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2022-02-19 20:37:32 +08:00
@Namelayui.form 表单组件
layui.define('layer', function (exports) {
"use strict";
var $ = layui.$
, layer = layui.layer
, hint = layui.hint()
, device = layui.device()
, MOD_NAME = 'form', ELEM = '.layui-form', THIS = 'layui-this'
, SHOW = 'layui-show', HIDE = 'layui-hide', DISABLED = 'layui-disabled'
, Form = function () {
// 修改验证源码 排除为空时的验证
this.config = {
verify: {
required: [
, '必填项不能为空!'
, phone: function (value) {
var tel = /^(0[0-9]{2,3}\-)?([2-9][0-9]{6,7})+(\-[0-9]{1,4})?$/;
var fourTel = /^(([4]00\d{0,1}\-)?(\d{3,4}\-)?(\d{3,4}))?$/;
var eightTel = /^[8]00\d{7}$/ig;
var fourTel = /^400[0-9]{7}/;
var eightTel = /^800[0-9]{7}/;
var telPhone = /^1\d{10}$/
if(value.indexOf("-") != -1) {
var num = (value.split('-')).length-1;
if(!tel.test(value) && num==1){
return '请输入正确的固定电话!';
}else if(value.substring(0, 3)=='400' && !fourTel.test(value) && num==2){
return '请输入正确的400固话(400-6050-322或4000-809-009)';
}else if(value.substring(0, 3)=='800' && !eightTel.test(value)){
return '请输入正确的800固话(8007878789)';
}else if(value.length == 11 && !telPhone.test(value)) {
return '请输入正确的手机号!'
}else if(value.length != 11 && !tel.test(value) && value.substring(0, 3)!='800' && value.substring(0, 3)!='400'){
return '请输入有效手机号或固定电话!'
// [
// /^1\d{10}$/
// , '请输入正确的手机号'
// ]
, email:function(value){
if(value && !/^([a-zA-Z0-9_\.\-])+\@(([a-zA-Z0-9\-])+\.)+([a-zA-Z0-9]{2,4})+$/.test(value)){
return '邮箱格式不正确!'
// [
// /^([a-zA-Z0-9_\.\-])+\@(([a-zA-Z0-9\-])+\.)+([a-zA-Z0-9]{2,4})+$/
// , '邮箱格式不正确'
// ]
, hrefurl: function(value){
if(value && !/(^#)|(^http(s*):\/\/[^\s]+\.[^\s]+)/.test(value)){
return '链接格式不正确!'
// [
// /(^#)|(^http(s*):\/\/[^\s]+\.[^\s]+)/
// , '链接格式不正确'
// ]
, number: function (value) {
if (isNaN(value)) return '只能填写数字'
, numberInt: function (value) {
if (value && !/^\d+$/.test(value)) return '只能填写正整数'
, date: function(value){
if(value && !/^(\d{4})[-\/](\d{1}|0\d{1}|1[0-2])([-\/](\d{1}|0\d{1}|[1-2][0-9]|3[0-1]))*$/.test(value)){
return '日期格式不正确!'
// [
// /^(\d{4})[-\/](\d{1}|0\d{1}|1[0-2])([-\/](\d{1}|0\d{1}|[1-2][0-9]|3[0-1]))*$/
// , '日期格式不正确'
// ]
, identity: function(value){
if(value && !/(^\d{15}$)|(^\d{17}(x|X|\d)$)/.test(value)){
return '请输入正确的身份证号!'
// [
// /(^\d{15}$)|(^\d{17}(x|X|\d)$)/
// , '请输入正确的身份证号'
// ]
, postalCode: function (value) {
if(value && !/^[0-9]{6}$/.test(value)){
return '请输入正确的邮政编码!'
, url: function (value) {
if(value && !/(^#)|(^http(s*):\/\/[^\s]+\.[^\s]+)/.test(value)){
return '请输入正确的链接地址!'
