.abs(c)) { a = c; var s = p / 4; } else var s = p / (2 * Math.PI) * Math.asin(c / a); return (a * Math.pow(2, -10 * t) * Math.sin((t * d - s) * (2 * Math.PI) / p) + c + b); }, easeInOut: function (t, b, c, d, a, p) { if (t == 0) return b; if ((t /= d / 2) == 2) return b + c; if (!p) p = d * (.3 * 1.5); if (!a || a < Math.abs(c)) { a = c; var s = p / 4; } else var s = p / (2 * Math.PI) * Math.asin(c / a); if (t < 1) return - .5 * (a * Math.pow(2, 10 * (t -= 1)) * Math.sin((t * d - s) * (2 * Math.PI) / p)) + b; return a * Math.pow(2, -10 * (t -= 1)) * Math.sin((t * d - s) * (2 * Math.PI) / p) * .5 + c + b; } }, Back: { easeIn: function (t, b, c, d, s) { if (s == undefined) s = 1.70158; return c * (t /= d) * t * ((s + 1) * t - s) + b; }, easeOut: function (t, b, c, d, s) { if (s == undefined) s = 1.70158; return c * ((t = t / d - 1) * t * ((s + 1) * t + s) + 1) + b; }, easeInOut: function (t, b, c, d, s) { if (s == undefined) s = 1.70158; if ((t /= d / 2) < 1) return c / 2 * (t * t * (((s *= (1.525)) + 1) * t - s)) + b; return c / 2 * ((t -= 2) * t * (((s *= (1.525)) + 1) * t + s) + 2) + b; } }, Bounce: { easeIn: function (t, b, c, d) { return c - Tween.Bounce.easeOut(d - t, 0, c, d) + b; }, easeOut: function (t, b, c, d) { if ((t /= d) < (1 / 2.75)) { return c * (7.5625 * t * t) + b; } else if (t < (2 / 2.75)) { return c * (7.5625 * (t -= (1.5 / 2.75)) * t + .75) + b; } else if (t < (2.5 / 2.75)) { return c * (7.5625 * (t -= (2.25 / 2.75)) * t + .9375) + b; } else { return c * (7.5625 * (t -= (2.625 / 2.75)) * t + .984375) + b; } }, easeInOut: function (t, b, c, d) { if (t < d / 2) return Tween.Bounce.easeIn(t * 2, 0, c, d) * .5 + b; else return Tween.Bounce.easeOut(t * 2 - d, 0, c, d) * .5 + c * .5 + b; } } }; return Tween; }, /* 接口函数 缓动效果 ele:Object=需要缓动的对象, parameter:String=需要改变的属性:x,y,width,height,alpha, effect:String=效果名称, start:Int=起始值, end:Int=结束值, speed:Number=运动的总秒数,支持小数 */ animate: function (attribute) { if (this.playerType == 'flashplayer') { return this.V.animate(attribute); } var thisTemp = this; var animateId = 'animate_' + this.randomString(); var obj = { element: null, parameter: 'x', static: false, effect: 'None.easeIn', start: null, end: null, speed: 0, overStop: false, pauseStop: false, //暂停播放时缓动是否暂停 callBack: null }; obj = this.standardization(obj, attribute); if (obj['element'] == null || obj['speed'] == 0) { return false; } var w = this.PD.offsetWidth, h = this.PD.offsetHeight; var effArr = (obj['effect'] + '.').split('.'); var tweenFun = this.tween()[effArr[0]][effArr[1]]; var eleCoor = { x: 0, y: 0 }; if (this.isUndefined(tweenFun)) { return false; } //先将该元件从元件数组里删除,让其不再跟随播放器的尺寸改变而改变位置 var def = this.arrIndexOf(this.elementArr, obj['element'].className); if (def > -1) { this.elementTempArr.push(obj['element'].className); this.elementArr.splice(def, 1); } //var run = true; var css = {}; //对传递的参数进行转化,x和y转化成left,top var pm = this.getElement(obj['element']); //包含x,y,width,height,alpha属性 var t = 0; //当前时间 var b = 0; //初始值 var c = 0; //变化量 var d = obj['speed'] * 1000; //持续时间 var timerTween = null; var tweenObj = null; var start = obj['start'] == null ? '' : obj['start'].toString(); var end = obj['end'] == null ? '' : obj['end'].toString(); switch (obj['parameter']) { case 'x': if (obj['start'] == null) { b = pm['x']; } else { if (start.substring(start.length - 1, start.length) == '%') { b = parseInt(start) * w * 0.01; } else { b = parseInt(start); } } if (obj['end'] == null) { c = pm['x'] - b; } else { if (end.substring(end.length - 1, end.length) == '%') { c = parseInt(end) * w * 0.01 - b; } else if (end.substring(0, 1) == '-' || end.substring(0, 1) == '+') { if (this.varType(obj['end']) == 'number') { c = parseInt(obj['end']) - b; } else { c = parseInt(end); } } else { c = parseInt(end) - b; } } break; case 'y': if (obj['start'] == null) { b = pm['y']; } else { if (start.substring(start.length - 1, start.length) == '%') { b = parseInt(start) * h * 0.01; } else { b = parseInt(start); } } if (obj['end'] == null) { c = pm['y'] - b; } else { if (end.substring(end.length - 1, end.length) == '%') { c = parseInt(end) * h * 0.01 - b; } else if (end.substring(0, 1) == '-' || end.substring(0, 1) == '+') { if (this.varType(obj['end']) == 'number') { c = parseInt(obj['end']) - b; } else { c = parseInt(end); } } else { c = parseInt(end) - b; } } break; case 'alpha': if (obj['start'] == null) { b = pm['alpha'] * 100; } else { if (start.substring(start.length - 1, start.length) == '%') { b = parseInt(obj['start']); } else { b = parseInt(obj['start'] * 100); } } if (obj['end'] == null) { c = pm['alpha'] * 100 - b; } else { if (end.substring(end.length - 1, end.length) == '%') { c = parseInt(end) - b; } else if (end.substring(0, 1) == '-' || end.substring(0, 1) == '+') { if (this.varType(obj['end']) == 'number') { c = parseInt(obj['end']) * 100 - b; } else { c = parseInt(obj['end']) * 100; } } else { c = parseInt(obj['end']) * 100 - b; } } break; } var callBack = function () { var index = thisTemp.arrIndexOf(thisTemp.animateElementArray, animateId); if (index > -1) { thisTemp.animateArray.splice(index, 1); thisTemp.animateElementArray.splice(index, 1); } index = thisTemp.arrIndexOf(thisTemp.animatePauseArray, animateId); if (index > -1) { thisTemp.animatePauseArray.splice(index, 1); } if (obj['callBack'] != null && obj['element'] && obj['callBack'] != 'callBack' && obj['callBack'] != 'tweenX' && obj['tweenY'] != 'callBack' && obj['callBack'] != 'tweenAlpha') { var cb = eval(obj['callBack']); cb(obj['element']); obj['callBack'] = null; } }; var stopTween = function () { if (timerTween != null) { if (timerTween.runing) { timerTween.stop(); } timerTween = null; } }; var tweenX = function () { if (t < d) { t += 10; css = { left: Math.ceil(tweenFun(t, b, c, d)) + 'px' }; if (obj['static']) { eleCoor = thisTemp.calculationCoor(obj['element']); css['top'] = eleCoor['y'] + 'px'; } thisTemp.css(obj['element'], css); } else { stopTween(); try { var defX = this.arrIndexOf(this.elementTempArr, obj['element'].className); if (defX > -1) { this.elementTempArr.splice(defX, 1); } } catch (event) { } thisTemp.elementArr.push(obj['element'].className); callBack(); } }; var tweenY = function () { if (t < d) { t += 10; css = { top: Math.ceil(tweenFun(t, b, c, d)) + 'px' }; if (obj['static']) { eleCoor = thisTemp.calculationCoor(obj['element']); css['left'] = eleCoor['x'] + 'px'; } thisTemp.css(obj['element'], css); } else { stopTween(); try { var defY = this.arrIndexOf(this.elementTempArr, obj['element'].className); if (defY > -1) { this.elementTempArr.splice(defY, 1); } } catch (event) { } thisTemp.elementArr.push(obj['element'].className); callBack(); } }; var tweenAlpha = function () { if (t < d) { t += 10; eleCoor = thisTemp.calculationCoor(obj['element']); var ap = Math.ceil(tweenFun(t, b, c, d)) * 0.01; css = { filter: 'alpha(opacity:' + ap + ')', opacity: ap.toString() }; if (obj['static']) { eleCoor = thisTemp.calculationCoor(obj['element']); css['top'] = eleCoor['y'] + 'px'; css['left'] = eleCoor['x'] + 'px'; } thisTemp.css(obj['element'], css); } else { stopTween(); try { var defA = this.arrIndexOf(this.elementTempArr, obj['element'].className); if (defA > -1) { this.elementTempArr.splice(defA, 1); } } catch (event) { } thisTemp.elementArr.push(obj['element'].className); callBack(); } }; switch (obj['parameter']) { case 'x': tweenObj = tweenX; break; case 'y': tweenObj = tweenY; break; case 'alpha': tweenObj = tweenAlpha; break; default: break; } timerTween = new thisTemp.timer(10, tweenObj); timerTween.callBackFunction = callBack; if (obj['overStop']) { var mouseOver = function () { if (timerTween != null && timerTween.runing) { timerTween.stop(); } }; this.addListenerInside('mouseover', mouseOver, obj['element']); var mouseOut = function () { var start = true; if (obj['pauseStop'] && thisTemp.getMetaDate()['paused']) { start = false; } if (timerTween != null && !timerTween.runing && start) { timerTween.start(); } }; this.addListenerInside('mouseout', mouseOut, obj['element']); } this.animateArray.push(timerTween); this.animateElementArray.push(animateId); if (obj['pauseStop']) { this.animatePauseArray.push(animateId); } return animateId; }, /* 接口函数函数 继续运行animate */ animateResume: function (id) { if (this.playerType == 'flashplayer') { this.V.animateResume(this.isUndefined(id) ? '' : id); return; } var arr = []; if (id != '' && !this.isUndefined(id) && id != 'pause') { arr.push(id); } else { if (id === 'pause') { arr = this.animatePauseArray; } else { arr = this.animateElementArray; } } for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { var index = this.arrIndexOf(this.animateElementArray, arr[i]); if (index > -1) { this.animateArray[index].start(); } } }, /* 接口函数 暂停运行animate */ animatePause: function (id) { if (this.playerType == 'flashplayer') { this.V.animatePause(this.isUndefined(id) ? '' : id); return; } var arr = []; if (id != '' && !this.isUndefined(id) && id != 'pause') { arr.push(id); } else { if (id === 'pause') { arr = this.animatePauseArray; } else { arr = this.animateElementArray; } } for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { var index = this.arrIndexOf(this.animateElementArray, arr[i]); if (index > -1) { this.animateArray[index].stop(); } } }, /* 内置函数 根据ID删除数组里对应的内容 */ deleteAnimate: function (id) { if (this.playerType == 'flashplayer' && this.V) { try { this.V.deleteAnimate(id); } catch (event) { this.log(event); } return; } var index = this.arrIndexOf(this.animateElementArray, id); if (index > -1) { this.animateArray[index].callBackFunction(); this.animateArray.splice(index, 1); this.animateElementArray.splice(index, 1); } }, /* 内置函数 删除外部新建的元件 */ deleteElement: function (ele) { if (this.playerType == 'flashplayer' && this.V) { try { this.V.deleteElement(ele); } catch (event) { } return; } //先将该元件从元件数组里删除,让其不再跟随播放器的尺寸改变而改变位置 var def = this.arrIndexOf(this.elementArr, ele.className); if (def > -1) { this.elementArr.splice(def, 1); } try { def = this.arrIndexOf(this.elementTempArr, ele.className); if (def > -1) { this.elementTempArr.splice(def, 1); } } catch (event) { } this.deleteAnimate(ele.className); this.deleteChild(ele); }, /* -------------------------------------------------------------- 共用函数部分 以下函数并非只能在本程序中使用,也可以在页面其它项目中使用 根据ID或className获取元素对象 */ getByElement: function (obj, parent) { if (this.isUndefined(parent)) { parent = document; } var num = obj.substr(0, 1); var res = []; if (num != '#') { if (num == '.') { obj = obj.substr(1, obj.length); } if (parent.getElementsByClassName) { res = parent.getElementsByClassName(obj); if (!res.length) { return null; } } else { var reg = new RegExp(' ' + obj + ' ', 'i'); var ele = parent.getElementsByTagName('*'); for (var i = 0; i < ele.length; i++) { if (reg.test(' ' + ele[i].className + ' ')) { res.push(ele[i]); } } } if (res.length > 0) { res = res[0]; } else { res = null; } } else { if (num == '#') { obj = obj.substr(1, obj.length); } try { res = document.getElementById(obj); } catch (event) { res = null; } } return res; }, /* 共用函数 功能:修改样式或获取指定样式的值, elem:ID对象或ID对应的字符,如果多个对象一起设置,则可以使用数组 attribute:样式名称或对象,如果是对象,则省略掉value值 value:attribute为样式名称时,定义的样式值 示例一: this.css(ID,'width','100px'); 示例二: this.css('id','width','100px'); 示例三: this.css([ID1,ID2,ID3],'width','100px'); 示例四: this.css(ID,{ width:'100px', height:'100px' }); 示例五(获取宽度): var width=this.css(ID,'width'); */ css: function (elem, attribute, value) { var i = 0; var k = ''; if (this.varType(elem) == 'array') { //数组 for (i = 0; i < elem.length; i++) { var el; if (typeof (elem[i]) == 'string') { el = this.getByElement(elem[i]) } else { el = elem[i]; } if (typeof (attribute) != 'object') { if (!this.isUndefined(value)) { el.style[attribute] = value; } } else { for (k in attribute) { if (!this.isUndefined(attribute[k])) { try { el.style[k] = attribute[k]; } catch (event) { this.log(event); } } } } } return; } if (this.varType(elem) == 'string') { elem = this.getByElement(elem); } if (this.varType(attribute) != 'object') { if (!this.isUndefined(value)) { elem.style[attribute] = value; } else { if (!this.isUndefined(this.getStyle(elem, attribute))) { return this.getStyle(elem, attribute); } else { return