, name: function (value) {
var reg = /^[\u4E00-\u9FA5·sA-Za-z]{2,32}$/;
if(value && !reg.test(value)){
return '请输入正确的中英文名字并且字符长度大于2小于等于32个字符'
, specialCharacters: function (value) {
var regEn = /[`~!@#$%^&*()_+<>?:"{},.\/;'[\]]/im,
regCn = /[·!#¥(——):;“”‘、,|《。》?、【】[\]]/im;
if(value && (regEn.test(value) || regCn.test(value))){
return '不能输入特殊字符!'
if (!Array.prototype.indexOf){
Array.prototype.indexOf = function(elt /*, from*/){
var len = this.length >>> 0;
var from = Number(arguments[1]) || 0;
from = (from < 0)
? Math.ceil(from)
: Math.floor(from);
if (from < 0)
from += len;
for (; from < len; from++){
if (from in this && this[from] === elt)
return from;
return -1;
Form.prototype.set = function (options) {
var that = this;
$.extend(true, that.config, options);
return that;
Form.prototype.verify = function (settings) {
var that = this;
$.extend(true, that.config.verify, settings);
return that;
Form.prototype.on = function (events, callback) {
return layui.onevent.call(this, MOD_NAME, events, callback);
Form.prototype.val = function (filter, object) {
var that = this
, formElem = $(ELEM + '[lay-filter="' + filter + '"]');
formElem.each(function (index, item) {
var itemFrom = $(this);
layui.each(object, function (key, value) {
var itemElem = itemFrom.find('[name="' + key + '"]')
, type;
if (!itemElem[0]) return;
type = itemElem[0].type;
if (type === 'checkbox') {
itemElem[0].checked = value;
} else if (type === 'radio') { //如果为单选框
itemElem.each(function () {
if (this.value === value) {
this.checked = true
} else { //其它类型的表单
form.render(null, filter);
return that.getValue(filter);
Form.prototype.getValue = function(filter, itemForm){
itemForm = itemForm || $(ELEM + '[lay-filter="' + filter +'"]').eq(0);
var nameIndex = {} //数组 name 索引
,field = {}
,fieldElem = itemForm.find('input,select,textarea') //获取所有表单域
layui.each(fieldElem, function(_, item){
item.name = (item.name || '').replace(/^\s*|\s*&/, '');
if(!item.name) return;
//用于支持数组 name
var key = item.name.match(/^(.*)\[\]$/g)[0];
nameIndex[key] = nameIndex[key] | 0;
item.name = item.name.replace(/^(.*)\[\]$/, '$1['+ (nameIndex[key]++) +']');
// modify by gk 由于启用开关这类型的如果是关闭时候 提交from是不会出现在field里面的.改成value=1|0的 代表自定义打开|关闭的值.
if (/^checkbox|radio$/.test(item.type)) {
var valueformat = $(item).attr('valueformat');
if (valueformat) {
item.checked ? field[item.name] = valueformat.split('|')[0] : field[item.name] = valueformat.split('|')[1];
//modify by gk
else if (!item.checked && $(item).attr('lay-skin')) {
field[item.name] = '1';
}else if(!item.checked) {
} else {
field[item.name] = item.value;
}else {
field[item.name] = item.value;
return field;
Form.prototype.render = function (type, filter) {
var that = this
, elemForm = $(ELEM + function () {
return filter ? ('[lay-filter="' + filter + '"]') : '';
, items = {
//扩展的组件渲染 排在第一位
extrCompoment: function () {
var cmps = elemForm.find('[zlcomponent]');
cmps.each(function (index, cmp) {
var objName = $(this).attr('name');
var WParam = {
elem: cmp
, value: undefined
var $elems = $(cmp.tagName + '[name="' + objName + '"]');
if ($elems.length > 0) {
$elems.each(function (index, $elem) {
if ($elem.attributes.loaded == undefined || $elem.attributes.loaded.nodeValue!='1') {
layui.event('WM_USERDEF', 'WM_DRAW', WParam);
addAsterisk: function(){
var layVerify = elemForm.find('[lay-verify]');
layVerify.each(function () {
var versArr = $(this).attr('lay-verify').split('|'),
parentDiv = $(this).parents(".layui-input-block"),
str = parentDiv.prev().text(),
noStr = str.indexOf("*") === -1;
if(noStr && (versArr.indexOf("required")>-1)){
parentDiv.prev().prepend('<span style="color:red">*</span>');
select: function () {
var TIPS = '请选择', CLASS = 'layui-form-select', TITLE = 'layui-select-title'
, NONE = 'layui-select-none', initValue = '', thatInput
, selects = elemForm.find('select')
//隐藏 select
, hide = function (e, clear) {
if (!$(e.target).parent().hasClass(TITLE) || clear) {
$('.' + CLASS).removeClass(CLASS + 'ed ' + CLASS + 'up');
thatInput && initValue && thatInput.val(initValue);
thatInput = null;
, events = function (reElem, disabled, isSearch,readonly) {
var select = $(this)
, title = reElem.find('.' + TITLE)
, input = title.find('input')
, dl = reElem.find('dl')
, dds = dl.children('dd')
, index = this.selectedIndex //当前选中的索引
, nearElem; //select 组件当前选中的附近元素,用于辅助快捷键功能
if (disabled) return;
if (readonly) return;
var showDown = function () {
var top = reElem.offset().top + reElem.outerHeight() + 5 - $win.scrollTop()
, dlHeight = dl.outerHeight();
index = select[0].selectedIndex; //获取最新的 selectedIndex
reElem.addClass(CLASS + 'ed');
nearElem = null;
if (top + dlHeight > $win.height() && top >= dlHeight) {
reElem.addClass(CLASS + 'up');
, hideDown = function (choose) {
reElem.removeClass(CLASS + 'ed ' + CLASS + 'up');
nearElem = null;
if (choose) return;
notOption(input.val(), function (none) {
if (none) {
initValue = dl.find('.' + THIS).html();
input && input.val(initValue);
, followScroll = function () {
var thisDd = dl.children('dd.' + THIS);
if (!thisDd[0]) return;
var posTop = thisDd.position().top
, dlHeight = dl.height()
, ddHeight = thisDd.height();
if (posTop > dlHeight) {
dl.scrollTop(posTop + dl.scrollTop() - dlHeight + ddHeight - 5);
if (posTop < 0) {
dl.scrollTop(posTop + dl.scrollTop() - 5);
title.on('click', function (e) {
reElem.hasClass(CLASS + 'ed') ? (
) : (
hide(e, true),
dl.find('.' + NONE).remove();
title.find('.layui-edge').on('click', function () {
//select 中 input 键盘事件
input.on('keyup', function (e) { //键盘松开
var keyCode = e.keyCode;
if (keyCode === 9) {
}).on('keydown', function (e) { //键盘按下
var keyCode = e.keyCode;
if (keyCode === 9) {
//标注 dd 的选中状态
var setThisDd = function (prevNext, thisElem1) {
var nearDd, cacheNearElem
var thisElem = function () {
var thisDd = dl.children('dd.' + THIS);
//如果是搜索状态,且按 Down 键,且当前可视 dd 元素在选中元素之前,
//则将当前可视 dd 元素的上一个元素作为虚拟的当前选中元素,以保证递归不中断
if (dl.children('dd.' + HIDE)[0] && prevNext === 'next') {
var showDd = dl.children('dd:not(.' + HIDE + ',.' + DISABLED + ')')
, firstIndex = showDd.eq(0).index();
if (firstIndex >= 0 && firstIndex < thisDd.index() && !showDd.hasClass(THIS)) {
return showDd.eq(0).prev()[0] ? showDd.eq(0).prev() : dl.children(':last');
if (thisElem1 && thisElem1[0]) {
return thisElem1;
if (nearElem && nearElem[0]) {
return nearElem;
return thisDd;
//return dds.eq(index);
cacheNearElem = thisElem[prevNext](); //当前元素的附近元素
nearDd = thisElem[prevNext]('dd:not(.' + HIDE + ')'); //当前可视元素的 dd 元素
//如果附近的元素不存在,则停止执行,并清空 nearElem
if (!cacheNearElem[0]) return nearElem = null;
nearElem = thisElem[prevNext]();
//如果附近不是 dd ,或者附近的 dd 元素是禁用状态,则进入递归查找
if ((!nearDd[0] || nearDd.hasClass(DISABLED)) && nearElem[0]) {
return setThisDd(prevNext, nearElem);
nearDd.addClass(THIS).siblings().removeClass(THIS); //标注样式
followScroll(); //定位滚动条
if (keyCode === 38) setThisDd('prev'); //Up 键
if (keyCode === 40) setThisDd('next'); //Down 键