false; } } } else { for (k in attribute) { if (!this.isUndefined(attribute[k])) { elem.style[k] = attribute[k]; } } } }, /* 内置函数 兼容型获取style */ getStyle: function (obj, attr) { if (!this.isUndefined(obj.style[attr])) { return obj.style[attr]; } else { if (obj.currentStyle) { return obj.currentStyle[attr]; } else { return getComputedStyle(obj, false)[attr]; } } }, /* 共用函数 判断变量是否存在或值是否为undefined */ isUndefined: function (value) { try { if (value === 'undefined' || value === undefined || value === null || value === 'NaN' || value === NaN) { return true; } } catch (event) { this.log(event); return true; } return false; }, /* 共用函数 外部监听函数 */ addListener: function (name, funName) { if (name && funName) { if (this.playerType == 'flashplayer') { var ff = ''; //定义用来向flashplayer传递的函数字符 if (this.varType(funName) == 'function') { ff = this.getParameterNames(funName); } this.V.addListener(name, ff); return; } var have = false; for (var i = 0; i < this.listenerJsArr.length; i++) { var arr = this.listenerJsArr[i]; if (arr[0] == name && arr[1] == funName) { have = true; break; } } if (!have) { this.listenerJsArr.push([name, funName]); } } }, /* 共用函数 外部删除监听函数 */ removeListener: function (name, funName) { if (name && funName) { if (this.playerType == 'flashplayer') { var ff = ''; //定义用来向flashplayer传递的函数字符 if (this.varType(funName) == 'function') { ff = this.getParameterNames(funName); } this.V.removeListener(name, ff); return; } for (var i = 0; i < this.listenerJsArr.length; i++) { var arr = this.listenerJsArr[i]; if (arr[0] == name && arr[1] == funName) { this.listenerJsArr.splice(i, 1); break; } } } }, /* 内部监听函数,调用方式: this.addListenerInside('click',function(event){},[ID]); d值为空时,则表示监听当前的视频播放器 */ addListenerInside: function (e, f, d, t) { if (this.isUndefined(t)) { t = false; } var o = this.V; if (!this.isUndefined(d)) { o = d; } if (o.addEventListener) { try { o.addEventListener(e, f, t); } catch (event) { this.log(event) } } else if (o.attachEvent) { try { o.attachEvent('on' + e, f); } catch (event) { this.log(event) } } else { o['on' + e] = f; } }, /* 删除内部监听函数,调用方式: this.removeListenerInside('click',function(event){}[,ID]); d值为空时,则表示监听当前的视频播放器 */ removeListenerInside: function (e, f, d, t) { /*if(this.playerType=='flashplayer' && this.getParameterNames(f) && this.isUndefined(d)) { return; }*/ if (this.isUndefined(t)) { t = false; } var o = this.V; if (!this.isUndefined(d)) { o = d; } if (o.removeEventListener) { try { this.addNum--; o.removeEventListener(e, f, t); } catch (e) { } } else if (o.detachEvent) { try { o.detachEvent('on' + e, f); } catch (e) { } } else { o['on' + e] = null; } }, /* 共用函数 统一分配监听,以达到跟as3同样效果 */ sendJS: function (name, val) { if (this.adPlayerPlay && name.substr(- 2) != 'Ad') { return; } if (this.isUndefined(name)) { return; } var list = this.listenerJsArr; var obj = this.vars['variable']; if (this.vars['debug']) { this.log(name + ':' + val); } for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { var arr = list[i]; if (arr[0] == name) { if (!this.isUndefined(val)) { switch (arr[1].length) { case 1: arr[1](val); break; case 2: arr[1](val, obj); break; default: arr[1](); break; } } else { arr[1](obj); } } } }, /* 共用函数 获取函数名称,如 function ckplayer(){} var fun=ckplayer,则getParameterNames(fun)=ckplayer */ getParameterNames: function (fn) { if (this.varType(fn) !== 'function') { return false; } var COMMENTS = /((\/\/.*$)|(\/\*[\s\S]*?\*\/))/mg; var code = fn.toString().replace(COMMENTS, ''); var result = code.slice(code.indexOf(' ') + 1, code.indexOf('(')); return result === null ? false : result; }, /* 共用函数 时间替换 */ replaceTime: function (str, obj) { //var timeStrArr = ['[$timeh]', '[$timei]', '[$timeI]', '[$times]', '[$timeS]', '[$durationh]', '[$durationi]', '[$durationI]', '[$durations]', '[$durationS]','[$liveTimey]', '[$liveTimeY]', '[$liveTimem]', '[$liveTimed]', '[$liveTimeh]', '[$liveTimei]', '[$liveTimes]', '[$liveLanguage]']; for (var k in obj) { str = str.replace('[$' + k + ']', obj[k]) } return str; }, /* 共用函数 格式化时分秒 t:Int:秒数,dt:总时间的秒数 */ formatTime: function (t, dt, str) { if (this.isUndefined(t) || isNaN(t)) { seconds = 0; } if (this.isUndefined(dt) || isNaN(dt)) { dt = 0; } var minuteS = Math.floor(t / 60);//将秒数直接转化成分钟取整,这个可以得到如80分钟 var minute = minuteS;//获取准确的分钟 var hourS = Math.floor(t / 3600);//将秒数直接转化成小时取整,这个可以得到100小时 var second = t % 60; if (minuteS >= 60) { minute = Math.floor(minuteS % 60); } //总时间 var hminuteS = Math.floor(dt / 60);//将秒数直接转化成分钟取整,这个可以得到如80分钟 var hminute = hminuteS;//获取准确的分钟 var hhourS = Math.floor(dt / 3600);//将秒数直接转化成小时取整,这个可以得到100小时 var hsecond = dt % 60; if (hminuteS >= 60) { hminute = Math.floor(hminuteS % 60); } //当前时间 var nowDate = new Date(); var obj = { timeh: hourS,//时 timei: minute,//分 timeI: minuteS,//只有分 times: second,//秒 timeS: t,//只有秒 durationh: hhourS,//时 durationi: hminute,//分 durationI: hminuteS,//只有分 durations: hsecond,//秒 durationS: dt,//只有秒 liveTimey: nowDate.getYear(),//获取当前年份(2位) liveTimeY: nowDate.getFullYear(),//获取完整的年份(4位,1970-????) liveTimem: nowDate.getMonth() + 1,//获取当前月份(0-11,0代表1月) liveTimed: nowDate.getDate(),// 获取当前日(1-31) liveTimeh: nowDate.getHours(), // 获取当前小时数(0-23) liveTimei: nowDate.getMinutes(),// 获取当前分钟数(0-59) liveTimes: nowDate.getSeconds()// 获取当前秒数(0-59) }; for (var k in obj) { if (obj[k] < 10) { obj[k] = '0' + Math.floor(obj[k]); } else { obj[k] = Math.floor(obj[k]).toString(); } } return this.replaceTime(str, obj); }, /* 共用函数 获取一个随机字符 len:随机字符长度 */ randomString: function (len) { len = len || 16; var chars = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'; var maxPos = chars.length; var val = ''; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { val += chars.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * maxPos)); } return 'ch' + val; }, /* 共用函数 获取字符串长度,中文算两,英文数字算1 */ getStringLen: function (str) { if (this.isUndefined(str)) { return 0; } var len = 0; for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) { if (str.charCodeAt(i) > 127 || str.charCodeAt(i) == 94) { len += 2; } else { len++; } } return len; }, /* 内部函数 用来为ajax提供支持 */ createXHR: function () { if (window.XMLHttpRequest) { //IE7+、Firefox、Opera、Chrome 和Safari return new XMLHttpRequest(); } else if (window.ActiveXObject) { //IE6 及以下 try { return new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP'); } catch (event) { try { return new ActiveXObject('Msxml2.XMLHTTP'); } catch (event) { this.eject(this.errorList[7]); } } } else { this.eject(this.errorList[8]); } }, /* 共用函数 ajax调用 */ ajax: function (cObj) { var thisTemp = this; var callback = null; var obj = { method: 'get',//请求类型 dataType: 'json',//请求的数据类型 charset: 'utf-8', async: false,//true表示异步,false表示同步 url: '', data: null, success: null, error: null }; if (this.varType(cObj) != 'object') { this.eject(this.errorList[9]); return; } obj = this.standardization(obj, cObj); if (obj.dataType === 'json' || obj.dataType === 'text' || obj.dataType === 'html' || obj.dataType === 'xml') { var xhr = this.createXHR(); callback = function () { //判断http的交互是否成功 if (xhr.status == 200) { if (thisTemp.isUndefined(obj.success)) { return; } if (obj.dataType === 'json') { try { obj.success(eval('(' + xhr.responseText + ')')); //回调传递参数 } catch (event) { if (!thisTemp.isUndefined(obj['error'])) { obj.error(event); } } } else { obj.success(xhr.responseText); //回调传递参数 } } else { obj.success(null); thisTemp.eject(thisTemp.errorList[10], 'Ajax.status:' + xhr.status); } }; obj.url = obj.url.indexOf('?') == -1 ? obj.url + '?rand=' + this.randomString(6) : obj.url; obj.data = this.formatParams(obj.data); //通过params()将名值对转换成字符串 if (obj.method === 'get' && !this.isUndefined(obj.data)) { if (obj.data != '') { if (obj.url.indexOf('?') == -1) { obj.url += '?' + obj.data } else { obj.url += '&' + obj.data; } } } if (obj.async === true) { //true表示异步,false表示同步 xhr.onreadystatechange = function () { if (xhr.readyState == 4 && callback != null) { //判断对象的状态是否交互完成 callback(); //回调 } }; } xhr.open(obj.method, obj.url, obj.async); if (obj.method === 'post') { try { xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); xhr.setRequestHeader('charset', obj['charset']); xhr.send(obj.data); } catch (event) { callback(); } } else { try { xhr.send(null); //get方式则填null } catch (event) { callback(); } } if (obj.async === false) { //同步 callback(); } } else if (obj.dataType === 'jsonp') { var oHead = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; var oScript = document.createElement('script'); var callbackName = 'callback' + new Date().getTime(); var params = this.formatParams(obj.data) + '&callback=' + callbackName; //按时间戳拼接字符串 callback = obj.success; //拼接好src oScript.src = obj.url.split('?') + '?' + params; //插入script标签 oHead.insertBefore(oScript, oHead.firstChild); //jsonp的回调函数 window[callbackName] = function (json) { callback(json); oHead.removeChild(oScript); }; } }, /* 内置函数 动态加载js */ loadJs: function (path, success) { var oHead = document.getElementsByTagName('HEAD').item(0); var oScript = document.createElement('script'); oScript.type = 'text/javascript'; oScript.src = this.getNewUrl(path); oHead.appendChild(oScript); oScript.onload = function () { success(); } }, /* 共用函数 排除IE6-9 */ isMsie: function () { var browser = navigator.appName; var b_version = navigator.appVersion; var version = b_version.split(';'); var trim_Version = ''; if (version.length > 1) { trim_Version = version[1].replace(/[ ]/g, ''); } if (browser == 'Microsoft Internet Explorer' && (trim_Version == 'MSIE6.0' || trim_Version == 'MSIE7.0' || trim_Version == 'MSIE8.0' || trim_Version == 'MSIE9.0' || trim_Version == 'MSIE10.0')) { return false; } return true; }, /* 共用函数 判断是否安装了flashplayer */ uploadFlash: function () { var swf; if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('MSIE') > 0) { try { var swf = new ActiveXObject('ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash'); return true; } catch (e) { return false; } } if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Firefox') > 0) { swf = navigator.plugins['Shockwave Flash']; if (swf) { return true } else { return false; } } return true; }, /* 共用函数 检测浏览器是否支持HTML5-Video */ supportVideo: function () { if (!this.isMsie()) { return false; } if (!!document.createElement('video').canPlayType) { var vidTest = document.createElement('video'); var oggTest; try { oggTest = vidTest.canPlayType('video/ogg; codecs="theora, vorbis"'); } catch (error) { oggTest = false; } if (!oggTest) { var h264Test; try { h264Test = vidTest.canPlayType('video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"'); } catch (error) { h264Test = false; } if (!h264Test) { return false; } else { if (h264Test == "probably") { return true; } else { return false; } } } else { if (oggTest == "probably") { return true; } else { return false; } } } else { return false; } }, /* 共用函数 获取属性值 */ getDataset: function (ele, z) { try { return ele.dataset[z]; } catch (error) { try { return ele.getAttribute('data-' + z) } catch (error) { return false; } } }, /* 共用函数 返回flashplayer的对象 */ getObjectById: function (id) { var x = null; var y = this.getByElement('#' + id); var r = 'embed'; if (y && y.nodeName == 'OBJECT') { if (this.varType(y.SetVariable) != 'undefined') { x = y; } else { var z = y.getElementsByTagName(r)[0]; if (z) { x = z; } } } return x; }, /* 共用函数 对象转地址字符串 */ formatParams: function (data) { var arr = []; for (var i in data) { arr.push(encodeURIComponent(i) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(data[i])); } return arr.join('&'); }, /* 内置函数 对地址进行冒泡排序 */ arrSort: function (arr) { var temp = []; for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < arr.length - i; j++) { if (!this.isUndefined(arr[j + 1]) && arr[j][3] < arr[j + 1][3]) { temp = arr[j + 1]; arr[j + 1] = arr[j]; arr[j] = temp; } } } return arr; }, /* 共用函数 获取文件名称 */ getFileName: function (filepath) { if (!filepath) return ''; return filepath.replace(/(.*\/)*([^.]+).*/ig, '$2'); }, /* 内置函数 判断文件后缀 */ getFileExt: function (filepath) { if (filepath != '' && !this.isUndefined(filepath)) { if (filepath.indexOf('?') > -1) { filepath = filepath.split('?')[0]; } var pos = '.' + filepath.replace(/.