//Enter 键
if (keyCode === 13) {
dl.children('dd.' + THIS).trigger('click');
//检测值是否不属于 select 项
var notOption = function (value, callback, origin) {
var num = 0;
layui.each(dds, function () {
var othis = $(this)
, text = othis.text()
, not = text.indexOf(value) === -1;
if (value === '' || (origin === 'blur') ? value !== text : not) num++;
origin === 'keyup' && othis[not ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass'](HIDE);
var none = num === dds.length;
return callback(none), none;
var search = function (e) {
var value = this.value, keyCode = e.keyCode;
if (keyCode === 9 || keyCode === 13
|| keyCode === 37 || keyCode === 38
|| keyCode === 39 || keyCode === 40
) {
return false;
notOption(value, function (none) {
if (none) {
dl.find('.' + NONE)[0] || dl.append('<p class="' + NONE + '">无匹配项</p>');
} else {
dl.find('.' + NONE).remove();
}, 'keyup');
if (value === '') {
dl.find('.' + NONE).remove();
followScroll(); //定位滚动条
if (isSearch) {
input.on('keyup', search).on('blur', function (e) {
var selectedIndex = select[0].selectedIndex;
thatInput = input; //当前的 select 中的 input 元素
initValue = $(select[0].options[selectedIndex]).html(); //重新获得初始选中值
setTimeout(function () {
notOption(input.val(), function (none) {
initValue || input.val(''); //none && !initValue
}, 'blur');
}, 200);
dds.on('click', function () {
var othis = $(this), value = othis.attr('lay-value');
var filter = select.attr('lay-filter'); //获取过滤器
if (othis.hasClass(DISABLED)) return false;
if (othis.hasClass('layui-select-tips')) {
} else {
layui.event.call(this, MOD_NAME, 'select(' + filter + ')', {
elem: select[0]
, value: value
, othis: reElem
return false;
reElem.find('dl>dt').on('click', function (e) {
return false;
$(document).off('click', hide).on('click', hide); //点击其它元素关闭 select
selects.each(function (index, select) {
var othis = $(this)
, hasRender = othis.next('.' + CLASS)
, disabled = this.disabled
, readonly = othis.attr("readonly")
, value = select.value
// , selected = $(select.options[select.selectedIndex]) //获取当前选中项
, selected = $(select.options[select.selectedIndex == -1 ? 0 : select.selectedIndex])
, optionsFirst = select.options[0];
if (typeof othis.attr('lay-ignore') === 'string') return othis.show();
var isSearch = typeof othis.attr('lay-search') === 'string'
, placeholder = optionsFirst ? (
optionsFirst.value ? TIPS : (optionsFirst.innerHTML || TIPS)
) : TIPS;
var reElem = $(['<div class="' + (isSearch ? '' : 'layui-unselect ') + CLASS
, (disabled ? ' layui-select-disabled' : '') + '">'
, '<div class="' + TITLE + '">'
, ('<input type="text" placeholder="' + placeholder + '" '
+ ('value="' + (value ? selected.html() : '') + '"') //默认值
+ (isSearch ? '' : ' readonly') //是否开启搜索
+ ' class="layui-input'
+ (isSearch ? '' : ' layui-unselect')
+ (disabled ? (' ' + DISABLED) : '') + '">') //禁用状态
, '<i class="layui-edge"></i></div>'
, '<dl class="layui-anim layui-anim-upbit' + (othis.find('optgroup')[0] ? ' layui-select-group' : '') + '">'
, function (options) {
var arr = [];
layui.each(options, function (index, item) {
if (index === 0 && !item.value) {
arr.push('<dd lay-value="" class="layui-select-tips">' + (item.innerHTML || TIPS) + '</dd>');
} else if (item.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'optgroup') {
arr.push('<dt>' + item.label + '</dt>');
} else {
arr.push('<dd lay-value="' + item.value + '" class="' + (value === item.value ? THIS : '') + (item.disabled ? (' ' + DISABLED) : '') + '">' + item.innerHTML + '</dd>');