+\./, ''); return pos.toLowerCase(); } return ''; }, /* 内置函数 判断是否是移动端 */ isMobile: function () { if (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().match(/(iphone|ipad|ipod|android|ios|midp|windows mobile|windows ce|rv:|ucweb)/i)) { return true; } return false; }, /* 内置函数 搜索字符串str是否包含key */ isContains: function (str, key) { return str.indexOf(key) > -1; }, /* 内置函数 给地址添加随机数 */ getNewUrl: function (url) { if (this.isContains(url, '?')) { return url += '&' + this.randomString(8) + '=' + this.randomString(8); } else { return url += '?' + this.randomString(8) + '=' + this.randomString(8); } }, /* 共用函数 获取clientX和clientY */ client: function (event) { var eve = event || window.event; if (this.isUndefined(eve)) { eve = { clientX: 0, clientY: 0 }; } return { x: eve.clientX + (document.documentElement.scrollLeft || this.body.scrollLeft) - this.pdCoor['x'], y: eve.clientY + (document.documentElement.scrollTop || this.body.scrollTop) - this.pdCoor['y'] } }, /* 内置函数 获取节点的绝对坐标 */ getCoor: function (obj) { var coor = this.getXY(obj); return { x: coor['x'] - this.pdCoor['x'], y: coor['y'] - this.pdCoor['y'] }; }, getXY: function (obj) { var parObj = obj; var left = obj.offsetLeft; var top = obj.offsetTop; while (parObj = parObj.offsetParent) { left += parObj.offsetLeft; top += parObj.offsetTop; } return { x: left, y: top }; }, /* 内置函数 删除本对象的所有属性 */ removeChild: function () { if (this.playerType == 'html5video') { //删除计时器 var i = 0; var timerArr = [this.timerError, this.timerFull, this.timerTime, this.timerBuffer, this.timerClick, this.timerCBar, this.timerVCanvas]; for (i = 0; i < timerArr.length; i++) { if (timerArr[i] != null) { if (timerArr[i].runing) { timerArr[i].stop(); } timerArr[i] = null; } } //删除事件监听 var ltArr = this.listenerJsArr; for (i = 0; i < ltArr.length; i++) { this.removeListener(ltArr[i][0], ltArr[i][1]); } } this.playerType == ''; this.V = null; if (this.conBarShow) { this.deleteChild(this.CB['menu']); } this.deleteChild(this.PD); this.CD.innerHTML = ''; }, /* 内置函数 画封闭的图形 */ canvasFill: function (name, path) { name.beginPath(); for (var i = 0; i < path.length; i++) { var d = path[i]; if (i > 0) { name.lineTo(d[0], d[1]); } else { name.moveTo(d[0], d[1]); } } name.closePath(); name.fill(); }, /* 内置函数 画矩形 */ canvasFillRect: function (name, path) { for (var i = 0; i < path.length; i++) { var d = path[i]; name.fillRect(d[0], d[1], d[2], d[3]); } }, /* 共用函数 删除容器节点 */ deleteChild: function (f) { var def = this.arrIndexOf(this.elementArr, f.className); if (def > -1) { this.elementArr.splice(def, 1); } var childs = f.childNodes; for (var i = childs.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { f.removeChild(childs[i]); } if (f && f != null && f.parentNode) { try { if (f.parentNode) { f.parentNode.removeChild(f); } } catch (event) { } } }, /* 内置函数 根据容器的宽高,内部节点的宽高计算出内部节点的宽高及坐标 */ getProportionCoor: function (stageW, stageH, vw, vh) { var w = 0, h = 0, x = 0, y = 0; if (stageW / stageH < vw / vh) { w = stageW; h = w * vh / vw; } else { h = stageH; w = h * vw / vh; } x = (stageW - w) * 0.5; y = (stageH - h) * 0.5; return { width: parseInt(w), height: parseInt(h), x: parseInt(x), y: parseInt(y) }; }, /* 共用函数 将字幕文件内容转换成数组 */ parseSrtSubtitles: function (srt) { var subtitlesArr = []; var textSubtitles = []; var i = 0; var arrs = srt.split('\n'); var arr = []; var delHtmlTag = function (str) { return str.replace(/<[^>]+>/g, ''); //去掉所有的html标记 }; for (i = 0; i < arrs.length; i++) { if (arrs[i].replace(/\s/g, '').length > 0) { arr.push(arrs[i]); } else { if (arr.length > 0) { textSubtitles.push(arr); } arr = []; } } for (i = 0; i < textSubtitles.length; ++i) { var textSubtitle = textSubtitles[i]; if (textSubtitle.length >= 2) { var sn = textSubtitle[0]; // 字幕的序号 var startTime = this.toSeconds(this.trim(textSubtitle[1].split(' --> ')[0])); // 字幕的开始时间 var endTime = this.toSeconds(this.trim(textSubtitle[1].split(' --> ')[1])); // 字幕的结束时间 var content = [delHtmlTag(textSubtitle[2])]; // 字幕的内容 var cktrackdelay = this.vars['cktrackdelay']; if (cktrackdelay != 0) { startTime += cktrackdelay; endTime += cktrackdelay; } // 字幕可能有多行 if (textSubtitle.length > 2) { for (var j = 3; j < textSubtitle.length; j++) { content.push(delHtmlTag(textSubtitle[j])); } } // 字幕对象 var subtitle = { sn: sn, startTime: startTime, endTime: endTime, content: content }; subtitlesArr.push(subtitle); } } return subtitlesArr; }, /* 共用函数 计时器,该函数模拟as3中的timer原理 time:计时时间,单位:毫秒 fun:接受函数 number:运行次数,不设置则无限运行 */ timer: function (time, fun, number) { var thisTemp = this; this.time = 10; //运行间隔 this.fun = null; //监听函数 this.timeObj = null; //setInterval对象 this.number = 0; //已运行次数 this.numberTotal = null; //总至需要次数 this.runing = false; //当前状态 this.startFun = function () { thisTemp.number++; thisTemp.fun(); if (thisTemp.numberTotal != null && thisTemp.number >= thisTemp.numberTotal) { thisTemp.stop(); } }; this.start = function () { if (!thisTemp.runing) { thisTemp.runing = true; thisTemp.timeObj = window.setInterval(thisTemp.startFun, time); } }; this.stop = function () { if (thisTemp.runing) { thisTemp.runing = false; window.clearInterval(thisTemp.timeObj); thisTemp.timeObj = null; } }; if (time) { this.time = time; } if (fun) { this.fun = fun; } if (number) { this.numberTotal = number; } this.start(); }, /* 共用函数 将时分秒转换成秒 */ toSeconds: function (t) { var s = 0.0; if (t) { var p = t.split(':'); for (i = 0; i < p.length; i++) { s = s * 60 + parseFloat(p[i].replace(',', '.')); } } return s; }, /*将字符变成数字形式的数组*/ arrayInt: function (str) { var a = str.split(','); var b = []; for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { if (this.isUndefined(a[i])) { a[i] = 0; } if (a[i].substr(- 1) != '%') { a[i] = parseInt(a[i]); } b.push(a[i]); } return b; }, /* 共用函数 将对象Object标准化 */ standardization: function (o, n) { //n替换进o var h = {}; var k; for (k in o) { h[k] = o[k]; } for (k in n) { var type = ''; if (h[k]) { type = this.varType(h[k]); } switch (type) { case 'number': h[k] = parseFloat(n[k]); break; default: h[k] = n[k]; break; } } return h; }, objectAssign: function (o, n) { if (this.varType(o) != 'object' || this.varType(n) != 'object') { return null; } var obj1 = this.newObj(o), obj2 = this.newObj(n); for (var k in obj2) { if (this.varType(obj2[k]) == 'object') { if (this.varType(obj1[k]) != 'object') { obj1[k] = {}; } obj1[k] = this.objectAssign(obj1[k], obj2[k]); } else { obj1[k] = obj2[k]; } } return obj1; }, /* 共用函数 搜索数组 */ arrIndexOf: function (arr, key) { if (this.isUndefined(arr) || this.isUndefined(key)) { return -1; } var re = new RegExp(key, ['']); return (arr.toString().replace(re, '┢').replace(/[^,┢]/g, '')).indexOf('┢'); }, /* 共用函数 去掉空格 */ trim: function (str) { if (str != '') { return str.replace(/(^\s*)|(\s*$)/g, ''); } return ''; }, /* 共用函数 输出内容到控制台 */ log: function (val) { try { console.log(val); } catch (e) { } }, /* 共用函数 弹出提示 */ eject: function (er, val) { if (!this.vars['debug']) { return; } var errorVal = er[1]; if (!this.isUndefined(val)) { errorVal = errorVal.replace('[error]', val); } var value = 'error ' + er[0] + ':' + errorVal; try { this.log(value); } catch (e) { } }, /* 共用函数 系统错误 */ sysError: function (er, val) { var ele = this.getByElement(this.vars['container']); var errorVal = er[1]; if (!this.isUndefined(val)) { errorVal = errorVal.replace('[error]', val); } var value = 'error ' + er[0] + ':' + errorVal; ele.innerHTML = value; this.css(ele, { backgroundColor: '#000', color: '#FFF', textAlign: 'center', lineHeight: ele.offsetHeight + 'px' }); }, /* 共用函数 判断变量类型 */ varType: function (val) { if (val === null) { return 'string'; } var type = typeof (val); switch (type) { case 'string': return 'string'; break; case 'number': return 'number'; break; case 'boolean': return 'boolean'; break; case 'function': return 'function'; break; case 'symbol': return 'symbol'; break; case 'object': if (!this.isUndefined(typeof (val.length))) { return 'array'; } return 'object'; break; case 'undefined': return 'undefined'; break; default: return typeof (val); break; } }, getConfigObject: function () { return this.jsonConfig; }, getStyleObject: function () { return this.jsonStyle; }, getLanguageObject: function () { return this.jsongLanguage; } }; window.ckplayer = ckplayer; })();