arr.length === 0 && arr.push('<dd lay-value="" class="' + DISABLED + '">没有选项</dd>');
return arr.join('');
}(othis.find('*')) + '</dl>'
, '</div>'].join(''));
hasRender[0] && hasRender.remove(); //如果已经渲染则Rerender
events.call(this, reElem, disabled, isSearch, readonly);
, checkbox: function () {
var CLASS = {
checkbox: ['layui-form-checkbox', 'layui-form-checked', 'checkbox']
, _switch: ['layui-form-switch', 'layui-form-onswitch', 'switch']
, checks = elemForm.find('input[type=checkbox]')
, events = function (reElem, RE_CLASS) {
var check = $(this);
reElem.on('click', function () {
var filter = check.attr('lay-filter') //获取过滤器
, text = (check.attr('lay-text') || '').split('|');
if (check[0].disabled) return;
if ($(check[0]).attr('readonly') == 'readonly') return;
check[0].checked ? (
check[0].checked = false
, reElem.removeClass(RE_CLASS[1]).find('em').text(text[1])
) : (
check[0].checked = true
, reElem.addClass(RE_CLASS[1]).find('em').text(text[0])
layui.event.call(check[0], MOD_NAME, RE_CLASS[2] + '(' + filter + ')', {
elem: check[0]
, value: check[0].value
, othis: reElem
checks.each(function (index, check) {
var othis = $(this), skin = othis.attr('lay-skin')
, text = (othis.attr('lay-text') || '').split('|'), disabled = this.disabled;
if (skin === 'switch') skin = '_' + skin;
var RE_CLASS = CLASS[skin] || CLASS.checkbox;
if (typeof othis.attr('lay-ignore') === 'string') return othis.show();
var hasRender = othis.next('.' + RE_CLASS[0])
, reElem = $(['<div class="layui-unselect ' + RE_CLASS[0]
, (check.checked ? (' ' + RE_CLASS[1]) : '') //选中状态
, (disabled ? ' layui-checkbox-disbaled ' + DISABLED : '') //禁用状态
, '"'
, (skin ? ' lay-skin="' + skin + '"' : '') //风格
, '>'
, function () { //不同风格的内容
var title = check.title.replace(/\s/g, '')
, type = {
checkbox: [
(title ? ('<span>' + check.title + '</span>') : '')
, '<i class="layui-icon layui-icon-ok"></i>'
, _switch: '<em>' + ((check.checked ? text[0] : text[1]) || '') + '</em><i></i>'
return type[skin] || type['checkbox'];
, '</div>'].join(''));
hasRender[0] && hasRender.remove(); //如果已经渲染则Rerender
events.call(this, reElem, RE_CLASS);
, radio: function () {
var CLASS = 'layui-form-radio', ICON = ['&#xe643;', '&#xe63f;']
, radios = elemForm.find('input[type=radio]')
, events = function (reElem) {
var radio = $(this), ANIM = 'layui-anim-scaleSpring';
reElem.on('click', function () {
var name = radio[0].name, forms = radio.parents(ELEM);
var filter = radio.attr('lay-filter'); //获取过滤器
var sameRadio = forms.find('input[name=' + name.replace(/(\.|#|\[|\])/g, '\\$1') + ']'); //找到相同name的兄弟
if (radio[0].disabled) return;
if ($(radio[0]).attr('readonly') == 'readonly') return;
layui.each(sameRadio, function () {
var next = $(this).next('.' + CLASS);
this.checked = false;
next.removeClass(CLASS + 'ed');
radio[0].checked = true;
reElem.addClass(CLASS + 'ed');
layui.event.call(radio[0], MOD_NAME, 'radio(' + filter + ')', {
elem: radio[0]
, value: radio[0].value
, othis: reElem
radios.each(function (index, radio) {
var othis = $(this), hasRender = othis.next('.' + CLASS), disabled = this.disabled;
if (typeof othis.attr('lay-ignore') === 'string') return othis.show();
hasRender[0] && hasRender.remove(); //如果已经渲染则Rerender
var reElem = $(['<div class="layui-unselect ' + CLASS
, (radio.checked ? (' ' + CLASS + 'ed') : '') //选中状态
, (disabled ? ' layui-radio-disbaled ' + DISABLED : '') + '">' //禁用状态
, '<i class="layui-anim layui-icon">' + ICON[radio.checked ? 0 : 1] + '</i>'
, '<div>' + function () {
var title = radio.title || '';
if (typeof othis.next().attr('lay-radio') === 'string') {
title = othis.next().html();
return title
}() + '</div>'
, '</div>'].join(''));
events.call(this, reElem);
type ? (
items[type] ? items[type]() : hint.error('不支持的' + type + '表单渲染')
) : layui.each(items, function (index, item) {
return that;
var submit = function () {
var button = $(this), verify = form.config.verify, stop = null
, DANGER = 'layui-form-danger', field = {}, elem = button.parents(ELEM)
, verifyElem = elem.find('*[lay-verify]') //获取需要校验的元素
, formElem = button.parents('form')[0] //获取当前所在的form元素如果存在的话
, fieldElem = elem.find('input,select,textarea') //获取所有表单域
, filter = button.attr('lay-filter'); //获取过滤器
layui.each(verifyElem, function (_, item) {
var othis = $(this)
, vers = othis.attr('lay-verify').split('|')
, value
, verType = othis.attr('lay-verType');//提示方式
if(typeof($(this).attr("zlcomponent"))=="undefined" || $(this)[0].tagName=='SELECT'){
value = othis.val();
value = othis.find("input").val();
//非空的情况才去校验 允许为空 modify by gk
//if (!$.inArray("require", vers) && value == "") { }
layui.each(vers, function (_, thisVer) {
var isTrue //是否命中校验
, errorText = '' //错误提示文本
, isFn = typeof verify[thisVer] === 'function';
if (verify[thisVer]) {
var isTrue = isFn ? errorText = verify[thisVer](value, item) : !verify[thisVer][0].test(value);
errorText = errorText || verify[thisVer][1];
// if ((isTrue && thisVer === 'required') || (isTrue && value)) {
if (isTrue) {
if (verType === 'tips') {
layer.tips(errorText, function () {
if (typeof othis.attr('lay-ignore') !== 'string') {
if (item.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'select' || /^checkbox|radio$/.test(item.type)) {
return othis.next();
return othis;
}(), { tips: 1 });
} else if (verType === 'alert') {
layer.alert(errorText, { title: '提示', shadeClose: true });
} else {
layer.msg(errorText, { icon: 5, shift: 6 });
if (!device.android && !device.ios) item.focus(); //非移动设备自动定位焦点
return stop = true;
if (stop) return stop;
if (stop) return false;
var nameIndex = {}; //数组 name 索引
layui.each(fieldElem, function (_, item) {
item.name = (item.name || '').replace(/^\s*|\s*&/, '');
if (!item.name) return;
//用于支持数组 name
if (/^.*\[\]$/.test(item.name)) {
var key = item.name.match(/^(.*)\[\]$/g)[0];
nameIndex[key] = nameIndex[key] | 0;
item.name = item.name.replace(/^(.*)\[\]$/, '$1[' + (nameIndex[key]++) + ']');
// modify by gk 由于启用开关这类型的如果是关闭时候 提交from是不会出现在field里面的.改成value=1|0的 代表自定义打开|关闭的值.
if (/^checkbox|radio$/.test(item.type)) {
var valueformat = $(item).attr('valueformat');
if (valueformat) {
item.checked ? field[item.name] = valueformat.split('|')[0] : field[item.name] = valueformat.split('|')[1];
//modify by gk
else if (!item.checked && $(item).attr('lay-skin')) {
field[item.name] = '1';
}else if(!item.checked) {
} else {
field[item.name] = item.value;
}else {
field[item.name] = item.value;
return layui.event.call(this, MOD_NAME, 'submit(' + filter + ')', {
elem: this
, form: formElem
, field: field
var form = new Form()
, $dom = $(document), $win = $(window);
$dom.on('reset', ELEM, function () {
var filter = $(this).attr('lay-filter');
setTimeout(function () {
form.render(null, filter);
}, 50);
$dom.on('submit', ELEM, submit)
.on('click', '*[lay-submit]', submit);
exports(MOD_NAME, form);